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Copy sexual de Spy x Family

    Anya from Spy x Family cursed Brazil copypasta
    "Todo poder vem com um preço", disse um mendigo da minha rua uma vez. Infelizmente o preço pra Anya será se tornar a criança com a mente mais suja desse mundo. Acha que quando a Anya crescer e chegar na puberdade ela vai ter um namoro romântico fofinho? Amigo, a esse ponto ela já leu as mentes dos pais enquanto eles faziam o irmão mais novo dela. Ela definitivamente já coringou, e toda sanidade q ela tinha agora se resume à palavra "SEXO", que foi fixada em sua mente através de noites em claro ouvindo a sinfonia de gemidos que sua madrasta fazia. E olha que a Anya ainda devia agradecer por ter um pai tão "inocente" quanto o Lloyd. Se fosse eu no lugar dele, Anya teria pesadelos lendo minha mente já que eu passaria ao menos 16 horas por dia pensando nas mais diversas maneiras de empacotar minha rola nesse enorme caixote que a gostosa da Yor carrega atrás. Sério, meus pensamentos enquanto eu vejo esse anime são todos sobre como eu poderia martelar minha estaca de prata nessa vampira chupadora de sangue de pica, sobre formas de pegar por trás aquele corpo magrinho, durinho, todo treinado e cheirando ao sangue do cara que ela enforcou com as coxas, esquartejou e comeu o coração 20 minutos atrás e PLAC PLAC PLAC PLAC até eu arrancar o útero dela base da pirocada. Vendo essa flexibilidade dela, tenho certeza de que ela sabe todas as posições pra deixar um homem morto em qualquer sentido. Então não pensem que seria algo unilateral, a cama se tornaria um ringue de luta em que só um sai vivo toda noite pra ressuscitar o outro com um desfibrilador.

    Translated version

    "All power comes with a price," a homeless man on my street once said. Unfortunately, the price for Anya will be to become the dirtiest child in the world. Do you think that when Anya grows up and reaches puberty she will have a cute romantic date? Friend, by this point she's read her parents' minds as they played her little brother. She's definitely joked by now, and whatever sanity she had now comes down to the word "SEX", which was fixed in her mind through sleepless nights listening to the symphony of moans her stepmother made. And anya should still be grateful for having a father as "innocent" as Lloyd. If it were me in his place, Anya would have nightmares reading my mind since I would spend at least 16 hours a day thinking about the most diverse ways to pack my cock in that huge crate that Yor's hottie carries in her back. Seriously, my thoughts as I watch this anime are all about how I could hammer my silver stake into this bloodsucking cock-sucking vampire, about ways to get behind that skinny, tough, all-trained body smelling like the blood of the guy she is. hanged with her thighs, quartered and ate the heart 20 minutes ago and PLAC PLAC PLAC PLAC until I rip her uterus off the base of the cock. Seeing this flexibility of hers, I'm sure she knows all the positions to make a man dead in any way. So don't think it would be something one-sided, the bed would become a fighting ring where only one comes out alive every night to resuscitate the other with a defibrillator.

    I had a masturbation addiction that caused my dick to fell off.

      Dick fell off copypasta
      This was a few years ago, i was 21, but now I'm ready to share my story. Some time ago I just got into a breakup and I suffered emotionally, mentally and I was physically exhausted. My sex drive was at the lowest point in my life. Months passed and I haven't had any form of sexual activity until one day I had the urge to j*rk off.
      I am living solo with only just my dog so I had all the privacy I need. I was sitting in my couch and while watching a girl dancing on my phone I decided to fuck the couch. I was really horny at that time and it felt really good It was so tight yet so soft. Everytime I became horny I always try to jerk off or fck certain things such as folded clothes in my wardrobe, office chair, I also tried fucking a lotion bottle with a large opening. Basically I was fcking anything where my d*ck fits. This was my routine in the morning and after work.
      I don't know what got into me but I decided to fck my refrigerator. The door has a seal which is soft so I decided to fck that. At first it felt really good so everyday the only thing I was effing is my refrigerator. Until one day I decided to f*ck the side of the refrigerator door where it is hinged. Surprisingly my d fits perfectly. It is tight and I like how I can control the tightness of it.
      Now for the disaster, my dog decided to push the refrigerator door and my fully hard erected dck got stuck. It was the STRONGEST PAIN that you can ever imagine as a man. I can't reach the the door handle to open it but I can't move because it fcking hurt so bad. I tried to scream but I can't. I was panicking and I feel like I can die at that moment but I was scared of the idea that someone will find me dead with my dck stuck in the refrigerator door. I tried and tried to reach the handle until I grabbed the string that was attached to the handle cover. I finally unstucked my dck but I can feel it but it hurts so bad. I can't tell because I think I'm gonna pass out. I was stuck for maybe 3-4 mins but it felt like a very long time.
      After I got myself unstucked, I still managed to cm but it still hurt pretty bad. I was thinking of going to a hospital to got my dck checked but I decided not to. I was scared of being judged so I decided to keep this to my self, later that day my dick got all red and violet, it looks like it lost blood circulation, I just applied cold compress and took a lot of pain killers to relieve myself, this went on for a few days. I managed to pee but it hurts really bad. Until one morning the pain was gone, I went to the toilet to pee but when I pull my shorts my DCK FELL OFF. It really fell into the toilet bowl and made splashing noise, I still remember it like it was yesterday. It felt like a dream at first and it took me a moment to realize what just happened. I was like fck what should I do, should I pick it up or flush it. I was looking at the part and it was really gone. I managed to pick it up and drive to an emergency room, I don't want to exlain the details because idk if the happenings at the hospital was true or just my hallucination.
      The doctors decided to take off the rest of the rotten tissue surgically because obviously my dick can't be saved. I was in the hospital for a month or so.
      Months passed, my lower part started to heal without a dck, I only had a urethra so I pee like woman. Only my parents knew about this. I don't do dates anymore because I can't have sex, I can't masturbate either. I have no dck.

