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Learn to spell you fucking idiot

    It's 'forget' not 'forgor'. It's 'remember' not 'rember'. How many fucking times do I have to tell you this? Go to a fucking school and learn how to spell you dumbass. Seriously, these 'forgor' and 'rember' things are NOT funny and will make you look like a loser.

    The year is 2043 Covid variant

      Literally 1984
      The year is 2043 Covid variant phi beta epsilon is ravaging 0.0026% of the population, you go outside for your government mandated 30 minute exercise, it's 1 a.m. not the best time, but they alternate your schedule so eventually everyone does get some sunlight. You quadruple mask and put on your plastic smock. You gaze longingly at the sky. A man riding his bicycle points his flashlight at you "Why aren't you doing your stretches and cardio?" He asks, you recognize him as your neighbor (maybe, it's been some time since you last saw anyone). "It's because of people like you not obeying that the lockdowns have been extended another 4 years." He mumbles through his layers of masks. He reports you to AlphabetGoogle and your social credit score drops 5 points, good luck buying bread this week.

      from r/196

        When I see a user with a female snoo avatar I always click on it to see a bigger image. And 10/10 times, I'm turned on by it.
        They are sooo cute. Call me a bit dorky, but I've fantasized about having sex with some of them. And yes, I've beaten my meat to my fair share of female snoos (then again, who hasn't?).
        I know most people on Reddit find the snoos ugly, but I think they're really sexy. It's bad when I'm scrolling through reddit in public and I see a female snoo because I automatically have to start thinking of something gross so I don't get an erection in public

        Help, What does it mean to be “Based”

          A word used when you agree with something; or when you want to recognize someone for being themselves.
          So earlier today I was relaxing in my bed after having gotten off a 12am-12pm shift at my job, and I was about to go to sleep, i receive a text message from my son. It's a YouTube link, and he accompanied the link with "BASED". The link led me to a YouTube video titled "Nazi Germany - Under Hitler's Spell - The Rise Of Hitler N01f". I quickly message my son back asking "What is this, what do you mean "Based?" He responds a few minutes later "Oh sorry mom that was meant for my friends don't worry about it" This is worrying me very much, as when I ask other people what "Based" means, they just say it's a way if thinking, or say I obviously am not. What am I supposed to do? I thought I raised my son better, but it's scares me that he's becoming a fascist. Please, can somebody tell me what any of this means, or how I should proceed?

          Onii-chan, what are you doing?

            BUT IT WAS ME, DIO
            8====D ()
            n-no.. onii-chan, dont do it!
            o-ow! b-be a little more gentle... just the tip.. ok? >w<
            owieeeeeee *blood starts coming out* i-im not a virgin anymore...
            n-no! onii-chan.. you baka! i-i said just the tip.. my pussie's starting to get wet.. you can go a little rougher, a-alright?
            n-no!! i said just a little rougher, b-baka! idiot! dumb dumb dumbo albert Eisenstein-ass-hair-cut diaper doo doo head!
            ahh! mmm... be a little bit more gentle, alright? d-don't pull it out so s-suddenly like t-that...
            mmm.. you really like my manpussy, dont you? *voice changes into deep and manly voice* what's that? suprised? YOU WERE FUCKING A MAN, THIS WHOLE TIME! YOU'RE GAY! WWWWWRYYYYYYYYY!! YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE FUCKING A GIRL, BUT IT WAS ME, DIO! AND NOW MY MAN PUSSY IS GOING TO BE DELETED FROM EXISTENCE USING MY STANDS ABILITY!
            that was fun, onii-chan.

            Can we🙏pretend😔that airplanes✈️in the😞night skÿ🌃

              Can we🙏pretend😔that airplanes✈️in the😞night skÿ🌃 aré likê🙏 sh00tíng stars🌟🌠🌠 I could ✋ rlly use💪💪 a wish🙏right now😔 wish 🙏right now😔wish😼right now💔💔💔
              Can😩 we 🤷🏻‍♀️ pretend 👀 that ✨ the 💞 airplanes ✈️ in 💥 the 👁️ night 🌙 sky 🌌 are 🔪 like 💞 shooting 📸 stars ⭐  I 🥺 could😔 really😢 use👊 a⚡ wish✨ right👉 now💫 wish✨ right👉 now💫 wish✨ right👉 now💫 wish✨ right👉 now💫
              Can 🥫 we 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 pretend 🙈 that 🌈 airplanes✈️ in 😶‍🌫️ the 👐 night 🌃 sky ☁️ are💅 like 🥺 shooting 🔫 stars? 🌠
              I 👁️ could 🧚 really 😫 use ➡️ a 🤫 wish 🤞 right 💍 now 💨
              wish 🤞 right 💍 now 💨
              wish 🤞 right 💍 now 💨
              ✯  🛩     I  °  •  .°•
               ✨  *   I 💫
              .   • 🦄 I 🐦.   •
                       👚 l  👕
              ° ★ •    👖 I  👖    •  .°•    
              CaN 😣 wE prEteNd 😔tHat thE aIrPlaNes✈️ iN tHe  niGht 🌙 sKy 🌌 ArE liKe sHooTinG sTarZ 🔫 ⭐ i coUlD 😔 rEalLy uSe a wIsh✨ rIgHt 😭 nOw wIsH✨ riGhT🥺 nOw ✨wIsH rIghT 😣 nOw💫 wiSh✨.  rIghT n0w✨