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Catgirls copypasta

The year is 2025.

    Okayu copypasta
    The year is 2025.
    The Mark V catgirl refuses to respond to the name "Okayu" and is thus another failure. I consult my notes as I consider the best method for liquidation when I hear the screech of steel giving way. She's escaped.
    My eyes switch rapidly between my screen and the area around me as I follow the tracker in her tail. The woods grow darker as sunset approaches.
    After some time, I get close enough to notice she's stationary. Alarms ring in my head as my instincts warn me. I scan the trees and see the purple line of what used to be her tail hanging off a branch in front of me.
    She pounces from the top branches of a tree behind me, my reflexes kicking in too late to save my left eye. Claws rake my ribs (why the hell did I give her those anyway?) but I manage to sink a tranquilizer in her arm and shake her off me.
    I fall half a step later. When did she get my Achilles' tendon? She approaches slowly, a mad grin on her face as she mockingly chants "Mogu mogu mogu".

    Catgirl fetishes are over.

      Society finally recovered from the bee movie.
      SINCE FUCKING 2000-LATE I’VE BEEN HEARING ABOUT ELON MUSK MAKING CAT GIRLS AND THAT IS BULL SHIT. Catgirls? Catboys? That sounds stupid as fuck how about instead of making useless shit like pussy that goes nya nyaaan we make something, #BETTER #FUCNTIONAL #FUN
      That’s right motherfucker, I’m talking about anthropomorphic honey bees, AKA HUNNIES which sounds 10,000% better in English than CatGirl/Boy/Person/SpaceCadet . Have you not seen the hype on r/honeyfuckers ? Those MF’s are thicc. oH BuT aReNt MoSt BeEs MeN? Hurr hurrdy hurr, WHO CARES it’s crazy you spend 24 hours a day simping for some femboys but you can’t find a voluptuous piece of stinger yielding ass appealing? OBVIOUSLY if they’re going to genetically engineered they’re having at LEAST triple B tiddies if not larger. How about instead of waiting for the end of the world and cwying “uwuuuu daddy I nweed to gwo to the mwooon beclaws cwapitalizm is scawwwy” you shut the fuck up and accept the future is changing.

      My Dick is Hydrophobic

        As a man of culture, I regularly take part in the natural act of masturbation. For you non-scholars, I am saying that I regularly spank the shit out of my meat to anime babes and / or cat girls. In accordance with the Geneva Convention article 4A paragraph 6, I exclusively use oil based lubricants (such as Vaseline or WD-40). After years of applying this buttery concoction to my 3 inch destroyer, enough has permanently absorbed into the skin of my dick and balls to the point that water is actually repelled when applied. Yes, my dick can now act as a flotation device in case of emergency water landings. Take that libtards.