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Animal Crossing Isabelle copypasta

I want to bang the Animal Crossing Dog

    Isabelle is a fictional character from the game "Animal Crossing".
    Holy fucking shit. I want to bang the animal crossing dog so goddamn bad. I can't stand it anymore. Every time I go to the town hall I get a massive erection. I've seen literally every rule 34 post there is of her online. My dreams are nothing but constant fucking sex with Isabelle. I'm sick of waking up every morning with six nuts in my boxers and knowing that those are nuts that should've been busted inside of Isabelle's tight dog pussy. I want her to have my mutant human/dog babies.
    Fuck, my fucking mom caught me with the neighbors dog. I'd dressed her in my sister's skirt and went to fucking town. She hasn't said a word to me in 10 hours and I'm worried she's gonna take away my 3DS. I might not ever get to see Isabelle again.

    I can’t wait any longer for Isabelle’s pussy.

      Holy fucking shit. There are less than 2 days left until animal crossing comes out on the switch and I can't wait any longer. I need to see Isabelle in 1080P HD 60FPS, and I need to see her NOW. Not only is she the love of my life, but I fucking need more rule 34 of her. There is nothing more fucking hot than Isabelle, and the new game's release will (If my calculations are correct) cause a massive flood of new Isabelle rule 34. I have harassed everyone I've found with an early copy, and I've tried to convince them to give it to me in every way I know. That includes offering my mum's credit card (that's fucking revenge for trying to take away my 3DS you bitch), death threats, begging, and other typically effective means. So if anyone has an early copy, please give it to me. I physically cannot wait any longer for Isabelle.

      Ok hear me out here’s why I kissed that person in an Isabella costume

        Yes it was weird, but I have an explanation for this that I hope will be satisfactory. As you can see I was mostly looking at my phone, so it didn't occur to me that she was dizzy and probably didn't know where she was going. I thought she was just trying to interact with me like a mascot costume person at a sporting event. In my experience they usually get a little mad if you don't interact back, so I normally give them a hug. I tried to give her a hug, as you can see by my arm at the end of the video, but I realized that if I gave her a hug I could very likely rip the head clean off. I panicked at this realization and opted for a forehead kiss instead. It absolutely was not planned.
        I'd also like to point out that this all happened over the course of about half a second, I had no idea she was walking towards me until I turned my head. The Nintendo employee with her didn't seem very upset at me and kinda laughed, she was the person saying "You're precious, alright let's- watch out, watch out, aww" in the video, which I'd like to emphasize I couldn't hear because conventions are very loud. They both went the way they were going after this video, so I don't think they took offense.
        I feel like I'm on trial here but yeah that's what happened. I wouldn't want to make someone uncomfortable on purpose, whenever I took a picture with anyone else at the convention I asked and then asked if I could be in the picture and so on, and there was no kissing anywhere else I assure you, but this all happened faster than I could really think about it.