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ter pau grande é horrível

    Having a big dick is horrible copypasta
    Eu especialmente sinto ódio de mulheres que dizem "quanto maior melhor", simplesmente não tem nem como caber tudo se vc tem um pau grande, machuco a minha mina sem querer, tem posições que mesmo com todo cuidado não posso fazer, quando acelero tenho o q tempo todo controlar quanto to colocando se não ela vai sentir uma dor aguda, a camisinha custa o dobro ou triplo, não tem em todo lugar (se eu me esforçar mt a normal cabe, mas no meio do sexo ela volta e fica presa só na cabeca). Eu sinto que poderia fazer muito mais com um pau pequeno, MEU QUADRIL NEM ENCOSTA NA BUNDA DELA PQ TEM MEU PAU NO MEIO.
    Se vc diz q quanto maior melhor vc provavelmente nunca transou, ou pelomenos, nunca transou com alguem com o pau grande, vai tomar uma cutucada la no fundo e vai percebe q o pau na media é bem melhor

    Open English translated

    I especially hate women who say "the bigger the better", there's just no way to fit everything if you have a big dick, I accidentally hurt my girl, there are positions that even with all the care I can't do, when I accelerate I have what I want all the time control how much I'm putting it on, otherwise she'll feel a sharp pain, the condom costs double or triple, it's not everywhere (if I try hard, the normal one fits, but in the middle of sex it comes back and gets stuck only in the head). I feel like I could do so much more with a small dick, MY HIP DOESN'T TOUCH HER ASS BECAUSE IT HAS MY DICK IN THE MIDDLE.
    If you say that the bigger the better you've probably never had sex, or at least, never had sex with someone with a big dick, you'll get a nudge deep inside and you'll realize that the average dick is much better

    Mulheres na academia e cheiro natural

      Todos os dias tento ser uma pessoa simpática na academia. As mulheres sempre me trataram de maneira neutra ou normal.
      Hoje foi exceção. Minha mãe trocou o sabonete, eu só uso Dove ou Senador, e ela colocou um Albani fedido, nem vi e usei. Passei o desodorante mas começou a feder a medida q eu suava.
      Mano, pqp! Hoje TODAS as mulheres treinaram coladas comigo, eu com cece e tinha uma fazendo stiff de baixo do meu sovaco. Era desesperador, eu me afastava e elas me seguiam.
      A professora q era fechadona estava "falante" hj e me seguia pra puxar assunto, e eu só pensando "saiam daqui carai".
      Sempre vou cheirosinho e geral me deixa quieto, hj que eu tava fedido tinha até menina querendo revezar cmg. Obs, a academia estava vazia, eu no extremo cantinho e elas puxando tapete pra fazer glúteo e abs perto de mim, que merda vey.

      Open English translated

      Every day I try to be a nice person at the gym. Women have always treated me neutrally or normally.
      Today was an exception. My mom changed the soap, I only use Dove or Senator, and she put on a stinky Albani, I didn't even see it and use it. I applied the deodorant but it started to stink as I sweated.
      Bro, why! Today ALL the women trained with me, me with cece and there was one doing stiff under my armpit. It was desperate, I would walk away and they would follow me.
      The teacher who was closed was "talky" today and followed me to bring up the subject, and I was just thinking "get outta here man".
      I always go smelling and generally leaves me quiet, today I was smelly there was even a girl wanting to take turns with me. Obs, the gym was empty, I was in the far corner and they were pulling the rug to do glutes and abs next to me, vey shit.


        NII-CHAAAAAAAAAAN! (>w<) * I jump on you * onii-chan, I miss you :3 how was your class today? How was that bad? (°////°), oh did they make fun of you for the necklace I gave you? Ah don't care about them, at least you have me (UwU) *hugs you* and onii-chan, you know you can always count on me don't you? * I'm getting closer to your face * * I sit on your lap and put my ass on your lap * so I want you to be calm with me next to you! (.//w//.) W-wait onii-chan, w-what is this thing touching me down there? *I look down at your lap* *you're horny* O-onii-chan, w-why are you feeling this? (//w//) y-you want a kiss-AH! * you kiss me hard with your tongue * * I continue the kiss * onii-chan..I want to test something I've wanted to test with you for a long time..* I take off your pants and underwear * let's see if it tastes good. .* lick and suck his dick, making him full of my drool * hmm..hmm..Hm... onii-chan..he's really hard..I want to put him inside..* I take off my fluffy skirt Kwai with heart in the middle and my panties with yellow polka dots and I put your dick inside my pussy * Ah..came in..* I'm going slowly * nya..ah... onii-chan...let's..v-let's.. Nyan..let's go faster~..* I'm putting my pussy in your dick while I moan your name and say I'm going to come * Ah..ah..ahhh~..mmm.. Onii-chan..please.. enjoy everything in me..I want that hot fuck of yours inside me *I feel your dick harder and you go faster* Ah..mmm....NYAN~... O-ONII-CHAN..AAH~.. niichaan..~ NYAAAAAN~~* we come together *

