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Is it weird that I fidget with my balls?

    When i'm alone in my room I often fidget with my balls. I have no idea why, at this point I do it without even realizing. Ill just be laying down or sitting at my desk and reach into my pants. As long as I can remember I've always done this, even before my diagnosis.
    I've just been worried that for some reason this could be bad or an underlying issue but I don't want to ask my doctor because it's embarrassing obviously
    Is it weird that I do this? Do any other ball-havers do this?
    EDIT: First of all, thank you guys for your comments it really helped me to find out im not a weirdo and that other people do this. Secondly, to the people concerned that I might accidentally touch my balls in public, I wan't to make it clear that I will NEVER let that happen. In public I am super self conscious and 90% of my thoughts most of the time are about how stupid i look etc. Most of the time Im trying to blend in and not fidget at all so the chances that I would accidentally touch my balls are definitely 0
    EDIT 2: The amount of honesty in this comment section has restored my faith in humanity

    Indian student

      Hello i am 6 year old student⛷️⛷️. Currently i have studied all subjects from to 10th🧝, I've completed all ncert, state board and icse books, but i think unfortunately my mother and father is going to disown me 😫😫😫because my relatives son (5 yo) has finished 11 and 12th portion too😔😔. I am lacking my syllabus right now i think i won't be able to make it since my relatives son already started to study for jee and neet together 😭😭😭 and are ready for 12th board exam since 4 years, i now have to study for 11th and 12th within 5 day😁😁s and also study for jee and neet together,😅😅😅😅 my mother ripped of my left leg because i scored 99.999980% (😰) and my relatives son scored 99.999981%. I am already lacking behind my syllabus and i think they will disown me now 😔😔. Ive learned how to solve Goldbach’s Conjecture, The Twin Prime Conjecture and The Riemann Hypothesis, but my relatives child knows how to solve Goldbach’s Conjecture and all other math problems ive solved😭😭😭, i currently can solve math faster than the speed of a Intel i3 9300K but my relatives son solved faster than me😢😢😢😢.I want iit collage admission or else my father will sell my left kidney and half of my liver 😱😱😱😱 Well anyways my 15 second break is over now i will study for jee advanced so i can score 100%.😋😋😋

      The Declaration of Independence in amogus

        In CONGRESS, July 4, 2021
        The unanimous Declaration of the eight united Crewmates of Among Us
        When in the Course of ඞmogusa game of Among Us 🇺🇸, it becomes necessary for one crew to dissolve the sussy bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powerussys 👙👙 of the shipussy, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of gamers requires that they should mald about the causes which impel them to the ejection of the sus.
        We hold these truths to be the opposite of sus, that all Crewmates are created equal, that they are endowed by Innersloth with certain unalienable Conditions, that Amongඞ Us are Impostors, Crewmates and the completion of Tasks.” — That to secure the victory of the Crewmates, Emergency Meetings are instituted Among Us, deriving their just powers from the consent of the Crewmates, —That whenever any Form of Sussiness 💅💅💅 becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the Crewmates to eject it, and to institute new Emergency Meetings, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Survival. Logical deduction, indeed, will dictate that Impostors should not be ඞAmong Us for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that Crewmates are more disposed to suffer, while ejections are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of failed tasks, pursuing invariably the same Impostor Win evinces a design to kill 🔫😐👾 all the Crewmates, it is their right, it is their duty, to eject the impostors and to provide new Guards ✨ for their future security.
        Such has been the patient sufferance of these Crewmates; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to hold an Emergency Meeting. The history of the present 🌚 Accused 😱 Crewmate is a history of repeated failed tasks, all having in direct object the establishment of ✨🌸 death!!! violence!!!! piles of bodies!!! <333333 :DDDDDDDD 🌸✨. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to 🔛🔛 Discord Voice Chat.
        He has refused his card swipe, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
        He has forbidden his 🤪😂🤣📮🚘 Crewmates to clean the O2 filter, because he said “i am trash like these leaves are i kin them you cant take them away”, and has utterly neglected to attend to them.
        He has called together Emergency Meetings at times unusual, uncomfortable and distant from the depository of their Public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance 🍆🍑🍑🍑💦💦 >.<what 😳 are 👀 you doing stepbro 👅 HELLO?? with his measures 😈.
        He has remained stationary at the asteroids station for two (2) minutes, yet the gun 🍆 on the outer part of the ship has not fired 😳 💦💦 a single time.
        He 🧠 has refused to Empty Chute, preferring to let the spaceship rot in FILTH and COCKROACHES, to reflect his current standard of living (SOL - From Investopedia: Standard of living refers to the quantity and quality of material goods and services available to a given population.) in the real world. Because hes a neet like you (the reader) are
        He has kept Among Us, in times of peace, Assorted Weaponry without the Consent of his Crewmates.
        For quartering large bodies of Crewmates Among Us:
        For 😍🍆 ejecting them, by a mock Trial from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Crewmates of this spaceship:
        For depriving us in many cases, of the benefit of Trial by Crewmate.
        He is at this time murdering Blue 🚹 Crewmate (may he rest in peace inshallah 🙏🙏🙏 grapeee 🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇) , as observed by Green Crewmate, to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & Perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized spaceship.
        He has constrained our fellow Crewmates to bear Arms against one another, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by venting ( announcement: please put vents in #vent idc about your emotional crises)⌨️ while the CCTV 📸 was on.
        In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Emergency Meetings have been answered only by repeated injury. A Crewmate, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define an Impostor, is unfit to be a member of a Spaceship of Crewmates.
        ❌❌❌ Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our Crewmate brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their Crewmate lookalikes to stab the shit out of us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity.
        We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation via Ejection 🤰🤰, and hold them, as we hold the rest of Crewmatekind, Sussies in War, in Peace Friends.
        "We, therefore, the Representatives of the Spaceship, in Emergency Meetings, Assembled, appealing to the Electorate for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of this Spaceship 🚀, solemnly publish and declare, That these Crewmates are, and of Right ought to let this Impostor Boil In Space; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the Impostor, and that all sus 🦶🏼📸 connection between them and this Crewmate, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Ejected Crewmates, they have no Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent Crewmates may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Innersloth, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honour." ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
        ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⠴⠒⠛⠉⠙⠳⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀ 

