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You are NOT quirky.

    Wowww you like food, huh? That means you're quirky, right? WRONG! Everyone loves food you cum-soaked cunt, we LITERALLY NEED IT TO SURVIVE. You're not cool, you're not unique, you "loving food" isn't a fucking personality trait. You looove pizza and mcnuggets, and that means you're sooo easy to take care of, and guys should "date YOU instead of all these other hoes". Shut the fuck up.



      i just want a man to cum in me

        i just want a man to cum in me and shake me like a margarita wanna feel his dna fuse with my lower intestines forever wanna fart a few of his babies out every few days just to feel something

        Being a hentai actress must be weird.

          Being a hentai actress must be so weird. Imagine this: you’re in a soundproof room pleasurably screaming into an 800,000¥ microphone about how much you love old man dick at 10:47 AM on a Tuesday in October while your 45-year-old boss oversees you through a glass window from the other room. You eventually look up after 2 hours of practicing your unnaturally high-pitched moans and see him give you a big thumbs up as you pretend to have an orgasm.

          I’m seeing some major red flags in your story


            Billie Ellish is 18 years old now, y’all know what that means

              Billie Ellish 🙎🏼‍♀️is 18 🔞years old now🤭, y'all 🤠 know what that means 😳🤭. Yes, she's now legaly 👮‍♂️allowed to operate the 2019 Viper🐍 Rt80 8000lb Air🌬 Pneumatic Forklift Hatz Diesel Lift Truck 🚛... That is of course if she acquires the proper certification... 😳