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    Referencing the Waffle House pasta
    STOP POSTING ABOUT WAFFLE HOUSE! I'M TIRED OF SEEING IT! MY FRIENDS ON TIKTOK SEND ME MEMES, ON DISCORD IT'S FUCKING MEMES! I was in a server, right? and ALL OF THE CHANNELS were just waffle house stuff. I-I showed my waffle to my girlfriend and syrup I flipped it and I said "hey babe, when the waffle house has its new host HAHA DING DING DING DING DING DING DING DI DI DING" I fucking looked at a restaurant and said "THAT'S A BIT WAFFLE" I looked at my syrup I think of a new host and I go "WAFFLE? MORE LIKE WAFFLE HOUSE HAS ITS NEW HOST" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHGESFG