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25th Island of Greece

    You're welcome
    guys please don't look up 25th Island of Greece PLEASE
    Dont search for 25th island of greece
    Worst mistake of my life
    I just looked up "25th Island of Greece" and almost died
    don't look up '25th island of Greece'. worst mistake of my life.

    I have a degree in Film Directing

      I have a degree in Film Directing, I've seen well over 3000 movies, and written 3 screenplays. I've studied Kurosawa, Kubrick, Tarantino, and Scorsese. I saw Wings when they remastered it in 2012 at the TCM Film Festival. I also studied Shakespeare. You don't know me at all.

      Lego piece 26047

        You can't run from amogus
        guys please don't look up lego piece 26047 PLEASE
        Guys, don’t look up LEGO piece 26047. Worst mistake of my life.

        Comment on r/childfree

          le Reddit moment
          You are NOT PERMITTED or ALLOWED to tell me how or what to feel. You FAIL to look at the CONTEXT for which the remark was made. BY questioning and judging MY “hopes” or feelings about that situation, being “outraged“ by my opinion or feelings DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO ADVOCATE FOR TERRORIZING ABORTION CLINICS which was EXACTLY WHAT WAS HAPPENING. That man was carrying a loaded weapon to protest abortion which suggests ONLY ONE THING, that man had ILL INTENT TO KILL A PROVIDER AND/OR A PATIENT AND YOU FUCKING KNOW IT. I STAND BEHIND MY COMMENT AND POST IN THAT HE GOT INSTANT KARMA, and exactly what he deserved. I don’t owe you ANY Fucking explanation as to WHY I feel the way I do. STOP YOUR HYPOCRITICAL VIRTUE SIGNALING. YOU CANT MANDATE AND CONTROL PEOPLES FEELINGS. NOT EVERYONE IS THE SAME RELIGION AND YOU ARE BEING A RELIGIOUS BIGOT NOW TO TRY TO ATTEMPT TO TELL ME WHAT TO FEEL AND IF IT IS WRONG OR NOT . HOW DARE YOU! Your comment is HYPOCRITICAL AT BEST. I’ll BET if we all WENT ON YOUR PAGE/PROFILE and reviewed YOUR comment history we would likely find more than a few things much much WORSE than what I had hoped would happen to someone trying to attack an abortion clinic. If you want to be petty, keep in mind that others can take offense TO YOU TOO ,this is a private group and to come in here and HARASS an oppressed group (such as us) makes you low-level and no better than the OPPRESSORS AND VIOLENT TERRORISTS YOU DEFEND. For all we know you probably ARE ONE (terrorist): but what I will NOT do is allow you to come in here and attempt to intimidate the users who are having a private discussion. Your diminished intellect certainly suggests so. YOU IGNORE THE FACT THAT ANTI-CHOICE EXTREMISTS ARE KNOWN TERRORISTS IN THIS COUNTRY AND HAVE A HISTORY OF KILLING ABORTION PROVIDERS WITH GUN VIOLENCE. My assessment is that you DID NOT read the article because your reading comprehension skills are probably WAY BELOW PAR and you have absolutely NO understanding of the REALITY of ANTI-CHOICE PROTESTERS HARASSING AND TERRORIZING CLINICS AND THEIR PATIENTS . THEY KILL ABORTION DOCTORS WITH THEIR GUNS YOU IGNORANT FUCK, MY COMMENT WAS JUSTIFIED DUE TO CONTEXT. Your comment is RIDICULOUS because you are comparing the feelings of someone YOU DO NOT KNOW to someone else WHO ACTUALLY ATTEMPTED VIOLENCE AGAINST AN ABORTION CLINIC WITH A LOADED GUN LIKELY WITH INTENT TO KILL. Be outraged at the gunman not MY reaction if you want to advocate for something benevolent, but that’s not your intent, ALL YOURE DOING IS VIRTUE SIGNALING. Comparing MY reaction to THEIR attempted violence is MORONIC and you are OBVIOUSLY advocating for more gun violence against abortion clinics. WE WILL NOT ALLOW YOU EXTREMISTS TO STIFLE WOMENS RIGHTS IN THIS COUNTRY AND WE WONT ALLOW YOU TO STIFLE OUR VOICES FOR EXPRESSING OUTRAGE OF GUN VIOLENCE AT ABORTION CLINICS , THAT IS OUR FIRST AMMENDMENT RIGHTS TO FREE SPEECH, You seem mentally unstable perhaps you should CHECK YOUR MEDS. .You don’t have to like my feelings but attacking ME and advocating for gun violence in this context is CONTRARIAN and EXACTLY the kind of attitude that got our capitol attacked. At least I just express outrage in an appropriate forum with like minds, YOU assholes and that jerk with the gun attack the Capitol don’t you! GTFOOH When you post in groups you don’t belong, you can expect backlash, I will NOT retract my comment and YOU CAN FUCK RIGHT ON OFF.