      *drinks piss cutely*

        Drinking piss copypasta
        So I was once on a date with my now wife. We were going over the bridge from Galveston island. There was a masive wreck and we got stuck for a few hours. We had stoped for a large sweet tea and a Diet Coke at the double arches. I have a bladder the size of a dime! I had to pee. There were cops walking around picking up scraps and what not so opening my door and going over the bridge were not an option. I peed in my McDonald’s cup and put it in the cup holder. A few minuets latter guess what I took a huge gulp of. Let me tell you fresh urine isn’t good, I’m not going to try fermented! Oh and by the way my wife, anytime she has apple Juice asks me if I want some pee.

        Entire Morbius script

          The entire Morbius movie script

          WARNING! Long script!

          [WIND WHISTLING]
          [BIRDS CHIRPING]
          We shouldn’t be here when it gets dark.
          Set the trap at the mouth of the cave, please.
          PILOT: You need a doctor?
          I am a doctor.
          It’s impressive, don’t you think?
          Vampire bats weigh almost nothing, but they can down a creature nearly ten times their size.
          [FLIES BUZZING]
          What are you using as bait?
          You volunteering?
          [TRAP CLANKS]
          Pay me now.
          Before the sun goes down.
          You throw in that bushcrafter on your belt and we have a deal.
          [GROANS SOFTLY]
          [ALL CHITTERING]
          Come on.
          [BELL TOLLING]
          [CAR HORN HONKS]
          NICHOLAS: Should be able to take better care of you here.
          Everyone’s here to help you.
          Michael, this is Lucian. Lucian, Michael.
          Michael knows more about this place than I do.
          [WHISPERS] Play nice.
          LUCIAN: Hello.
          Hello, Milo.
          My name’s Lucian.
          The person who was here before was Milo.
          He was also the new Milo.
          And before him was the other new Milo.
          I don’t even remember the first Milo.
          How long have you been here?
          Long as I can remember.
          And you’re still not cured?
          There is no cure.
          There’s something missing from our DNA.
          Like a piece of a puzzle.
          And until they find it, the only way to stay alive is an oil change three times a day.
          What would you do if you could be normal?
          Just for an hour?
          I don’t think about it.
          Hey, look at the freaks! Look at them!
          Best not to be outside when school gets out.
          Like the original Spartans, we are the few against the many.
          [ALERT BUZZING]
          [WHISPERS] Okay…
          [BEEPS AND WHIRS]
          With one of these?
          It took a team of scientists to build that machine and you fixed it with a ballpoint pen?
          There’s a school for gifted children in New York.
          I think that I could get them to agree to cover your tuition and provide private care to help manage your condition.
          Somewhere you could study, learn, hone your skills.
          You have a gift, Michael.
          I don’t think I could forgive myself if I saw it go to waste.
          MICHAEL: “Dear Milo, this isn’t goodbye. I’m gonna find a cure for us, so we can be cranky old men someday. Your friend, Michael.
          P.S. You shouldn’t have unfolded this. Now you’ll never get it back together. See you this summer.”
          “Dear Milo…”
          [ALL LAUGH]
          Please, can I have my letter back?
          Please, can I have my letter?
          Okay. Here.
          Please. Ah!
          [SHOUTS] Please!
          [BOYS LAUGHING]
          [BOYS GRUNTING]
          Go away!
          Let me have a look. Let me have a look.
          He tried to steal my letter!
          Milo, Milo, stop.
          Stop. Stop. Stop.
          What about Milo?
          I’ll look after Milo.
          He needs me.
          NICHOLAS: Michael Morbius completed his doctorate by 19 and quickly established himself as the world’s leading authority on blood-borne diseases.
          His development of artificial blood has saved more lives than penicillin.
          Michael Morbius, please step forward to acknowledge the receipt of your prize from His Majesty, the King of Sweden.
          ANNA: I can’t believe you dissed the king of Sweden.
          The king and the queen, their loyal subjects, all of Scandinavia and the entire scientific community.
          Yeah, but who does that?
          Well, Anna, we both know I have issues.
          But, hey, I kept the program.
          [KNOCKS] There you are.
          Hey, Dr. Bancroft.
          Hey, Anna.
          We going to play?
          Oh, I don’t think so.
          See, now that Dr. Morbius is back, maybe you should try losing for a while, see how that feels.
          MICHAEL: Not gonna happen.
          Uh, yes?
          You got a minute?
          Of course.
          New one. For your collection.
          [WHISPERS] Dr. Morbius is in trouble.
          I’m in trouble.
          MARTINE: “I can’t accept a prize for the by-product of a failed experiment.”
          Lab 1.
          Front page, “American Scientist Rejects Nobel Prize.”
          You know that people actually like writing checks to Nobel laureates?
          Makes them feel better about their investment.
          It would help if you stuck around long enough to cash them.
          You’re pushing yourself too hard.
          Does our generous benefactor, Milo, know what you’re actually doing here?
          What am I actually doing here?
          Remixing human DNA with bat DNA.
          I have no idea what you’re…
          Talking about?
          Is anything ringing a bell?
          No bells ringing. Uh…
          Okay. Maybe this will jog your memory.
          MICHAEL: I wouldn’t go in there if I were you.
          That is a…
          It’s a fish tank.
          Like, for… flying mammals.
          Oh, I see.
          Some friends I brought back from Costa Rica.
