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POV: Miyazaki mails you a bomb

    I'm amazed at the ingenuity of Miyazaki's design. This latest encounter design is on par with The undead burg courtyard, Father Gascoigne, and Blue Smelter Demon. [Spoilers] When you open your mailbox and see a hand delivered gift from From Software studios, the unenlightened would simply see it as a gift to their loyal fans, but clever design would point to it obviously being a trap, the subtle beeping inside of the package, and the delay trigger mechanism on the Pipe Bomb itself as you open the packaging allowing you to think quickly and throw it away before it detonates let the player react fairly to the threat which is completely lost on the average gamer.
    Now, game journalists have taken to calling Miyazaki "A Terrorist" and "Wanted in every Democratic Country" but as we all know these game journalists often lack even the simplest of skills required to be proficient in video games, leaving them with horrific scars from the detonation as they stared at the explosive device in their hands. Instead of learning from their mistakes and being prepared for the next grenade in their mail, they instead take to the internet and slander masterpiece design for their own failures.
    I can't wait to see what Miyazaki cooks up next, will he kidnap my family and hold them for ransom? Cleverly giving me the information to free them myself without needing to pay? Or will he cut my break line, knicking my oil tank and warning me that something is wrong with my car? Only time will tell but I for one, am eager, to experience what Miyazaki has in store.