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anime copypasta

Watashi wa 👅 a 👌 victim of 💦 cyberbullying.

    Watashi wa 👅 a 👌 victim of 💦 cyberbullying. Everyday 🗓 someone 👤 online 💻 calls 🗣 me 😭 a 👌 "weeb" desu. 👌 Watashi won't 🚫 stand 💨 for 🍆 this. 👈 26 percent 🔟 of 💦 bullying 😂 victims are 🔢 chosen due to 💦 their 🍆 race 🖕 or 💁 religion 🕋 desu. 👌 I 👁 may 🗓 look 👀 like 💖 a 👌 basic 🚂 white 👱 boy, 👦 but 🍑 deep 😱 down 🔻 I 👁 am 👏 Nihongo desu. 👌 Watashi religion 🕋 is 💦 anime. 😹 Anata wa 👅 bullying 😂 me 😭 because 💁 of 💦 my 👨 race 🖕 and 👏 religion 🕋 desu 👌 ka? Disgusting 😝 desu. 👌 Anata should 💘 be 🐝 ashamed 😳 of 💦 yourself, 🙄 pig. A 👌 baka gaijin like 💖 anata is 💦 probably 😻 jealous 😒 of 💦 my 👨 race 🖕 and 👏 culture, cause 💋 Nippon is 💦 more 🍗 sugoi than 👉 your 👏 shitty 💩 country 🏃 desu. 👌 Watashi pity 😢 anata. You'll 👉 never 🙅 be 🐝 Nihongo like 💖 watashi. I'm 💘 a 👌 weeb? Pfft. I 👁 AM 👏 AN 👹 OTAKU DESU. 👌 Educate yourself 🙄 on 🔛 nani a 👌 "weeb" is 💦 before 😂 anata try 😐 to 💦 insult 😦 watashi desu. 👌 I 👁 WILL 👏 NOT 🚫 BE 🐝 CYBERBULLIED ANYMORE. 🔥 REPORTED.
    Arigatou 💘 for my first gold💦 and silver🔥 , Stranger sama💋 👅

    A legitimate post from r/Konosoba.

      Why did the lightnovel make Megumins panties white? Quite the contrast to how mature she usually speaks and wants to act.
      The Anime done it right. Black panties for Megumin are the right. White would just show immaturity. Well she still is immature, but she acts and speaks like she were mature.
      If I want to show off how mature I am, I would wear black. White panties would just be an admit that she is still a "child". So Megumin wouldn't admit that and wear black. Not white.
      Yes yes, I'm a pantsu philosopher.

      What does Weeaboo actually mean?

        Basically, a weeaboo is a specific variety of nerd who is overly devoted to Japanese pop culture. Their life is pretty much sustained on a diet of anime, manga, and video games, which can be a bit off-putting to others, to say the least. They can be seen using Japanese words incorrectly, dressing up like anime characters, and worshipping Japan without knowing anything about it outside what they’ve seen in anime.
        I have a dream that weebs and non-weebs can someday live together in harmony. In the words of a wise cat known as Meowth, “Maybe if we started looking at what’s the same instead of always looking at what’s different…well who knows?”

        Fucking gunshots interrupted my masturbation

          Fucking gunshots interrupted my masturbation.
          So there I was. Under my bedsheets comfortable and I had some 3.9 star hentai on and then suddenly, I just hear 6 shots.
          Now, at first I just thought they were fireworks because its nearing the fourth of July. So I just kept on wanking but as soon as I was near the end if my session, I hear 3 more REALLY loud shots causing my erection to dissapear.
          Now, at this point I was just pissed off because some random guy just happened to launch fireworks mid-nut. So I look out my window and see some dude runnin with a gun in his hand and another man running away from him.
          Needless to say, I noped my ass back to bed and am trying to get another erection.
          TLDR; Fucking guns ruined my hentai

          Asking for a friend

            Is there a sexuality for people who’re only attracted to 2d anime girls with fat tiddies? Ever since I’ve been a young lad, I’ve been revolted by the sight of real-life women, but Japanese cartoon characters have really done the trick for me. Every Friday night since 2009 I’ve dressed up in traditional Japanese clothing and swung around a sword for hours, honing my katana skills - preparing for the day that I move to Japan and become Hokage. Am I alone? If not, what’s it officially called? I thought “hentaisexual” might work but that sounds kinda retarded to me the more I think about it.

            I got banned from r/lgbt for posting this. I don’t know why, it was a legitimate question

              Asking for a friend
              Is there a sexuality for people who’re only attracted to 2d anime girls with fat tiddies? Ever since I’ve been a young lad, I’ve been revolted by the sight of real-life women, but Japanese cartoon characters have really done the trick for me. Every Friday night since 2009 I’ve dressed up in traditional Japanese clothing and swung around a sword for hours, honing my katana skills - preparing for the day that I move to Japan and become Hokage. Am I alone? If not, what’s it officially called? I thought “hentaisexual” might work but that sounds kinda retarded to me the more I think about it.