          So when were you gonna tell me?
          More importantly, how did you get my pass code?
          It’s the first six digits of pi backwards.
          It’s your password for everything.
          You should change that.
          You could lose your license for this.
          I’m not gonna need it much longer, doctor.
          You, on the other hand, will.
          You know, there’s something called “plausible deniability.”
          You should be thanking me.
          These are the only mammals on Earth that have evolved to feed exclusively on blood.
          So in order to drink it, these bats produce saliva that contains unique anticoagulants.
          So your theory is, if you can successfully splice vampire genes into your DNA, it would allow your body to produce those same anticoagulants.
          MICHAEL: Yes.
          It would be a cure.
          At what cost?
          The fusion of different species is a legacy we already carry in our bodies.
          Viruses insinuating their nucleic acid onto our own over hundreds of thousands of years.
          That’s evolution. This is different.
          I don’t think it is.
          We have to push the boundaries, take the risks.
          Without that, there is no science.
          No medicine.
          No breakthroughs at all.
          [RECORDER BEEPS]
          Test subject for cell combination 117.
          Come on, come on, come on.
          [RECORDER BEEPS]
          [SIGHS] Test subject 117 has resulted in…
          [RECORDER BEEPS]
          I don’t wanna see you get hurt.
          I should’ve died years ago, Martine.
          Why am I still alive if not to fix this?
          To save my best friend, Milo.
          And everyone else like us.
          Not like this.
          Dr. Morbius, it’s Anna.
          Her temperature’s spiking, and her kidneys are shutting down.
          We have to induce a coma before she has a stroke.
          A hundred milligrams of propofol.
          NURSE: Sure.
          MARTINE: Now.
          Come on.
          MICHAEL: It’s okay.
          It’s okay. We got you.
          There you go.
          There you go.
          Thank you, nurse.
          We’re gonna let you sleep a bit.
          Take a nice long nap.
          It worked.
          [CLOCK CHIMES]
          Dr. Michael Morbius.
          [IN NORWEGIAN] Some crippled guy’s here to see the Boss.
          MILO: Michael! Get over here!
          [IN NORWEGIAN] As long as I am a cripple you’ll be fine.
          ♪ Stop dreaming Of the quiet life… ♪
          You’re late. I was trying out this new thing called “working.”
          Oh, yeah. I don’t believe I’m familiar with the word.
          I don’t believe you are.
          So, what’s up with the goon squad?
          Oh, I won a hand of cards against some Russian gentlemen.
          Apparently they found his luck improbable.
          There you are.
          More like impossible.
          So, doctor, how is our favorite patient?
          Still determined to make his short life even shorter?
          Yes, I am. Anyway, you’re one to talk.
          You look terrible. Look at the state of you.
          Says the man wearing… What is that, a quilt?
          Oh, sorry. I didn’t get the memo to dress for a funeral.
          Right. I will see you later.
          And you… my door is always open.
          We miss you at Horizon.
          We could use your mind.
          I’ll leave you two to your fun.
          Bye, Nicholas.
          I have some good news.
          Let’s go for a walk.
          How’s Martine doing these days?
          Dr. Bancroft? She is, uh, overqualified, outperforming, brilliant as usual.
          And a royal pain in my ass.
          But she’s keeping me honest for the most part. Why do you ask?
          Eh, no reason. Just haven’t seen you in forever.
          I wondered if she had something to do with it.
          Aw, I miss you too.
          But, yes, she has been working with me to save our lives.
          I could ask her to stop if you like, put us out of our misery.
          Just don’t do something stupid and go and fall in love because, believe you me, there is absolutely no cure for that.
          Says the guy who knows absolutely nothing about the subject.
          Not true.
          I read about it in books all the time.
          Books, really? Wow.
          Or romantic comedies. The point is…
          The point is, love is not on the cards for us, my friend.
          Listen, if you start quoting The Notebook to me, I am going to stop and hobble very slowly in the opposite direction.
          Throw it!
          MICHAEL: I’m close, Milo.
          I can feel it.
          A cure.
          It’s finally possible.
          Highly experimental.
          Ethically questionable.
          Very, very, very expensive.
          I knew that was coming.
          And not exactly legal.
          Oh, and it has to be done in international waters.
          You were always expensive.
          Is it dangerous? Should I be worried?
          You want me to lie to you?
          That would be nice, yes.
          It’s a walk in the park on a sunny day.
          Oh, yeah, that bad, eh?
          We don’t have much time left.
          This could be our last chance.
          So, what do you say?
          We go out with a fight?
          You with me?
          Till the day you die, brother.
          Till the day you die. You’ll have everything you need.
          We’re the original Spartans, mate.
          The few against the many.
          You know, I’m sure you’re cheating.
          No. No, you’re not.
          What you got?
          MICHAEL: Putting another one in the oven.
          Wish me luck.
          The moment of truth.
          [CHIMES AND BEEPS]
          Success, Martine. We did it.
          It’s holding together.
          [RECORDER BEEPS]
          Test 243.
          [INHALES DEEPLY]
          Human trials.
          [RECORDER BEEPS]
          I’m glad it’s you.
          Had a lot of other suitors, didn’t you?
