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Elsa from Frozen is one of the most unlikable, selfish, idiotic characters I have ever seen in a kids movie.

    I just finished watching Frozen 2 with my girlfriend at her request, and anything and everything Elsa touches turns to shit in this film. I could excuse the first time around. In the first movie she's just coming of age, she's just become a true ruling monarch, things are stressful. A lot happens at once and she's a young girl who has trouble communicating because she's been locked inside a room almost all her life. After the events of the first film, there ZERO EXCUSE for pulling the same shit in Frozen 2. I'm not gonna spoil anything in detail but she has zero character development whatsoever, pulling the same shit for the same self-serving reasons. She does not develop in any way whatsoever, in this movie or the one before it. Because, you know, the core character and the face of a Disney franchise should let kids know that not even TRYING to communicate your feelings, only thinking of yourself and making absolutely no effort to change toxic characteristics are things to be admired. She's Disney's own homemade version of Bojack fucking Horseman but at least Bojack knows he's a terrible, toxic person.

    🎶 doofenshmirtz evil incorporated 🎶

      Ah, Perry the Platypus, what a wonderful surprise! Now that you are trapped in this huge bat soup bowl, it is time to reveal my final creation. The Coofinator! Now you see, it all started when I was a little boy in the Hong Kong flu outbreak of 1969. The disease claimed a lot of lives and I thought to myself "this is not fair, it attracted a lot of attention but it is not even that contagious, why people help those ching chongs instead of their own darn people?!". Now with the power to spread coofona in the chingchong-state area, I will take my revenge on those chinese scumbags!

      Dear Mr. Gates

        Dear Mr. Gates
        Was that actually ur (your) son I met on Modern Warfare 2🤔🤔? I believe his name is “XxXSmokeDank420XxX.” He said his dad is Bill Gates, and he’ll get me 🚫banned❌ from Xbox Live😨. He also said he engaged in intercourse with my mother👉👌🙎‍♀️😕😕. I’m not sure if that’s true, but when I asked her about it ❔👦🍆👩❓, she started crying😢😢😭. Just want 2 (to) know if that’s ur (your) son.
        P.S. (postscript) I’ve met like 30 of ur (your) children👶👦 on Xbox Live. u (you) must be laying mad pipe 🍆💦💦🍑 in order to have spawned that many offspring🤰. Honestly inhuman how much pussу u’ve (you’ve) been pounding 🍆🍆🍆🍑🍆🍆🍑🍆🍆🍆🍑🍆🍑🍆💦💦💦💦🍑. Keep up the good work!!👍(Though I suggest u (you) should b (be) a little more careful ⛑😷 4 (for) now, with 🍺coronavirus🦠 going around and everything🤒🤒.) Stay safe and have a good day!
        Sincerely, Adrian :)
        Sent from my iPhone

        Top 10 planets on earth

          Hey guys, welcome to TOP 10 PLANETS ON EARTH!
             1. New york
             2. Aphganstan
             3. Cambodia
             4. Nepal
          anyway thats it guys thank you so much for wtching if we hit 15 THOUSAND LIKES! we will DO A GIVEAWAY of 15 gift cards! Leave your name down below and comment why you should get a GIFT CARD!

          TIFU by going a little too hard during sex

            Ok so some info before we get started
            (M)e: Penis size- 6.9 inches (sex number (nice)) Looks- 9 Wit and Charm: 10 IQ: 140
            G(F) Age- 18 Looks- 10 (Fat ass too) Wit and Charm: 3 IQ: 135 (thankfully lower and within 5 of mine)
            So one day I woke up with a throbbing erection and I grabbed my hot GF and told her I wanted to have sex very sexily with her. She said ohhh baby I want to have lots of sexy sex with you because I am in a sexy mood, but I have a bit of a headache. I said I don’t care and shoved my sexy sword right into her sex sheathe and there was lots of sweaty sex and stuff and she had a baby too.
            Once we finished sexy time I told her to go make me some food. She finished and made me some really good food and I told her it was time for round 2. I lasted about 15 minutes, but she was already sexily orgasming within 10 seconds, because I’m just so good at sex with crazy libido.
            TL;DR: Sex