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“Berserk readers have no reading comprehension”

    Berserk copypasta
    “Berserk readers have no reading comprehension”
    This statement pisses me off a lot because it’s usually done by the r/berserklejerk community where they criticise the posts on the main sub for being stupid but they’re really just posters from r/berserklejerk trolling on the main sub. Also they act like a bunch of self-entitled cunts and look down on us. Just because some people struggle to understand Berserk doesn’t mean you should judge them for it and not everyone can read and write you know. Also, how are they going to call us stupid when all they do is post the same Donovan, Rape Horse, nuts and Cosco and Griffussy memes while they leech onto content from the main sub like a malnourished infant suckling onto the sagging teat of their starving mother. If anything they’re the ones that are stupid. That sub exists for a reason don’t post on this one.