        Open Brazil version

        NII-CHAAAAAAAAAN! (>w<) * pulo em você * onii-chan, que saudades de você :3 como foi sua aulinha de hoje? Como assim foi ruim? (°////°), ah ficaram te zoando pelo colar que eu te dei? Ah não liga pra eles, pelo menos você tem a mim (UwU) * te abraço * e onii-chan, você sabe que pode contar comigo sempre não é? * Vou chegando mais perto da sua cara * * sento no seu colo e coloco minha bunda em cima do seu colo * então quero que você fique tranquilo comigo do lado! (.//w//.) P-pera onii-chan, o-o que é essa coisa que está me tocando lá embaixo? * Olho para seu colo * * você está com tesão * O-onii-chan, p-porque você está sentindo isso? (//w//) v-você quer um bei-AH! * você me beija forte de língua * * eu continuo o beijo * quero testar uma coisa que eu queria testar a muito tempo com você..* tiro sua calça e cueca * vamos ver se tem um gosto bom..* lambo e chupo seu pau, deixando ele cheio da minha baba * hmm..hmm..Hm... onii-chan..ele tá muito quero colocar ele dentro..* tiro minha saia fofa Kwai com coração no meio e minha calcinha com bolinhas amarelas e coloco seu pau dentro da minha buceta * Ah..entrou..* vou indo devagar * nya..ah... onii-chan...vamos..v-vamos..Nyan..vamos mais rápido~..* vou metendo minha buceta no seu pau enquanto gemo seu nome e falando que vou gozar * Ah..ah..ahhh~..mmm.. Onii-chan..por-porfavor..goza tudo em mim..quero essa sua porra quente dentro de mim * sinto seu pau mais duro e você indo mais rápido * Ah..mmm....NYAN~... O-ONII-CHAN..AAH~..niichaan..~ NYAAAAAN~~* nós gozamos juntos *

        Minha namorada transa de fone de ouvido

          Começou recentemente quando ela começou a pedir pra eu colocar música na TV enquanto a gente fazia, daí de uns dias pra cá eu comecei a reparar que ela coloca o fone bluetooth antes da gente começar, como fazemos no escuro eu nunca tinha visto até que um dia eu fui falar com ela e ela não me respondia aí eu percebi que ela tava ouvindo música, quando questionei ela, ela me disse que ajuda ela a concentrar naquilo, sem desviar a atenção, eu comecei pensar tipo (sou tão ruim assim que a pessoa fica com a mente voando?) Mas ela me disse que não tem nada haver comigo pq ela gosta de ouvir música pra fazer tudo, disse que até aumentava o tesão pq conseguia focar na penetração "realmente eu percebi que ela tá mais presente na hora H" acho estranho e legal ao mesmo tempo, imagina aí vc transar ouvindo a 5° sinfonia de Beethoven

          Open English translated

          My girlfriend fucks on headphones. It started recently when she started asking me to put music on the TV while we were doing it, then a few days ago I started to notice that she puts on the bluetooth headset before we start, as we do in the dark I had never seen it until a day I went to talk to her and she didn't answer me then I realized that she was listening to music, when I questioned her, she told me that it helps her to concentrate on that, without diverting her attention, I started to think like (I'm so bad that the Does anyone get the mind flying?) But she told me that it has nothing to do with me because she likes to listen to music to do everything, she said that it even increased the horny because she managed to focus on penetration "I really noticed that she is more present at the time H" I think it's weird and cool at the same time, imagine having sex listening to Beethoven's 5th symphony


            "Based"? Are you fucking kidding me? I spent a decent portion of my life writing all of that and your response to me is "Based"? Are you so mentally handicapped that the only word you can comprehend is "Based" - or are you just some fucking asshole who thinks that with such a short response, he can make a statement about how meaningless what was written was? Well, I'll have you know that what I wrote was NOT meaningless, in fact, I even had my written work proof-read by several professors of literature. Don't believe me? I doubt you would, and your response to this will probably be "Based" once again. Do I give a fuck? No, does it look like I give even the slightest fuck about five fucking letters? I bet you took the time to type those five letters too, I bet you sat there and chuckled to yourself for 20 hearty seconds before pressing "send". You're so fucking pathetic. I'm honestly considering directing you to a psychiatrist, but I'm simply far too nice to do something like that. You, however, will go out of your way to make a fool out of someone by responding to a well-thought-out, intelligent, or humorous statement that probably took longer to write than you can last in bed with a chimpanzee. What do I have to say to you? Absolutely nothing. I couldn't be bothered to respond to such a worthless attempt at a response. Do you want "Based" on your gravestone?

            No More Saying Cuss Words Guys!

              No. More. Saying. Cuss words! It. Is. Not. Good. I'm putting a video on YouTube about no more saying cuss words. No more saying cuss words guys! It's inappropriate and violent! If you say a cuss word then you're like, going to jail, and you're like, and when you go to jail, i- ba- when you go to jail, if you say, if you say a cuss word you go to jail and if you go to jail cause you said a cuss word, then... You're only gonna eat BROCCOLI and OTHER VEGETABLES for your WHOLE LIFE. You don't want to eat vegetables. Sometimes people like eating sweets but, I eat broccoli. So, I'm okay with broccoli but I do not want to go to jail. You can not go to jail. And saying cuss words is ILLEGAL. They are now gonna make a law about that. It is illegal, it is inappropriate, it is really violent. I better warn my school about that.