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beta cuck soyboy simp

My god, my dad is such a fucking simp you guys

    My god, my dad is such a fucking simp you guys. Last night, my dad started saying all these cringe things to my mom because it was their "20 year anniversary" like "I love you" and "I can't imagine my life without you". I was cringing so hard but then this morning, my cuck dad decided to make my mom breakfast in bed and I swear to god, my face contorted like I ate a sour lemon raw. I couldn't imagine the man who made me would become such a beta cuck soyboy simp for a woman. I told my dad he was acting like a little bitch and he said he thought it was time for me to move out. All because I'm 34 years old and called him out for being a major pussy and loving his wife. So glad to move out of this cringe house as soon as my social security check come in the mail.