Trump lost
Hitler lost
The Nazis lost
Fascist Italy lost
Imperial Japan lost
/pol/ lost
/qa/ lost
The Tsarists lost
The Confederacy lost
Q was wrong
The capitol riots failed
Ashli Babbitt died like a bitch
Trump was not reinstated
Trump will be imprisoned for being a traitor
There will never be another Republican president ever again
Proud boys are being tortured in prison
Derek Chauvin was found guilty on all charges
Gavin Newsom was not recalled
Vaccines and masks work
The Right lost the culture war
Black Lives Matter
Trans movement has been a total success
Being transgender is more socially acceptable than you
You are being bred out
You are being phased out
You are being replaced
Your kind is on the way to extinction
The rate of suicide in the US is highest in middle-aged white men
You will forever be an example of what not to do to have a functional society
You will never have sex
You will die alone