        Elden Ring Shut the fuck up

          You average Elden Ring fan
          Shut the fuck up you maggot. You clearly don't understand what makes a great video game. Elden Ring is a beautifully crafted masterpiece with a rich-open, beautiful graphics, fantastical gameplay, a great narrative, great quest design and it gives a ton of freedom and an actual challenge. Meanwhile all the other games that came out this year are overrated, mediocre games with boring, generic and repetitive gameplay, boring and uninteresting narratives and keep telling you what to do every 5 seconds. You and the people that support these kinds of doghit games are everything that is wrong this the gaming industry. These companies give you garbage and you guys eat it up and ask for more. Elden Ring is literally the only game that deserves to be called a true video game. Everything else is a joke and a scam. So fuck you, fuck all the people that pay for it, and fuck these companies that keep pumping these shitty mediocre kiddy games. I hope all of you fuckers die. Elden Ring and FromSoftware deserve all the praise and much more. They are single-handedly carrying the entire gaming industry with their state of the art games.

          Venti my dear girl, i love you so much.

            Please God, I want to impregnate Venti so bad. I want her to bear my children with those beautiful child-bearing hips. That beautiful, radiant angel. Like a goddess, having come down to Earth to cleanse us of our sins.
            Venti is beyond divine. I can't help but drop to my knees in worship whenever I see her beautiful figure even though it's behind that unnecessary gym clothes. I yearn for her in a way both Primal and spiritual. I would commit more war crimes than than the gods sacking khaenri'ah just to lick the sweet, glistening sweat from her smooth, creamy skin. I want to listen to her moans as my manhood throbs within her, I want to hear her heart race as our bodies become one and our souls irreversibly intertwine in the holy sin of carnal union.
            I want to suckle at her motherly bosom, slurping that rich juche milk from her teat as she gently strokes my raging e******n. I would stir her velvety cream into my coffee and let my balls boil in it. Her cries of pleasure and the rocking of our bed would be louder than the cacophony of ten thousand drone strikes. I would make love to her until my body gave out, and then some. I would let her break my rib cage with any part of her body. I would let her hit me with her car just to be near her for a brief moment.
            She's so perfect it hurts. Every moment without her I suffer a pain worse than breaking every bone in my body simultaneously while drowning and also having shards of glass coated in hot sauce forced through every orifice of my body. I want her, I need her. I want to desecrate her crisp general suit. I want to start a family with her and retire after our twenty seven children have grown up and moved out. I want to see those luscious lips speak such filthy, perverse words into my ear while she slides ice cubes down my gaping pisshole.
            I want to fuck her like she owes me money. I would let her step on me, just to feel the soft, firm warmth of her feet upon my face and groin area. I would sleep under her just to catch her drool in my mouth. I would fish the strands of hair from her shower drain just to smell her alluring scent, and braid them into necklaces to keep her with me always. Or cock rings. Whichever would please her more.
            God please, I would do anything for her. I would relinquish my life, all my hopes and dreams, just to become the socks on her feet so that I may warm her mouthwatering toes with my very being, so that she may feel the heat of my love always. I would encase myself in cement and become her doorstep, so that she may wipe her heels upon my face. I would tear my own limbs off. I don't know what l'd do after that, or why she might want my limbs. But I would do it.
            My queen, my goddess, the light of my life. Please God, let me have her. I want her to be mine and only mine. I would lick the Doritos dust from her fingers and fill her belly button with honey mustard to dip my tendies in. I would give her a sponge-bath with my tongue every morning and serve her breakfast in bed. I would let her eat her eggs and pancakes off my body if it pleased her, no matter how painful the third-degree burns would be.
            I would bear the torment of eternal damnation until the end of time to taste the seat of her car but once. There is nothing I wouldn't do for her, nothing wouldn't say. I would beat my own friend to death with my engorged p***s if it would bring a smile to Venti’s shining face. I wouldn't even let myself Cum until she gave me permission.
            I love you, Venti. Please. Be mine. Be my wife, my Lover, my mommy, my everything. Say yes. Answer my calls, respond to my letters. Something. Give me a sign, Venti. I'm waiting for you.
            I’ll always be waiting for you.

