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Quandale Dingle

    Quandale Dingle revolves around 🔃 a 📸 series of ironic 🤣💯 memes involving a 🚨💰 man named ❤ “ Quandale Dingle.”based on 🔛 a 🎉 viral screenshot of a PC 💻💻 login screen 🖥🖥 for 🍆 a 🅰🏻 man 👍 with 👦 the 👀 name. The 😠 earliest known 👁💫 upload of 💰💦 the screenshot was posted ✉✉ to ⛔ Twitter in 🅰 September 2021 and 🙄😘 went viral through reposts, inspiring 😍 further 🤔 memes referencing the name 😒 and how ridiculous 😤😤 it 😳💕 is. 🙀🙌 In 🚗 late ⏰🕐 2021 throughout early 🥂🥂 2022 people ❤ began using 📤 distorted images of people ♀👯 to ♀ represent ✊ Quandale Dingle in ironic 😂🤣 memes. ✋ The 👦👉 name also inspired 💡 a trend 🚮 where 😠☝ TikTokers create 📲 parody RapTV posts ⤵ about 🏽 Quandale.
    Quandale Dingle revolves around a series of ironic memes involving a man named “ Quandale Dingle.”based on a viral screenshot of a PC login screen for a man with the name. The earliest known upload of the screenshot was posted to Twitter in September 2021 and went viral through reposts, inspiring further memes referencing the name and how ridiculous it is. In late 2021 throughout early 2022 people began using distorted images of people to represent Quandale Dingle in ironic memes. The name also inspired a trend where TikTokers create parody RapTV posts about Quandale.