Alex19 isn’t so great?

Alex19 isn't so great? Are you kidding me? When was the last time you saw a player with such an ability and movement with fox? Alex puts the game in another level, and we will be blessed if we ever see a player with his skill and passion for the game again. mang0 breaks records. Armada breaks records. Alex19 breaks the rules. You can keep your statistics. I prefer the magic.
Where did ‘Alex19 isn’t so great?’ started from?

Common misconception is that the copypasta is originally about Alex19.
It actually started from a post on HLTV about coldzera a CSGO Brazilian pro player. You can even see the original archived thread here! It was then adopted and implemented for Alex19 when alex got into summit.
Cold wasn't so great?
Are you kidding me? When was the last time you saw a player with such an ability and movement with AWP? Cold puts the game in another level, we will be blessed if we ever see a player with his skill and passion for the game again.
GeT_RiGhT breaks records, olofmeister breaks records. Cold breaks the rules. You can keep your statistics. I prefer the magic.