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Stop fucking mewing.

    Stop fucking mewing. Do you realize that looksmaxxing is a worse plague on this earth than COVID?! You probably can't even read what I'm saying because instead of your hands being used to write in school you're making that same fucking motion hundreds of times every day. I bet your arm muscles can't even move your arm down below chin level anymore because of what you did. Your mother gets a call from your school. They say that her 7 year old son has not been learning and has been making a strange motion with his hand. They are scared that you are affiliated with some sort of gang. Soon, you are taken to a maximum security prison, where you are put in solitary confinement for until you stop pointing at your chin. You start to starve to death because your hands couldn't physically move downwards enough to reach your food. You're taken to the hospital, where they preform emergency surgery to remove both of your arm's tendons. Finally, the world is saved from your cringe.