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    I'm sick and tired of people using "mid" to describe things that are just plain bad. Like seriously, have they forgotten what the word actually means? It's all about mediocrity, not utter garbage.
    back in the day, "mid" used to refer to stuff that was average or meh, nothing special. But now, people are throwing it around like it's a synonym for "trash" or "terrible." It's like they can't handle the concept of something just being okay or average anymore. Everything's either amazing or complete crap, no in between.
    if you're as annoyed as I am about this linguistic mess, here's what you can do. Stand up against this stupidity. Call out those clueless folks and remind them what "mid" actually means. Show them there's a middle ground between greatness and garbage. Make them understand that not everything has to be extreme.
    or fuck it. if you really want to have some fun with it, go ahead. Start using "mid" to describe everything you hate, whether it's truly mediocre or downright awful. Screw with people's heads, mess with their expectations. Watch them squirm as they try to figure out what the hell you're talking about. bitch.