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Stone Age pussy

    You KNOW that Stone Age pussy would hit fucking DIFFERENT.
    First of all, people think of these “cavemen” (not even an accurate term) as savages, when nothing could be further from the truth. They had their own cultures, customs, languages, etc. And they weren’t brainless idiots going “grug ugga ug”, they were much more intelligent than popular culture portrays them as - I mean, these guys are the reason we have a civilisation. Meaning that, as long is you could get over the language barrier (and if you have a time machine to take you back to the Stone Age, then you probably can) you could theoretically develop relationships with them.
    Really, they’re not so different from today’s humans, they just look a little different and aren’t as educated. But what they may lack in smarts (but, I repeat, NOT in culture), they make up for in physical ability. To hunt wild beasts, they need to be strong, and only the strongest survive, but not just the strongest, the smartest and fastest get favoured by evolution as well. And even the Stone Age women have to be tough - it’s hard living in primitive conditions. So they’d be pretty fit.
    What’s more, there’s none of the troubles of modern life - they don’t worry about rent, or the internet, or anything. They’re pretty much carefree.
    And reproduction is pretty high up on a Neolithic human’s priorities, you need to make sure the tribe survives after all, so you bet that they’d be dtf. You might be fucking your distant ancestor, but that just makes it wilder, and it doesn’t count as inbreeding if there’s more than 3 generations of separation.
    Now, you may be asking “what about diseases? Surely fucking an early human would be unhygienic?” Well once again, you’re biased by the mainstream media into thinking they were unwashed animals. They knew how to take care of their fucking health and hygiene.
    And you know how I said that they were primitive? Well, they’re intelligent enough to adapt, so you could teach your New Stone Age family to live in the future, while still maintaining their culture which made them unique from other people. Hence why a Stone Age chick would be the greatest and craziest fuck of your life. God, I wish I had a Stone Age gf.