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Bocchi the Rock!

Bocchi is literally me.

    Bocchi is literally me

    Bocchi is literally me. No other character can come close to relating to me like her. There is no way you can convince me that I’m not Bocchi. Bocchi could not possibly be any more me. It’s me, and nobody can convince me otherwise. If anyone approached me about this not possibly being me, I immediately shut them down with overwhelming evidence that Bocchi was me. Bocchi is absolutely me; it is indisputable. Why anyone would try to argue that Bocchi is not me is beyond me. If you held two pictures of me and Bocchi side by side, you’d see no difference. I can safely look at Bocchi every day and say, “Yup, she’s me.” I can practically see Bocchi whenever I look at myself in the mirror. I go outside, and people stop me from commenting on how similar I look and act as Bocchi is. I chuckle softly as I’m assured every day Bocchi is me in every way. I can smile each time I get out of bed each morning, knowing that I’ve found my identity with Bocchi and I know my place in this world. It’s amusing how similar she is to me; it’s almost like identical twins. When I first saw Bocchi, I had an existential crisis. What it Bocchi was the real me and I was the fictional being? What if she actually became aware of my existence? Did she have the ability to become self-aware?

    Bocchi and I are one and the same

    Bocchi and I are one and the same. No other, out of all heroes, fiends, fools, queens, living and undead, I only find myself relating to Bocchi. Many have tried, many will try, and yet many have failed, and many will fail to stir my mind and dissuade me into considering I am not Bocchi. In all but name, Bocchi is my equal in every aspect, and she is incapable of being anything more like me-- and I incapable of being more like she. Bocchi is I, and none can prove anything but that.

    Inconceivable notion that I am not Bocchi

    Were one to advance towards me and suggest the inconceivable notion that I am not Bocchi, with utmost haste, their claims would be silenced once they gaze upon the overwhelming pool of truth of Bocchi and I being the same, for 'tis undisputable; Bocchi is certainly I, I who cannot comprehend why one would waste breath and energy to claim that Bocchi is seperate from me.

    Doth thou compare a depiction of Bocchi

    Doth thou compare a depiction of Bocchi and a depiction of myself, there would be not a single discrepancy. With an undying certainty, I am able to look at Bocchi at any time, and with no hesitation, speaketh "Verily, she is me". When mine eyes behold mine reflection, Bocchi greets me with the same stare.

    Whenst I venture forth

    Whenst I venture forth, brigands prevent me from remarking on how Bocchi and I breathe the same air and tread the same grass. If I do not guffaw loudly, I chuckle softly as it is assured daily that Bocchi is I, in every imaginable way. I awaken each morn with a grin, content in knowing who I am, and who Bocchi is, and that she and I have found mine place on this pitiful earth.

    Upon the first time mine eyes laid upon Bocchi the Rock

    It is entertainingly curious how she is to I how I am to her, as though we were babes from the same womb. Upon the first time mine eyes laid upon Bocchi the Rock, mine mind itself was Rocked by the Bocchi to its core. Lo, I felt as though-- nay, I thought as though-- nay, I knew-- Bocchi was the true I, and I was merely a work of fiction.

    I ponder to myself on what would occur

    I ponder to myself on what would occur were she aware of mine being. Mayhaps she has the ability to know her own existence, not of that as a work of fiction, but as a work of fiction knowing she is a work of fiction?

    Every Bocchi the Rock copypasta

    Kikuri’s hand beating against my body

      God why can’t this be me? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKK. My rage will never be satiated, the hatred that grows within me will never be tamed by Kikuri’s hand beating against my body. This world is cruel and pointless, God himself has condemned me to this disgusting cockroach planet with nothing. I’m tortured by the view into a better world while being condemned to this godforsaken planet. I hate it so much, I can’t take being here anymore. Every second without Kikuri assaulting me and calling me slurs before hatefucking is a second of pointlessness and agony. Every second without her threatening to smash my fucking skull in as I sob and beg for her to stop is the worst pain any human being can experience. My pain is constant and sharp, and I don’t wish for a better world for anyone.

      i want nijika to perform the fnaf 5 real ending on me

        oh my fucking god i want nijika to perform the fnaf 5 real ending on me. I so desperately want her to tear my organs out and make a little home inside. I need her to beat the actual ever-living shit out of me. I need her to make me her drums. I want to rip off my skin in one fell swoop and line her drums with it. She will slowly and painfully gourge out my eyballs with her drumsticks. Should i seek help? Is there any hope for me at all left?

        The Nijika Pledge

          Every Nijika copypasta
          Since Nijika is the paragone of human virtue without equal past or present, she is most resplendent in love, tributes and accolades. Waking or sleeping, I must not forget Nijika’s great boon and in order to return her favour by day and by night, I should only think of fulfilling my loyalty.
          Who is Nijika? For the blind, she is vision. For the hungry, she is the chef. For the thirsty, she is water. If Nijika thinks, I agree. If Nijika speaks, I'm listening. If Nijika has a million fans, I am one of them. If Nijika has ten fans, I am one of them. If Nijika has only one fan, that is me. If Nijika has no fans, I no longer exist. If the whole world is against Nijika, I am against the whole world. I will love Nijika until my very last breath.
          Who is Nijika?
          For the blind, she is their vision. For the deaf, she is their music. For the mute, she is their voice. For the anosmiac, she is their aroma. For the numb, she is their feeling. For the atrophied, she is their muscle.
          For the starved, she is their sustenance. For the thirsty, she is their water. For the exhausted, she is their energy.
          For the depressed, she is their happiness. For the disillusioned, she is their hope. For the pessimistic, she is their optimism.
          For the disadvantaged, she is their champion. For the marginalised, she is their justice. For the oppressed, she is their salvation.
          For the righteous, she is their symbol. For the enlightened, she is their muse. For the erudite, she is their education.
          If Nijika speaks, I listen. If Nijika questions, I answer. If Nijika orders, I obey.
          If Nijika opines, I agree. If Nijika fears, I assure. If Nijika hopes, I dream.
          If Nijika is happy, I am jubilant. If Nijika is angry, I am apoplectic. If Nijika is sad, I am disconsolate.
          Nijika is my ideal, Nijika is my romance, Nijika is my passion.
          Nijika is my strength, Nijika is my compass, Nijika is my destination.
          Nijika is my language, Nijika is my culture, Nijika is my religion.
          Nijika is my ocean, Nijika is my mountain, Nijika is my sky, Nijika is my air, Nijika is my sun, Nijika is my moon, Nijika is my world.
          Nijika is history, Nijika is present, Nijika is future.
          If Nijika has a million fans, I am one of them. If Nijika has a thousand fans, I am one of them. If Nijika has a hundred fans, I am one of them. If Nijika has ten fans, I am one of them. If Nijika has only one fan, that is me. If Nijika has no fans, I no longer exist.
          If the whole universe is for Nijika, then I am for the whole universe. If the whole universe is against Nijika, then I am against the whole universe.
          I will love, cherish, and protect Nijika until my very last breath; my successors will love, cherish and protect Nijika until their very last breath.
          In Nijika we trust, amen 🙏