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Is Santa a Communist?

    Let me tell you the truth about Santa Claus. If his Marx-esque appearance and red clothing weren’t an immediate giveaway, I must point blank tell you: Santa is a communist.
    I am sorry if I ruin your festive mood, I am sorry if you think it’s blasphemy, but it’s time to face the facts. Despite of what you want to believe, the world is governed by market forces and a seemingly benevolent, egalitarian creature won’t grant your wishes just because you ask nicely. So before you go wasting ink and paper writing your letter, hear me out.
    Santa Is an Authoritarian
    First of all, sorry to shatter your beliefs, but Santa is not benevolent. He is an authoritarian who without any rule of law arbitrarily decides who is naughty or nice. If he deems you nice, he will reward you. But if he deems you naughty, well, who knows what a powerful communist like him would do to you.
    Sure, you could argue that the nicer you are, the bigger the reward, but that’s also true for a communist dictator. The closer you are to his own subjective ideal, the better you serve his own interests, the more you will get. There is no telling, however, when his fancy changes.
    Santa won’t reward you on some objective merit. He favors his cronies, but he thinks everyone should get something. Each according to one’s needs.
    In the spirit of a good egalitarian tradition, he disincentivizes actual accomplishments. If you keep your head low you will get something. It is unnecessary to do better. Only if you are a crony, is it worth to aim higher.
    If you are not deemed as an enemy of Santa, you will receive something, don’t worry.
    Moreover, where do you think all those toys come from? Santa is running a sweatshop exploiting the elves, who won’t get any wagers. They are essentially slaves, who have to work, because they fear Santa. It only makes sense. Santa doesn’t ask for money for what he is doing, so he himself has no income. This means he cannot pay any employees.
    And what exactly is Santa doing? He knows where you live,he know what you have been doing, he spies on you, disrespecting your privacy. Santa goes into your house, disregarding private property, and forces his services on you.
    In turn, as a sort of tax, he takes your milk and cookies. Will he at least give some of that to the elves? I hardly think so. He wouldn’t want to incentivize slaves, now would he?
    Santa: The Embodiment of the Communist Utopia
    One word. All it takes is one word to show you why Santa is a communist: scarcity. The bane of all communist utopias, scarcity gives goods their value. 
    Santa, however, has an infinite amount of time and resources. How else could he deliver all the toys in one night, and be able to manufacture them every single year? The toys he gives are therefore worthless. Not only are they not the rewards for actual actions, as I pointed out before, but because of the lack of scarcity they don’t have value.
    Ever wondered why Santa is not giving out money, only toys? It’s because if he lifted scarcity of money, it would become worthless too. This is another reason he won’t pay his elves. It would cause an inflation, which would eventually destroy the currency.
    This is, therefore, the limit of Santa’s power and the barrier in front of all communist utopias.
    We don’t have an infinite amount of everything. It is not a problem though. Scarcity creates value and incentives. It creates respect for things. It creates economics, rule of law, and social order. And it creates a demand for free markets, to transfer the scarce goods. This is what Santa would never fully understand.
    The only thing that gives Santa the ability to eliminate scarcity, to exploit his slave elves, to force his services upon you, and break into your home, taking your milk and cookies, the only thing that gives him the power to arbitrarily judge you is your misguided belief in the communist utopia that is Santa.
    So stop believing in Santa. Stop believing in a higher, seemingly benevolent force that you think will provide without you lifting a finger. It is time to wake up.
    The world is a wonderful place, and Christmas is a truly touching time of the year regardless of your religious persuasions. But not because of Santa. It is because of you. It is you who govern your own fate. It is you who help people on your own merit.
    Whether you work or you provide employment, whether you donate or help out, it is you who are constantly making the world a better place. You don’t need a communist Santa, you don’t need a communist utopia. This is reality.
    Stop believing in communism and start working for the benefit of free market.