          You know, the whole near-death thing is very, very chic.
          I read it in Cosmo.
          Do they still make Cosmo? I don’t know.
          I know it’s just what you always wanted.
          Could be a collector’s item one day, you never know.
          This better not be my last one.
          I know this is painful, but you got it.
          [GROANS SOFTLY]
          That’s it. Bingo.
          Right there.
          Almost there, almost there.
          It’s all right. Come on. Come on.
          There you go.
          [GROANS SOFTLY]
          You can buckle me up.
          You all right? Great.
          I call.
          Bringing out the big guns.
          Let’s go again.
          I’ll be back. I’m gonna check on the doctor.
          All right.
          [DOOR CLANGS OPEN]
          You shouldn’t be down here.
          I can be wherever I want, nurse.
          It’s “doctor,” actually.
          I’m afraid you’re gonna have to leave.
          Doctor. Sure, I can see it.
          But, uh, you’re still the help, just like me.
          You can tell all that by just looking at me, huh?
          Here I thought you were just another jacked-up dumb shit.
          Get out.
          [ALERT BLARING]
          [GUN COCKS]
          [METAL CLANKS]
          Where is he?
          [METAL CLANKS]
          Don’t move.
          What the hell?
          Everybody down to the lab now.
          [WALKIE BEEPS]
          Roger that.
          Don’t shoot!
          [ALARM BLARING]
          [FOX GROANING]
          It’s just me.
          [ALARM BLARING]
          It’s just me.
          [POUNDS ON GLASS]
          Michael, please.
          Michael, stop!
          Stop! Please!
          You’re hurting yourself! Stop!
          Hey! Step back! Move!
          Stop. Put that gun down…
          Shit. Close it! Close it!
          What the hell is that thing?
          Fall back! Fall back!
          MAN 1: Let’s move.
          MAN 2: Go, go, go!
          [MORBIUS GROWLS]
          Get out of here!
          MAN [OVER RADIO]: Sweeping Level 3.
          Jason, come in.
          Jason. Jason?
          Oh, shit.
          Son of a bitch!
          Shit! Oh!
          Oh, shit!
          [MORBIUS GROWLS]
          [WHISPERS] Oh, my God.
          Mayday, mayday, mayday.
          This is the LCV Murnau.
          Call letters 3-X5Y.
          We are 13 nautical miles off the coast of Long Island.
          Request immediate airlift.
          Repeat, this is the LCV Murnau.
          Mayday, mayday, mayday.
          It’s up here to the right.
          FBI Agent Stroud. Can we have the room, please?
          RODRIGUEZ: You heard the man. Can we please have the room?
          If you could start exiting, that’d be fantastic.
          Well, we haven’t had anything this good since that thing in San Francisco.
          Uh, eight bodies, running IDs right now, but apparently they all shop at the same mercenary supply store.
          Uh, one survivor, a Dr. Martine Bancroft.
          Can we talk to her?
          If she wakes up.
          Uh, she fell down and hit her head, apparently.
          Anything else?
          Someone made a mayday call.
          Not Dr. Bancroft.
          It was a male, didn’t identify himself, then wiped all the surveillance footage.
          SIMON: He grew a conscience and jumped overboard?
          It happens. Oh, and get this.
          All the bodies that you’re looking at are nearly drained of their blood.
          So, what hunts at night and drinks human blood?
          You’re gonna love this.
          REPORTER: Early this morning an unmanned cargo ship was discovered near the eastern tip of Long Island with multiple bodies on board.
          Authorities are not making any comment at this time.
          But there are reports of one survivor, and we have learned from a high-ranking Coast Guard official that the vessel was flying a Panamanian flag when it drifted in from international…
          What’s happened?
          Some kind of accident.
          How’s your pain today? On a one to ten?
          [WHISPERS] I’m sorry.
          You’re going to be okay.
          Lab 1.
          Privacy screens.
          [SHOE SQUEAKS]
          Come on. Come on.
          [RECORDER BEEPS]
          As a result of my procedure, I have an overpowering urge to consume… blood.
          Human blood.
          In certain respects, I have succeeded far beyond anything I could have imagined.
          For the first time in my entire life, I feel… good.
          Yesterday, I could barely walk.
          Today, I don’t know what I’m capable of.
          For a period of time after ingestion, my numbers are off the charts.
          I have the constitution of an Olympic athlete.
          Increased strength and speed that can only be described as… superhuman.
          And all of this… on artificial blood.
          I’ve become something different.
          I feel a kinship with these creatures.
          They would tear anyone else apart, but they welcome me.
          Like a brother.
          I’ve even developed a form of echolocation.
          Bat radar, for the uninitiated.
          The question is:
          How do I control it?
          Isolate it?
          [INHALES DEEPLY]
          And let it go.
          [EXHALES DEEPLY]
          But, unfortunately, this condition is temporary.
          [WATCH BEEPING]
          I’ve been timing myself.
          Artificial blood keeps me stable for six hours.
          But that window… is growing shorter.
          Artificial blood won’t work forever.
          One question remains: What if…?
          What if artificial blood becomes ineffective?
          What happens if I go without?
          No blue…
          No red…
          [GROANS SOFTLY]
          Eventually, my vitals drop precipitously and my illness returns with a vengeance.
          Soon, I’ll face a choice.
          Drink the red… or die.
          But what happened on that ship… can’t ever happen again.
          It’s me.
          You in here?
