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Breaking Bad

Los Pollos Hermanos

    Hello! And welcome to the Los Pollos Hermanos family. My name is Gustavo, but you can call me "Gus". I am thrilled that you'll be joining our team. Each and every day, we serve our customers exceptional food, with impecable service. We take pride in everything that we do. And after this 10 week online seminar, I'm sure you'll fit right in. I like to think I see things in people. To begin, I'd like to talk about the cornerstone of the Los Pollos Hermanos brand. Communication. As an employee of Los Pollos Hermanos, you set the tone for the entire dining experience. Be mindful of what your words, and behavior communicate to our guests. Always be aware of your posture, remember to stand up straight. Your customers and your back will thank you for it. Put effort into your appearance, all employees are required to dress appropriately. Keep your uniform clean, and pressed. If you want respect, you must look respectable. Speak in complete sentences, we never use one word greetings like "Hey" or "Yeah?" Always make eye contact, and finally, whenever you're with a customer or not, remain composed. Inside, you can be thinking about your homework, or friends, or your side business, but no one should ever know it. Because at Los Pollos Hermanos, someone... Is always watching. So dont forget to smile! Thats all for today, see you next time when we'll be discussing cleanliness.

    Breaking Bad Skyrim

      I am the one who shouts. I used to be a mild-mannered alchemist in Whiterun, until I was diagnosed with rockjoint. The healers told me I had only a few months to live. I didn't want to leave my wife and son with nothing, so I decided to use my skills to make the most potent skooma in all of Skyrim. I teamed up with a former student of mine, a Khajiit named Jesse, and we set up a secret lab in an abandoned Dwemer ruin. We had to deal with bandits, Thalmor, dragons, and even the Dark Brotherhood. But we managed to build an empire of skooma that spread across Tamriel. I became known as Heisenberg, the most feared and respected skooma lord in history. But I also became a monster, who lied, cheated, killed, and betrayed everyone who cared about me. I lost my family, my friends, and my soul. And now, I'm standing on the edge of Sovngarde, ready to face my final judgement. I don't expect any mercy from the gods. I don't deserve it. I did it for myself. I liked it. I was good at it. And I was really... I was alive.

      Jesse pinkman turns into a femboy

        Walter: Jesse, what the hell is going on with you?
        Jesse: (voice cracking) I, uh, I don't know bitch what you mean, Mr. White.
        Walter: You've been acting strange lately. Your clothes, your hair, your mannerisms. It's like you're a different person.
        Jesse: (voice trembling) I'm just trying to be who I really am bitch.
        Walter: And who is that, Jesse? A femboy?
        Jesse: (voice softening) Yes, Mr. White. I've always felt like I was meant to be a girl.
        Walter: (sighs) Jesse, this is not who you are. You're a man, a drug dealer, and my partner.
        Jesse: (voice quivering) But Mr. White, I can't keep pretending to be someone I'm not. I need to be true to myself.
        Walter: (voice raising) Jesse, this is not about being true to yourself. This is about you letting your emotions and insecurities take over. You need to snap out of it and focus on what's important.
        Jesse: (voice pleading) Mr. White, please, I just want to be happy.
        Walter: (voice cold) Jesse, you're not happy. You're a mess. And if you don't snap out of it, I'll have no choice but to end this once and for all.
        Jesse: (voice sobbing) Mr. White, please don't do this.
        Walter: (voice calm) Jesse, it's for your own good. (points gun at Jesse)
        Jesse: (voice terrified) Mr. White, please, no!
        (Walter pulls the trigger, killing Jesse)
        Walter: (voice regretful) I'm sorry, Jesse. But this was the only way. (walks away)

        The real reason Walt broke bad was because of that terrible handjob

          I'm telling you, the real reason Walter broke bad was because he received the world's shittiest handjob which made him reconsider his entire existence. Your wife yanking around your 50 year old half chub with 10% of her attention while simultaneously borderline orgasming at selling a girthy 8,5 inch vase on eBay for 56 dollars is an experience that people in the darkest bdsm dungeons would be shivering at. I swear to god Walter Jr. is probably having a wilder sex life on the other side of the wall with his sock than these two have had in the past five years.
          So when he received his cancer diagnosis the prolonged silence was not due to shock but because of pure bliss and relief because he knew that in a few years he'll likely be dead and won't have to live like that.
          That's why when he received the news of remission he was so goddamn angry. And I don't know why people see the Salamanca twins as villains, they were clearly just tryna help a homie out and spare him from this existence. Oh, but why did they go after Hank then, you might ask? Well, then you clearly don't remember Hank's handjob scene from season 4, they were trying to save him from that. Really they were the true heroes of this show trying to save people from fucking miserable, dick shriveling handjobs.
          And then, of course, shit starts happening, Skyler fucks Ted and Walt goes off the chain prolly thinking stuff like "bet she didn't give just a shitty handjob to Ted, oh no! My god, I wouldn't even be surprised if she agreed to do anal with him! While I've been pleading for years!". That right there's a thought progression enough to start a man crashing plants in random office buildings. And the way it can mess with your sexual thinking, Lord only knows what kind of cataclysmic insanities Walt was busting nuts to while living alone.
          But then Walt has a romantic dinner with Gus, realises there's at least someone who'd probably agree to have anal with him, meanwhile Ted gets paralyzed, no more anal for him, Walt calls up Skyler "I won".
          Now Walt can be smug for the entirety of season 5, he's back on top of the sex chain. So Breaking Bad is really about Walt's sexual transformation from a submissive forced-into-humiliation-kink middle aged man to a borderline sex offender to an off the rails cuck to a pure alpha male who's ascended past sex and at the end of season 5 we can see him die with bliss on his face because he's redeemed himself.


            Waltuh copypasta
            finger: waltuh, put your dick away, waltuh
            finger: i'm not having sex with you right now waltuh
            waltuh, put your dick away waltuh. i'm not having sex with you right now waltuh - Mike
            Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul character Michael Erhmantraut, portrayed by American actor Johnathan Banks, inhales a large amount of air into his lungs in order to prepare to speak to Walter White, portrayed by American actor Bryan Cranston

            AITA for roleplaying as Walter White during sex?

              I know the title sounds bad but please hear me out.
              I (37M) and my wife (25F) have had complications with sex our entire marriage (4 years), but recently we’ve started having more and more sex recently! I love my wife, and she loves me I think.
              Now onto the story: I have been a massive breaking bad fan for years, I have all the merch and funko pops. But my wife thinks it’s an “unhealthy obsession”, which is just completely and utterly false! We were in the mood 2 days ago and we started having hot steamy sex, and while I was grunting I said “Oh yeah Jesse, im gonna cook up your boy pussy!” And my wife instantly said “WHAT!?” And I, realising my mistake, said “Nothing, probably just the wind.”
              We continued going at it and we were reaching the climax, as soon as I came I yelled “Jesse! Feel my crystal blue cum!” And my wife threw me off instantly and yelled “I’m done! I hate you and I hate your stupid breaking bad obsession, and I’ve been fucking another guy because you won’t shut up about ‘Better Call Saul’ and how ‘Kim’ is a better wife than me!”.
              As she was yelling more about how breaking bad is ruining me I told her “you’re acting just like skyler!” And she yelled that we are getting a divorce.
              She has now moved into a motel and I’ve been thinking about what happened, I personally don’t believe I’m in the wrong, but I want to hear it from Reddit.