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Poetic Rizz

    If you were the sun I'd continue staring even though I'd go blind, as your beauty overcomes the sense of pain I shall feel just to see you.
    Just as the autumn leaves, descend from the trees, I fall for you every season
    No pencil, no paper yet somehow you draw my attention
    No matter how glorious the stars in the night sky are, I will always watch them through your eyes
    Your presence alone will make the angels question their own perfection
    Your eyes are like clouds for even when they fill with sorrow and drown the land, they paint the sky with unimaginable beauty.
    If I had a flower for every thought of you, I could walk through my garden for eternity
    You're the moon to my tide,
    The one who pulls me by your side.
    If I got a flower for every time I thought of you I would have only one as you never left my mind, and that flower I would give to you
    As the sun comes up, you have no shadow, because there is nothing that can replicate your beauty.
    like a piece of art
    my eyes cannot help
    but gaze upon the strokes
    of which God had created
    for he created a being as
    beautiful as you
    My love I am nothing more than an empty piece of paper for your inspiration is what truly draws me near completion
    If you were the stars I would devote my life to being an astronomer, if only to begin to understand your beauty
    If you are the angel of death I'm willing to die a million times just to see your beauty. If you are the angel of life I'm willing to be immortal.
    If I had to wait my entire life for your love, I would. for when I’ve withered away, I’d be glad i got to experience heaven before I even reached it.
    And if the gods were to give me eternal life, I’d turn it down. For a world without you is no different than death itself
    when I can’t be with you I read your favorite book, listen to your favorite song, watch your favorite movie, because in them I find little bits of you
    If I were a flower and you were the wind, I would let you wither me by making my petals fly, just to feel your touch.
    If I were to stare at your eyes for forever, I would tell people I saw the entire galaxy without even looking at the sky.
    If you're the moon, then I am the tide, for I flow under your command, forever longing for you, as you are my purpose
    My darkest days are shifted with a slight gaze of your fascinating looks. Your beautiful dark eyes are the last fiber holding my shattered heart.
    For if every star in the sky went out I would never know for she outshined them anyways
    If you were a grain of sand I’d search every beach and dessert looking for you and your beautifulness no matter how long I will have to look
    If I was blinded the moment I lay eyes on you, I would not grieve, for in the instance, I truly gazed upon perfection.
    You are the sun to my sunflower, i will always be glancing at your gorgeous light as i follow you around amidst the bright morning.
    My dear, every time your eyes cry like the sea, I will be the sand that waits for you on the shore to dry your tears.
    My dear, when you smile the earth shakes, the universe stops, the heavens collapse, and my heart bursts
    You are like the sun, even though you are miles away you still hurt my eyes
    They say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, but with the way you sway me with your warm embrace, even the blind can picture your elegance.
    You have no shadow, for nothing in this world is able to replicate the beauty you posses.
    You have stolen everything from me, the beat in my heart, the breath in my lungs, the thought in my brain, yet I only wish for you to steal more
    I had a night conversation with the moon, he told me about the sun, and I told him about you
    God must’ve put extra attention on you, for you shine amongst the angels and the devils beg for your forgiveness so that can feel your love
    They say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, but the way you sway me with your warm embrace even the blind could picture your grace.
    For if your flame should ever dwindle I will set this world ablaze to feel your warmth yet again
    If you were an ocean I'd be the salt so you couldn't be anything without me
    When you speak, you speak to me with words, when I look at you, I look at you with feelings
    If she carried Medusa’s curse I would still gaze into her eyes for I will be turned to stone and look at her beauty for eternity
    1 fish 2 fish red fish blue fish
    Thou are the majestic wip to my holy nay nay
    did u fart cuz u blew me away