          Where are you?
          Michael? What are you doing?
          Michael, it’s Milo. What are you doing?
          Do you need help?
          You want the blood in the freezer? Wait.
          MILO: I’m coming, I’m coming.
          I’m coming.
          Michael, hang on.
          Here. Here.
          You’re… You’re strong.
          You did it.
          You did it. You found a cure to live.
          [WATCH BEEPS]
          What? What is it?
          I’ve made a terrible mistake, Milo.
          We all make mistakes. Don’t worry about it.
          You’ve never made one like this before.
          Michael, enough.
          Just give it to me. I need it.
          I can’t live like this any longer. Please.
          I can’t.
          What do you mean, you can’t?
          I can’t.
          I need this. I… I’ve done things, Milo. I killed people.
          W-we… We can make that go away.
          The ones on the boat, they’re thugs, guns for hire.
          I can make that go away.
          You don’t understand.
          I do understand. Please. Have I ever denied you anything?
          Said no? Have I always given you…?
          I can’t control it!
          What, so… So you get to live and I get to die? Is that it?
          It’s a curse.
          Believe me, brother. It is.
          Now, please, I need you to go.
          It’s not safe here.
          No, don’t make me go. Please, Michael, don’t…
          I said, get out!
          I said, get out!
          [DOOR CLOSES]
          She’s right here.
          Dr. Bancroft? Agents Stroud and Rodriguez.
          How you feeling, doctor?
          Like I’m in a hospital, eating really crappy Jell-O.
          This shouldn’t take long.
          You were out on a container ship that washed up off of Long Island.
          Doctor, there were eight dead bodies inside.
          We also noticed that their blood was… What do you call it?
          Exsanguinated. I looked it up.
          So, um, sorry for the graphic nature of some of these photos.
          But, um, you’re a doctor, so you know what people look like on the inside.
          These puncture wounds right there, those look like fang marks to you?
          Well, you were out there conducting a major experiment.
          We’re just hoping you could shed some light.
          Yeah, that… Not exactly sanitary, isn’t it?
          I’m having a little bit of a hard time remembering what happened that night.
          Sure. Let’s go.
          You also work at the Horizon Lab, right?
          With Dr. Michael Morbius.
          Appreciate your time, doctor.
          [DOOR CLOSES]
          [GLASS SHATTERS]
          Who’s there?
          [NURSE GASPS]
          [WATCH BEEPING]
          [HEART BEATING]
          MAN 1 [ECHOING]: Get away from her. Just step back.
          MAN 2: Has she been there all night?
          MAN 3: Looks like all the blood was drained from her body.
          Any contusions?
          Not that I can see.
          Back to our rooms, okay?
          Dr. Morbius?
          Agent Stroud.
          Agent Rodriguez. Can we have a minute?
          Of course. How can I help you?
          SIMON: First, I wanna say thank you.
          Your artificial blood actually saved my arm in Afghanistan, sir.
          I’m glad I could be of service.
          I mean, I must admit, doc, you don’t look
          anything like you do on the news.
          Yeah, you look downright robust.
          I have good days and bad.
          Pilates helps.
          How are you on boats?
          As you can see…
          don’t have very good sea legs.
          Why do you ask?
          ‘Cause you’ve been looking for a cure for your condition your whole life, right?
          You’ve pretty much tried everything.
          Crazy experiments, maybe on a boat?
          “Crazy” isn’t a term that I would use… detective.
          Unorthodox, maybe.
          But I’d do just about anything to save a life.
          I’m sure you can understand that.
          Anything else I can help you two with?
          DISPATCHER [ECHOES OVER RADIO]: All units, the 120 block, Horizon Labs, female body drained of blood, initiate lock down.
          Copy that. Doc, got a couple more questions for you.
          RODRIGUEZ: Yeah, you’re coming with us.
          Hey, freeze!
          SIMON: Stop him!
          [GUN COCKS]
          Hold fire!
          Get backup and meet me up top.
          [WIND WHISTLING]
          [GUN COCKS]
          [SIRENS WAILING]
          MICHAEL: It’s worse than I first thought.
          At this rate, artificial blood will stop working in a matter of days.
          8:13 p.m.
          Down from six hours to four hours, 22 minutes.
          I got a problem.
          [DOOR SLAMS SHUT]
          Holy water?
          I’m not taking any chances.
          It’s triple blessed.
          We found this little guy on the container ship… with those bodies.
          That’s a little hobby of yours, right?
          RODRIGUEZ: You know, eight dead mercs on a boat really doesn’t ruffle our feathers.
          I’m pretty sure they were guilty of something and happy to have them off the water.
          But Nurse Sutton, single mother with twin girls, that’s… something else.
          Yes, I know.
          Her name was Kristen. We worked together every single day for seven years.
          She was a good person.
          So why’d you do it?
          I can’t answer that.
          What did you do to yourself, doctor?
          Make us understand.
          I wish I knew.
          Great stuff. Um, Really informative.
          Thank you. Uh…
          I dropped a bag.
          There’s something inside that I need.
          Bag of artificial blood.
          Yeah. It’s in evidence, I’m sorry.
          [TABLE RATTLING]
          I’m sorry.
          I’m starting to get hungry.
          And you don’t wanna see me when I’m hungry.
          SIMON: We’re done here. Let’s go.
          [KNOCKS ON DOOR] Guard!
          Your lawyer’s here.
          You look terrible.
          Lawyer, huh?
