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Ben Shapiro on Pee is stored in the Balls.

    So it has come to my attention that there is a so called ''Meme'' circulating around various liberal/democratic social media websites whos content discribes the claim that pee, which is a slang word for Urin, is supposedly contained inside the ''Balls'' refering to the Scrotum of a Male. This Claim is ofcourse another attempt by the Socialist media to try and further confuse the youth about their gender so i took it upon myself to destroy that claim with facts and logic. Ofcourse the first thing i did was call my wife and ask for a quick discussion about the subject matter which she almost instantly agreed to after i informed her of the very sensitive topic at hand. So after i informed her of the nature of this discussion, my wife (who is a medical doctor) assured me that 'Pee' is infact not stored in the 'Balls' but in the organ called 'Bladder'. She also reassured me about the rediculousnes of the original statement as Women do also Urinate yet have no such thing as a scrotum or 'Balls', the only genital anatomy shared between men and woman beeing in the womb, when the clitoris has not yet formed into a Penis. To not further annoy my wife with such an irellevant topic i ended the conversation not digging deeper into the female anatomy, neither the topic of whatever that clitoris was as it has no impact concerning the topic at hand. Now, Secondly, i myself have made observations that will logically disprove the claim that ''pee is stored in the balls''. ive made these observations due to me often going to the toilet, using a urinal, while there is another man relieving himself next to me, especially at concert venues due to me beeing a concert level violinist, but i digress. now after staning next to multiple men and making carefull observations of my urinating neighbors i observed that even with a large ammount of urin beeing excreted from the mans penis, his Scrotum did not change in size significantly enough for such a large volume of fluid to be physicly contained in these mens 'balls'. Therefore, logically and reasonably following, pee is most definately not stored inside of a mans scrotum. As Always, Liberals destroyed.

    Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid?

      Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on 4chan by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is 4chan. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...

      Piggy poop balls

        The first time I saw the photo known as "piggy poop balls" was September 2011. It was attached to a tweet with the unremarkable but soon-to-be-famous URL:
        There was something special about this particular gross photo — something different. Piggy poop balls transcends mere scatological humor. It's sublime. It's art. And it spread like wildfire.
        Since then, this porcine sadsack with a potty problem has rarely left the collective consciousness of the internet. It has been viewed over 200,000 times, and is used as either as a catch-all punchline or placeholder for something funny, like a photo version of a Rick-roll for Twitter.

        Colors of cum you can unlock: A guide to how to unlock them

          COMMON COLORS: -White:Default
          -Brown:Nut 10 times to unlock this color.
          -Gray:Nut 25 times to unlock this color.
          -Black:Nut 50 times to unlock this color.
          -Beige:Nut 75 times to unlock this color.
          -Maroon:Nut 100 times with the 100th nut being shot using the helicopter method.
          -Red:Get 25 nuts using the helicopter method.
          -Yellow:Shoot your cum to a distance of at least 15 feet away.
          -Blue:Jump up as you cum and land your cum inside a cup.
          -Green:Nut 10 times in a single jerking session to the same thing without stopping.
          -Orange:Nut while sick or having a headache.
          -Purple:Nut 125 times with the 125th nut being shot into a toilet using the sniping method.
          RARE COLORS:
          -Pink:Nut to something really weird(Does not count pedophiliac content,that is illegal and horrible and you will lose all progress and have your account terminated)
          -Lime:Nut while eating something spicy
          -Amber:Nut to a really old porn video from 1896.
          -Teal:Nut inside a public restroom
          -Mustard:Show your cock to another cock
          -Indigo:When caught masturbating,look at your assailant in the eyes.
          -Ruby:Obtain a condom and nut inside it
          -Sapphire:Nut inside the ocean 4 times in a row
          -Emerald:Nut at school 35 times -Gold:Nut 2,000 times
          -Silver:Nut while shitting in the shower.
          -Diamond:Nut on 20 inanimate objects
          -Pearl:Nut 2,500 times
          -Platinum:Charge up your cum for 50 days and let it rip on day 50 on a toilet seat
          -Woodland MARPAT camoflauge:Nut while wearing the same colors as your surroundings at exactly 6:54 PM MST.
          -Bloodied:Have blood cum out instead of cum
          The rest are unknown as of now.

          Yes,I am a R.A.C.I.S.T.

            Why, yes, I am R.A.C.I.S.T:
            Respect my friend's different beliefs
            Adore the little quirks in their traditions
            Care for my friends, no matter their skin color
            Inform myself on what taboos I should never break
            Smile when they speak their native tongues
            The French must be purged from the Earth