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Quantum Tv

    I just wanna thank everyone for sticking with me. It's obvious most of these other reviewers like Stop the Fomo, Digital Trends, and HDTV Test are just satanist in disguise. Every time I've seen one of their videos you can tell they are trying to brain wash the masses into their gay liberal satanic atheist agenda. One minute someone could be watching Stop the Fomo, and the next minute they start having anal sex with their dads, doing coke and trying to conjure demons with satanic rituals, Satanic Influence isn't a joke. It was obvious already when Stop the Fomo ended up using the Lucifer logo to praise Satan and claimed he was just "testing for blooming". I hate atheist with their satanic rituals. Every one of these people are going to hell and suffer for eternity. They need an ass kicking from some christians. Also all the troll comments from satanic atheist are getting banned. All the satanic gay atheist people accusing me of being a coward for deleting my video, I only had to delete them because of YouTubers gay agenda instead of people getting upset at me, why don't they just let me be? Because they are heterophobic anti-christian pieces of shit. I don't want to participate in the anal sex the liberal people tell me to. Remember to stay strong in the faith of Christ who died for our sins. God loves you and love will prosper.