          I don’t remember you ever finishing law school.
          ‘Cause I didn’t.
          Sit down. Sit down.
          I mean, if one of us was going to end up in bright orange trainers, I would never have guessed it would be you.
          They’re charging me with murder.
          I don’t know. I don’t know.
          Maybe I blacked out? Uh…
          Now listen to me.
          [QUIETLY] I don’t believe it.
          You’re not capable of that.
          I know that all you’ve ever tried to do is help people.
          You don’t belong here.
          This place is for terrorists and drugs lords and God knows who.
          Michael, we need to get you out of here.
          In whatever way possible.
          Maybe this is where I belong.
          If I’m in here, then nobody else dies.
          Listen to me.
          You are not capable of killing that woman.
          [POUNDING ON DOOR]
          Hey, Your Highness, time’s up.
          Michael, here’s something to keep you going.
          [LOCK CLICKS]
          [BUZZER SOUNDS]
          [BUZZER SOUNDS]
          Never too early.
          [ALARM BLARING]
          OFFICER: Let’s move!
          Come on, this way!
          Let’s go. Let’s go.
          Open the door.
          Now! Go!
          He’s getting away!
          [WIND WHISTLING]
          [HORNS HONKING]
          Daily Bugle, please, sir.
          There you go, buddy.
          Here you are, my friend.
          Always figured that guy for a freak.
          How’s that? You’ve never met him.
          I mean, look at him. What else you need to know?
          MILO: You know, you shouldn’t judge someone by how they look.
          Didn’t your mother teach you any manners?
          Take me, for example.
          I may look harmless enough.
          Do you think I’m joking?
          [VENDOR SCREAMS]
          Got me.
          You see? I knew you could do it.
          You took the serum even after I warned you.
          What am I gonna do, lay down and die?
          Thank you for the death wish.
          I tried to protect you!
          Protect me? Protect me from what?
          Becoming a monster like me.
          I don’t think you’re a monster. Okay?
          I killed the nurse.
          I killed the nurse.
          I know. But you know what it’s like your first time.
          You have no idea what you’re doing. You have no control.
          Milo, you have to stop.
          You have to stop. You have to stop denying who you are.
          It’s boring. We can go anywhere, we can do anything. Let’s go.
          Let’s have some fun.
          This isn’t you.
          I know you. Where’s the brother that I used to have?
          How can you say that to me?
          Look what you’ve become.
          Everything I am, I am because of you.
          I looked up to you my whole life.
          I will never leave you, and I will not go back.
          You cannot make me go back. I won’t let you make me go back!
          Move, bitch, move!
          [BOTH GRUNTING]
          We’ve evolved!
          You’re a scientist, Michael.
          Surely, surely you understand that.
          That’s not what this is. This is a mistake.
          But I can fix it. I’ll figure out how to reverse it.
          Artificial blood will keep us stable until I do.
          Yeah, I’m fine just the way I am, thank you very much.
          OFFICER: Hey! Hands up!
          Up against the wall. Now.
          MILO: Officer.
          Come on.
          MILO: Anything you say.
          You. Don’t move.
          Okey-do key.
          We have the suspects.
          Like we used to say… live a little.
          [OFFICERS GROAN]
          All our lives, we’ve lived with death hanging over us.
          Why shouldn’t they know what it feels like for a change, Michael?
          [ECHOES] Michael!
          [SINGSONG, ECHOES] Michael.
          I’m not gonna fight you, Milo.
          [TRAIN HORN BLOWS]
          [WIND WHISTLING]
          SIMON: Now he’s laying out officers in my city, huh?
          It’s unforgiveable.
          Just keep your eyes on Dr. Bancroft.
          Woman in the jeans, where’d she go?
          Yeah, right.
          Hey, stranger.
          You shouldn’t be here.
          I didn’t kill Nurse Sutton or the police.
          Or any of those people.
          I know.
          Milo, he…
          He took the serum.
          He’s out there.
          And I have to stop him.
          But I need your help.
          No, thanks. I quit caffeine.
          It’s decaf.
          [GASPS AND SIGHS]
          Not that kind of vampire.
          Just checking.
          I shouldn’t have dragged you out there. I’m sorry.
          You didn’t.
          I wanted to be there.
          Well, then apology rescinded.
          I guess we’re both a little crazy.
          How do you feel?
          I mean, I went from dying my entire life to feeling more alive than ever.
          Thankfully, artificial blood keeps me stable.
          I just have to drink it more often.
          How often?
          Every four hours, 22 minutes. Down from six.
          It’s losing its effectiveness.
          The issue is, when it stops working… I’ll become like Milo.
          You won’t.
          [DOOR BELL DINGS]
          Hi. Over there.
          Sorry, this one’s no good.
          Check it again. And keep one for yourself.
          No, I don’t wanna do it.
          There’s plenty more where those came from.
          Come on, man, we gotta get back to the lab.
          [HEART BEATING]
          Okay, I know that look.
          You’re up to something. What is it?
          I’ll need a couple of things from the lab.
          Can you do that for me?
          Yes, I can.
          But you didn’t answer my question. What is it?
          You’re right. I’m up to something.
          You got the blood?
          Got it.
          [SIREN WAILING]
          [DOG BARKING]
          [VIALS CLINKING]
          [HORNS HONKING]
          MAN 1: The ink on this new batch is pretty legit.