          I’m unemployed because of the game ‘Among Us’.

            YTA: Shouldn't have acted sus 🚩🚩🚩
            Oh my fucking god guys I am fucking fuming. So the other day at work my boss told us that he recently discovered the video game Among Us, and ever since, his behaviour has become rather concerning. He now refers to me and my coworkers as 'crewmates'. Last Wednesday, when he noticed my teenage colleague slacking off at his workstation, he yelled at him saying he was "faking his tasks" and is "acting sus". I confronted my boss telling him that his behaviour lately has been egregious and immature, and he proceeded to call me an idiot and yelled "kicked!" The next day I caught him dancing around in his office blasting "among drip" from his desktop at full volume. I entered his office to kindly ask him to turn off the music since it was distracting to me and my coworkers. He looked at me angrily, telling me he has called an "emergency meeting", instructing me to have a seat. I asked him what was the matter and he told me that I have been acting extremely "sus". He repeatedly yelled "you're the impostor", telling me to say goodbye to my job because I have been "ejected". I fucking lost my job and I don't know what to do. Please help me Reddit! I have nowhere else to turn.

            AITA for Letting my Female Friend Live with me RENT FREE?

              NTA: her butthole your rules
              Title pretty much says it all. What do you good bros of reddit think - AITA?
              She (25 f) is being very ungrateful and hostile even though I (29 M) am letting her live with me RENT FREE since she lost her job. She worked with me at the Verizon store but has since then started doing cam work, reading feminist literature, and following religious blogs. She's also on Instagram a lot, and I saw her watching Gilmore Girls on her iphone XR the other day. I think one or all of these media are influencing her to feel entitled even though I'm letting her stay here stay RENT FREE.
              Edit 1: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!
              Edit 2: Wow 10k updoots. This is my highest updooted post now.
              Edit 3: Thanks guys. I can't see what I did wrong either. She's just really entitled, I think.
              Edit 4: A few of you asked for a bit more context. NO, there is no "intermediate cause and effect sequence" between when I allowed her to stay vs when she became ungrateful. I let her live with me RENT FREE, she started watching Gilmore Girls, and now she's claiming I'm the asshole. There's nothing else to say.
              Edit 6: Thanks for the platinum kind stranger!
              Edit 7: No, I didn't ask why she's upset. I'm letting her live with me RENT FREE and I don't owe her anything.. She's just entitled as many younger women are.
              Edit 8: No, nothing could have "set her off" or "alarmed" her. I'm really quiet and she's a heavy sleeper.
              Edit 9: Bros I don't know what to do she's leaving oh god.
              Edit 10: Sorry, the last edit should have been Edit 9.
              Edit 11: Wait I forgot I could change the edit numbers in an edit.
              Edit 12: Ignore the last two edits.
              Edit 13: Wait ignore that last edit and this one too.
              Edit 14: I tried telling her Reddit said I'm not the asshole she's still going away bros this is so scary.
              Edit 15: Okay so AGAIN, she's a really heavy sleeper so I don’t know what could have triggered her :( Only thing that comes to mind is about a week ago when I asked if I could sniff her asshole after she relieved herself, but nothing that would explain why she'd be ungrateful since I'm letting her live here RENT FREE.
              Edit 16: wow 20K updoots