            Please Fart On Me, Miss Nagatoro!

              Nagatoro fart copypasta
              On a cloudy rainy school day, Senpai would be in the art club room as usual, attempting to work on an art project of his, though he couldn't focus today. The more and more he spent with Nagatoro the more he began to like her, he enjoyed her company and was enjoying how comfortable she had been getting in the art room. Thoughts of her raced through his mind, his heart pounding and his face turning red as he began to have lewd thoughts about her. He had remembered she left a bag that contained a costume she wore when modeling for him one day, and it seemed she wasn't going to bother him today since she hadn't shown up like she normally did, he had opened up the bag to look for a specific piece of her clothing. Lucky him, he had found a pair of Nagatoro's white panties. He looked over at the door and listened to make sure nobody was near, and since he thought nobody was near the room, he held her panties to his face and began sniffing the backside of them. He then stopped after the first sniff for a moment "Eh!? Did N-Nagatoro fart in these? It smells so bad... but really good too!" He had quietly said to himself, he'd then proceed to bury his nose in them again when suddenly...
              The door swung open and the short tan girl walked through, "Senpai-" she then froze in place and her face immediately turned a bright red, she had never actually thought she'd catch him doing perverted things like this. "N-N-N-Nagatoro! It's not what it looks like!!" He told her, extremely embarrassed to have her ser him like this.
              She would walk over to him, standing right over looking tall as he was on the ground with her panties still in his hand, "Geez Senpai~ i knew you were a pervert but I didn't I'd ever find you sniffing my panties, I let loose some gas in those, I bet they reek! And i think you know that too" she'd tease, she didn't want him to see her embarrassed so she decided to make his fantasy come true. She pulled down her skirt and got even closer to him.
              "Do you wanna sniff my ass Senpai~ or maybe even better, do you wanna sniff my farts" She would ask him, her body so close to his, a visible bulge had grown in his pants from Nagatoro being so close to him. "N-Nagatoro I'm..."
              She quickly shut him up, "no need to apologize Senpai, just beg for what you want, and I really will do it for you~" she said with a moan at the end, Senpai then hugged her waist and begged, "Nagatoro! Please, please fart for me! Let me smell your butt Nagatoro! Please!". Nagatoro looked at him in shock, she didn't expect him to do it so quickly, but she didn't back out of her deal.
              "Hahaha! Gross Senpai! But you did what I asked so I guess you deserve it". Nagatoro turned around and placed her ass up on his face, rubbing her panty covered ass all over it, suddenly stopping to give Senpai his first fart.
              A long bassy fart was let loose from Nagatoro's ass, she giggled as she heard him sniffing her fart, and also from his breath tickling her bum. She already was starting to enjoy doing this for him, she didn't mind Senpai being a perverted fart lover. "Mmm Senpai.. maybe I'll make you my cushion to fart on, you'd like that wouldn't you~" She teased once more. He nodded his head, sliding his nose up and down Nagatoro's ass.
              A long wet and bubbly fart blasted into Senpai's face, he deeply inhaled Nagatoro's gas, rubbing his face all over her ass. "S-Senpai... your making me f-feel good down there..". Nagatoro's legs began to feel weak as she was being pleasured by Senpai's face in her ass.
              "Mmmm, ahhh~ that one f-felt good to get out.." Nagatoro moaned, she was bent over hands on her knees looking down watching senpai as he masturbated to her gas