          It’s a good thing we switched the chemicals.
          MAN 2: Yo, finish up.
          It’s a nice place that you got here.
          Oh, I love this movie. Is this the part where the mysterious guy with the hoodie comes in and kicks everybody’s asses? I love that part.
          Who the hell are you?
          It doesn’t matter, but I am gonna need your laboratory.
          [MAN LAUGHS]
          MICHAEL: You can keep the money, all your little toys.
          Just leave the science-y stuff and that bag of spicy Cheetos.
          He wants my lab?
          You trying to be funny?
          No, no, no. Absolutely not. That’s their job.
          I mean, look at their matching necklaces.
          Time to go.
          [BONES CRACKING]
          Did you know that there are 27 bones in the human hand?
          Allow me to introduce the phalanges.
          The metacarpals.
          Shit. Let’s get the fuck out of here!
          And the pretty, little stinky pinkie.
          Who the hell are you, man?
          [IN DEEP VOICE] I am Venom.
          [IN REGULAR VOICE] You can go now.
          Six to eight weeks, a little ibuprofen.
          Should heal up just fine.
          Yo. Can I get a tequila, please?
          Don Julio 1942.
          Do I know you?
          No, I don’t think so.
          We’ve met.
          I’m sure of it.
          No, I’d remember.
          You’re too pretty.
          You know what they say, “Tequila to remember, whiskey to forget.”
          That’s good.
          Sir, two tequilas, please.
          Hey, yo.
          Her drinks are spoken for, bro.
          You know, uh, ahem, I’m gonna do you a favor and let you walk out of here, all right?
          That’s very kind of you.
          Here was I thinking you were a complete asshole.
          Sir, can I get my friend here…
          …and his friends a round of whiskeys?
          JEAN: Hey!
          [GLASS SHATTERS]
          [MILO GROWLS]
          MAN: I’ll get you another drink.
          Another time.
          You see the size of that guy? I’m not paying for those drinks.
          MILO: Martine.
          Sorry. I let myself in.
          I hope I didn’t startle you.
          It’s okay.
          If I’d known our biggest funder was coming, I would have planned a nice dinner for us.
          Actually, I’ve already eaten.
          Whatever it is, it’s doing wonders for your health.
          I feel great.
          What can I do for you?
          Well, it’s Michael.
          I’m worried about him.
          He’s alone out there.
          And I think he needs me.
          If I can get to him before the police do, I can help him.
          You wouldn’t happen to know where he is, would you?
          You two have always been so close.
          I’m sorry.
          I don’t.
          Just to be sure, I’m going to ask you one more time.
          You don’t happen to know where he is, do you, Martine?
          I wouldn’t lie to you, Milo.
          I don’t.
          Now, if you don’t mind, I have work to do.
          Well, if you see him, if you hear from him, tell him: “We are the few against the many.”
          We’ll have to do that dinner another time, Martine.
          Here, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty.
          Cat’s gone. And she’s probably gone along with it.
          [CAT MEOWS]
          It’s time to eat, you little monster.
          [WINCES AND SIGHS]
          [GROWLS SOFTLY]
          [SLAMS FLOOR] Michael.
          I’m sorry.
          You may wanna close that up.
          [EXHALES DEEPLY]
          [MICHAEL SIGHS]
          How does it feel… when you’re on red?
          Something wakes up inside of me, something… primal. And it just, uh… And it wants to hunt. And wants to kill.
          I’m sorry.
          [CAT MEOWS]
          Good as new.
          Nice work, doctor.
          Thank you, doctor.
          You know, for the record, I… I wasn’t gonna go full Dracula on you downstairs.
          For the record… I find him to be quite the romantic.
          Come here.
          Just close your eyes.
          Move closer.
          [TRAIN RATTLING]
          Did you know the average male body has 12 pints of blood?
          I mean, how much do you think the doctor can drink?
          I don’t know.
          When’s the last time you had 36 beers?
          When’s the last time you had any beers?
          I’ll go grab the footage.
          I don’t want you to have to move or anything.
          All right, check this out.
          Wait, wait, wait.
          Zoom in. And hold right there.
          That’s not the doctor.
          RODRIGUEZ: It’s what these bloodsuckers do. They multiply.
          Breaking news on the Lower East Side where three people have been killed.
          Authorities have confirmed the discovery of three new bodies outside a bar popular with Wall Street traders.
          And like the victims before them, they were completely drained of their blood, earning the killer the moniker “Vampire Murderer.”
          The prime suspect, renowned scientist Dr. Michael Morbius, remains at large.
          What have you got yourself into?
          However, another source inside the department has told us that CCTV footage of the murders suggests the killer could be a copycat.
          Residents are being urged to stay home after sundown until the killer, or killers, are brought to justice.
          NICHOLAS: Milo?
          [PILLS RATTLE]
          You’ve discovered my secret.
          I mean, look at me.
          I am reborn.
          I am the resurrection.
          My God, what have you done to yourself?
          Do you disapprove?
          What’s the matter, Nicholas? Is Daddy cross?
          All right. Settle down.
          Let’s go and have a drink together.
          Come celebrate with me, please.
          Just one drink.
          Milo, you’re scaring me. Please. Just…
          Just… Just calm down.
          What’s the matter?
          I can’t… I can’t sleep.
          I can help you with that.
          I’ve been more than a friend to you all this time, Milo.