    Dear Pesky Plumbers

      Dear pesky plumbers, the Koopalings and I have taken over the Mushroom Kingdom. The princess is now a permanent guest at one of my seven Koopa hotels! I dare you to find her if you can!
      Nice of the princess to invite us over for a picnic, eh Luigi? I hope she made lots of spaghetti! Luigi, look! It's from Bowser..
      "Dear pesky plumbers, the Koopalings and I have taken over the Mushroom Kingdom. The princess is now a permanent guest at one of my seven Koopa hotels! I dare you to find her if you can!"
      We gotta find the princess! And you gotta help us!
      If you need instructions on how to get through the hotels, check out the enclosed instruction book.

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          Dr Squatch Soap

            Listen up, the soap you shower with, is sh*t. You probably haven't even questioned what bar of soap you lather up with. Let's face it, most guys don't. They're still using whatever bar their mommy bought their little man. Is that what you want--to smell like mama's little man? But now, you can upgrade your shower game with Dr. Squatch natural soap. I'm talking about natural, nourishing, cold pressed, hand cut soap for men. Men who use their hands, men who build things. Men who open the pickle jar on the first try. Men who catch foul balls without spilling their beer. You won't just smell good either. Your skin will be healthier and more nourished, dare I say, soft. Oh, men aren't supposed to have soft skin? Yeah, men weren't supposed to cry during movies. And then they made the movie Rudy sniffles like a bitch. He's so little. You want to smell like the forest? Boom. Pine Tar. We've got you. You want to smell like the sea? Boom. Nautical sage. We've got you. You want to smell like you've just got off a boat in the Caribbean? Boom. Bay rum. We've got you. And with six more scents, we've got you covered no matter what kind of man you are. Now you're wondering, why have I been doing it wrong for so long? During the First World War, Big Soap started taking out all the NAAturaLLL ingredients, to make production cheaper and faster. They replaced all the natural stuff with chemicals. Chemicals like Sodium Laurel Sulphate, Parabens, and Dioxaine. Chemicals linked to depression, liver damage, cancer and low sperm count. And worst of all, dry skin. Ugh. Your poor balls, dry empty and sad. But there's good news. We make our soaps with natural ingredients from the Earth. Ingredients like oils, plants, goat's milk, greek yogurt, oatmeal, shea butter, and citrus. Nose nigga tries to steal oranges No! Turn your shower game up to 11. With the smooth lather of gold moss or the exfoiliating woodsy bliss that is Pine Tar, get ready to step out of the shower feeling alive. Still not sure? Here's a couple review from real customers. Joeseph Stalin says enter gay black guy this is the perfect bar of soap. It's like it was hand crafted in the North West forest by beautiful, tiny elves. Oh, tiny elves isn't enough for you? Well here's another review from Michael A enter dude who never hit puberty it makes you feel like you just stepped out of a mountain stream and squatch was there to hand you the towel. Time for you to get the right tool for the job, because you're worth it my friend. We ship it right to your door and with 100% sudisfaction guarantee, if its not the best bar of soap you've ever used, it's on us. Tens of thousands of men already soapscribe, which means that every month fresh new bars of Squatch show up at their door. Click the link for Dr. Squatch Natural Soap. Real soap, for real men. Or don't, and continue to be mommy's little helper.

            Alternate version

            Listen up, the soap you shower with? It's shit.
            You probably haven't even questioned what
            bar soap you lather up with.
            Lets face it. Most guys don't
            They're still using whatever bar their
            mommy bought for her little man.
            Is that you want? To smell like momma's
            little man?
            But now you can upgrade your shower game with
            Dr. Squatch Natural Soap.
            I'm talking about natural nourishing hand-cut soap
            for men.
            Men who use their hands.
            Men who build things.
            Men who open the pickle jar on the first try.
            Men who catch foul balls without spillin' their beer.
            You won't just smell good either.
            Your skin will be healthier and be more nourished.
            Dare I say? Soft.
            Oh, Men aren't supposed to have soft skin?
            Well, men weren't supposed to cry during movies.
            And then they made the movie Rudy.
            He's so little.