ok so I saw this GIRL walk by in the SKIMPIEST outfit ever and my PEEPEE rose like 2 inches???? Like what do with my large peepee? Do I show to girl???? Do i report to police???? Why the FUCK my PEEPEE HARD???? I just want normal peepee pls reply with serious answers only :(
uhm... yikes... i just saw you retweet some friday night funkin' art and you didn't know the creator got cancelled?? i'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now... you have 24 hours to remove ALL FNF content from your profile, or you won't like what comes next...
Hi my name is Carmen Winstead. I'm 17 years old. I am very similar to you... Did I mention to you that I'm dead. A few years ago a group of girls pushed me down a sewer hole to try and embarrass me. When I didn't come back up the police came. The girls said that I had fell and everyone believed them. The police found my body in the sewer. I had a broken neck and my face was torn off. Send this message to 15 people after you read the whole message if you value your life! A boy called David received this message. He just laughed and deleted it. When he was in the shower he heard laughing... MY LAUGHTER! He got really scared, rushed to his phone to repost this message... But he was too late. The next morning his mum entered his bedroom and all she found was a message written in his blood saying, "You will never have him back!" No one has found his body yet... because he is with me!... Send this to 15 people in the next 5 minutes if you don't want your fate to be the same as David's. Your time starts... NOW! The story is true you can research it on google
Hi! 🖐🙌 My 👪👈 name is Carl 🔭🔭 Winstead, Carmen Winstead's brother. 😎 I 👁🏼 pooped all 💯 over 🙊🔝 my 🎅🅱 balls 🏐🔵 and 👈 my mom 👵♀ beat 👊 me. 👩🌭 I crashed 📉📉 my 👀👖 uncle's ♂ Nissan Altima into 🏼 a child 👶👶 hospital 🏥 building 🏗🏗 and broke 📉 my 😏 11th toe. 👞👟 My 👨 buddy, 👬👤 Henry Chewbacca Jenkins, put perc 30s in 😛 his 😵 grandpa's inhaler and 👏👏 he 👉👱 died. 😂
As most of you guys probly saw, the prime odan got leaked. As we all know, the Prime vandle is way to OP - it Does to much damge , and its Unfair for people like me who gota fight prime vandle abusers With only the black vandle skin.
Im not gona lie, I was prety exitceted for the next patch. They got new charcter astra Who can fly and she also got cool hair cut. Howver, when i Opened up redit today, I LIATERALY fainted from what my Eyes see: PRIME ODAN.
No afense to anyone, But im am probly the Best odan user in the Game, and I dont even got any SKINS. But now its gona be IMPOSIBLE to win any Match cause rich people gona buy prime ODAN and win evrey single batle. It dosnt mater what skin you got.. Prime odan gona ruin the game wahther you like it or not.
Im so sick of riot dirty PAY to win modle. I thoguht this was suposed to be a game of skill, not a Game of how much Credit card debt You can get to Acheve high Rank like bronse, Golden, and Dimond. Theres alraedy enough HACKER (rana) in the game that Makes it imposible for good player like me (Im rank: Iran 1 but almost iran2 except For RANA hacker) that riot Shouldnt adding in the prime ODAN.
Alot of you guys kno w, I sayed I would QUIT valrant when they aded prime odan, Well gues what Im quiting valrant Until i can Find my moms cradit card to Buy one. To riot: why Even think about ading prime odan if You know its OP. This gun got no place in competive game like valrant...
Hello , i'm in charge of the team that works on balance, and I can explain very easy to you:
the odan is expensive af. When making both guns and skins, we at riot thought: expensive = good. Since you are paying so much for a Odan and a Aparator in game (3200 and 5000 credits), we had to make them the best wepons. The same goes to the skins! If you are willing to spend your entire rent in our game, you really need to have some advantage, after all you are spending more money, taking more risks, thats what we want in Valorant! So when you get a gun that is both expensive inside and outside the game, we had to make sure the Recoil and Spread were reduced, as well the Damage increased.