          And I’m going to stay here with you.
          But there will be no more violence, understand?
          That doesn’t do it for me.
          I should have known. You always take his side.
          Tell me your side, then, Milo.
          Michael doesn’t accept what he is, Nicholas.
          I’m gonna make him accept it.
          By ruining his good name?
          See? There! There you are!
          Perfect Michael, selfless Michael, Michael the favorite!
          Don’t be childish, Milo!
          If anyone has a claim to being my favorite, it’s you.
          I’ve devoted my life to you.
          You pitied me before.
          You did. You pitied me before. You’re repulsed by me now.
          I am repulsed… by what you’ve done, by what you’ve become.
          Whatever this thing is… you’re not up to it.
          There’s no shame in what we are.
          “We are the few…”
          “Against the many.”
          Tell Michael, you tell him I’m going to kill as many as I want.
          MARTINE: “He’s only destroyed by a stake through the heart, made from the wood of the Holy Cross.”
          You don’t believe this.
          MICHAEL: No. But after the week that I’ve had, anything is possible.
          What is that?
          This is an antibody.
          It inhibits ferritin, induces a massive iron overload, instant hemochromatosis.
          Deadly to bats, fatal to humans.
          Who’s the second one for?
          My window’s closing. We both know that.
          By tomorrow I’ll be forced to consume human blood.
          I can’t do that. I won’t do that.
          So this is your solution, huh?
          Injecting yourself with poison?
          I brought this into the world.
          It’s up to me to take it out.
          I need you to go now. It’s not safe here. Okay?
          [CELL PHONE RINGS]
          [PHONE BEEPS ON]
          Nicholas, you okay?
          [WEAKLY] Michael, I need help.
          [GASPS, COUGHS]
          I went to see Milo.
          Come on, we have to get you to a hospital.
          [WEAKLY] You have to stop him.
          MILO: Michael.
          Call out for him.
          I want him to hear you.
          I won’t ask you again.
          Say, “Michael.”
          MARTINE: Michael.
          MILO: Good girl.
          MARTINE: Michael.
          MILO: Yeah.
          MARTINE: Michael.
          [MILO CHUCKLES]
          MARTINE: Milo.
          You’re hurting me.
          It’s okay.
          [HEART BEATING]
          MICHAEL: Martine?
          Let me take a look. Martine.
          Let me look.
          It’s bad.
          Make it mean something.
          I can help you.
          I’m sorry.
          [MILO CLAPPING]
          Drank the red.
          Good for you.
          It’s just you and me, Michael!
          Nothing, no one, to hold us back.
          I’m all you have left.
          That’s the spirit. Yeah.
          [MILO LAUGHS]
          [MILO LAUGHS]
          Come on, Michael!
          Come on!
          You can do better than this!
          It’s not a curse.
          It’s a gift.
          You started this, you created this, you created us!
          You can’t kill me.
          I mean, it’s me.
          [WHISPERS] You can’t kill me.
          You gave me my name.
          I remember everything.
          [SOFTLY] I’m sorry.
          OFFICER 1: Stay back, people.
          OFFICER 2: Get back! Back!
          Hope the food’s better in this joint.
          REPORTER [ON TV]: The bizarre story developing at the Manhattan Detention Center when a man identifying himself as Adrian Toomes simply appeared in an otherwise empty cell.
          A hearing has been set that could likely lead to his immediate release.
          [GRASS RUSTLING]
          [WIND WHISTLING]
          Thanks for meeting me, doc.
          I’ve been reading about you.
          I’m listening.
          I’m not sure how I got here.
          Has to do with Spider-Man, I think.
          I’m still figuring this place out, but I think a bunch of guys like us should team up.
          Could do some good.

          You Will Never Be A Real Woman (YWNBAW)

            You will never be a real woman or YWNBAW copypasta

            Its started as a post on 4chan meant to demean trans women and had since been the most popular copypasta used to harass trans people. Its infamy has led to many other parodies that are more circlejerk and less hateful in nature such as ‘You will be a real gamer‘ or ‘You will never be Japanese‘ versions.

            You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.
            All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.
            Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.
            You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
            Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.
            This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

            The Good Ending

            You are a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs, but that doesn't matter. You are a valid human who is trying to feel comfortable in her body.
            All the “validation” you get is pure. Behind your back people love you. Your parents are happy and proud of you, your friends laugh at your jokes behind closed doors, and boys love you, and girls envy you.
            Men absolutely love you. Trans folk who “pass” look ordinary and natural to a man. Your bone structure does not matter. Estradiol widens the hips.
            You will be happy. You will smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, and deep inside you feel the euphoria creeping up like a weed. It is what defines you, not the transphobes.
            Eventually, it’ll be perfect for you - you’ll come out, start HRT, get top surgery, and finally be your ideal self. Your parents will find you, happy and relieved that they finally have a happy daughter. They’ll congratulate you on your hard journey, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a woman is what you are.