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AITA For filling my sisters shampoo bottle up with with cum, and then killing my entire family?

    My (78M) sister (17F) and I have never gotten along. One day she caught me spying on her in the shower(15M), and we got into a huge fight. So I stole her shampoo bottle(16M) and jacked off to hentai(18F) as much as possible until I filled it up all the way. I put the bottles back and the next day her hair smelled like cum(78M) and she was crying. My Mom(21F) and my dad found out and started to yell at me, so with my huge 900 inch cock(78M), I cummed(2000 Gallons) all over them and then they all drowned in cum.
    I am now facing life imprisonment(200 Years) but I honestly dont think I deserve it and that they are overreacting.
    So, Reddit, AITA?

    do it fart?

      do it fart? you be squirtin? copypasta
      you be squirtin? or u on the cream team? what color the inside? your booty real wet? do it clap? do it fart? do it grip the meat? its tight? how many fingers u use? what it taste like? can i smell it? is it warm? its real juicy? do it drip? you be moaning?
      You be squirting? you on the cream team? what colors the inside? your booty real wet? do it clap? do it fart? do it grip the meat? is it tight? how many fingers you use? what it taste like? can I smell it? is it warm or cold? is it scrumptious? do it drip?
      U be squirtin? Or u on the cream team? What color the inside? Ur pussy real wet? Do it clap? Do it grip the meat? Its tight? U got cheese? How many fingers u use? What it taste like? U got yeast in there? Can i smell it? Its warm? U suck the stank off tha dick? U hairy?
      Do it jiggle??? Do It deficate?? What it smell like? Is it fishy? Also can I see your asshole? Can I see it in good pictures/video quality? Can you do a full spread of your cheeks and make it open up a little bit? Can I see all the wrinkles of it? Can you record a video of you winking it with the flash on? While you at it can you slip a finger in there? Also can I see your pussy? Can you take all kinds of pics and angles of it? The back, the front, from under? Can you use your fingers to spread the lips and show the interior? When you’re wet can you send a video of you pleasuring yourself with the sound on? Can you show the pussy hole?

      Why i’m Openly Transphobic

        Transphobic means hating trains
        I mean really? Who even likes those things anyway. Trains are such unnecessary things in our modern society. They are dirty, ugly, and always have at least 1 drug dealer inside it. I fucking hate trains, cars and buses are 1000% times more superior. Fuck trains and their shitty railways clogging up the land.

        EVIL pro tip: invite your friends to a sleepover

          Invite your friends to a sleepover copypasta
          EVIL pro tip: invite your friends to a sleepover and specify that you have enough sleeping accommodations for everyone then when they arrive be like "yeah all the other beds disappeared like ghosts" so everyone has to sleep in this one massive bed but it's really more like 3 california king beds attached at the sides and all your friends reluctantly accept and spread a rumor to different random people that you and x friend slept together (technically true) to cause chaos. once the rumor has reached a sufficient number of people such that your other friends are discussing the rumors like the climax of an episode of a mediocre sitcom, propose to all of your friends at once then immediately say lol get fucked and ride away on your motorbike, never to be seen again

          Mr. Hippo

            My friend, you have met a terrible, terrible demise. But you know I don’t feel to bad about it. After all, if it weren’t from me, it would have just been from someone else, ya know? I guess what I’m trying to say life, life goes on. W- well, for everyone else, life goes on not for you, you’re dead. That’s neither here nor there. That reminds me of one summer day in the park, I was having a delightful picnic with my good friend Orville. And I said to him, I said “Orville, I-I have a story” And he said to me “What’s the significance of the story?” I said to him “Orville, not every story has to have significance, ya know? Sometimes uhh, sometimes a story is just a story. You try to read into every little thing and find meaning in everything anyone says, you’ll just drive yourself crazy. Had a friend do it once, wasn’t pretty, we talked about it for years. And not only that, you’ll likely end up believe something you shouldn’t believe or thinking something you shouldn’t think o-o-or assuming something you shouldn’t assume, ya know? Sometimes I said a story is just a story, so just be quiet for one second here life and eat your sandwich, okay? Of course, it was only then I realized i made sandwiches and poor Orville was having such difficulty eating it! Elephants have those clumsy hands, ya know? Actually, I suppose that’s the problem, they don’t have hands at all, they’re all feet. I couldn’t imagine someone asking me to eat a sandwich with my feet. Now, if I recall correctly there was a bakery nearby, I said to him “Orville, let me go get you some rye bread.” Now, I’m unsure elephants enjoy rye bread, but, I assure you that Orville does. Now this was on a Tuesday which was good because rye bread was always fresh on Tuesday. They made sourdough on Monday and threw it out Wednesday. or rather they sold it at a discount for people who wanting to feed the ducks and then probably at the end of the day they threw it all out. I do remember a man who would being his son to the bakery every Wednesday, and go feed the ducks. He would buy all of the sourdough bread, of course, you know, you’re not supposed to feed the ducks sourdough bread at all. It swells up in their stomach and they all die, at least that’s what I’ve heard. Ya know I never saw any ducks die myself but I did notice a substantial decrease in duck population over the course of a few years. I just never thought to stop the man and tell him he was killing the ducks by feeding them sourdough bread. And if you want my opinion on the matter if you wanna feed ducks or birds or any kind for that matter, especially buy seed. I mean, when you think about it, breads of any sort don’t occur in nature, they don’t grow on trees or spring up from bushes! I don’t think birds know what to do with bread. What was I saying? Oh oh yes yes. So I bought Orville some rye bread. What a fine day it was.