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Kill all Argonians

    kill argonians, behead argonians, roundhouse kick Argonian into the concrete, slam dunk a argonian baby into the trash can, crucify filthy argonians, defecate into argonians food, launch argonians into the sun, stir fry argonians in a wok, toss argonians into active volcanoes, urinate into argonian's gas tank, Judo throw argonians into a wood chipper, twist argonians heads off, report argonians to the IRS, karate chop argonians in half, curb stomp pregnant argonians, trap argonians in quicksand, Crush argonians in the trash compactor, liquify argonians in a vat of acid, eat argonians, dissect argonians, exterminate argonians in the gas chamber, stomp Argonian skulls with steel-toed boots, cremate argonians in the oven, lobotomized argonians, mandatory abortions for argonians, grind Argonian fetuses in the garbage disposal, drown argonians in fried chicken grease, vaporize argonians with a raygun, kick old argonians down the stairs, feed argonians to alligators, slice argonians with a katana.

    Love all argonians

    love argonians, protect argonians, kiss argonians on the snout, sneak up behind argonians and give them a hug, liberate argonians, cook argonians a nice breakfast, give argonians a college education, pay argonians Fair wages, heal argonians, complement argonians on their scales and horns, create a stable job market for argonians, give argonians quests, let argonians teach restoration magic to the people, tuck argonians into bed and let them know it will be okay, teach argonians that they are not all Lusty or servants, break stereotypes about argonians, try Argonian Cuisine, Embrace argonians, fuck argonians, let argonians know they have a valuable place in society, give argonians magic weapons and pay them to defend your Treasures, learn the unique combat styles of argonians, give an Argonian an Ebony spear, seduce argonians, engage argonians in Long Pleasant conversation, play League of Legends with argonians, guide argonians through the rough and Rocky Waters of life, let argonians plot with you to destroy the mongrel dogs of the Empire, pat argonians on the back for a job well done, employ argonians, love argonians.