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No es gracioso, no me reí.

    No es gracioso, no me reí. Tu chiste es tan malo que hubiera preferido que el chiste se me pasara por alto y dejaste de contarme el chiste. Para ser honesto, este es un intento horrible de tratar de burlarse de mí. Ni una risita, ni un jeje, ni siquiera un sutil estallido de aire fuera de mi esófago. La ciencia dice que antes de reírte, tu cerebro prepara los músculos de tu cara, pero ni siquiera sentí la menor contracción. 0/10 este chiste es tan malo que no puedo creer que alguien legalmente te haya permitido ser creativo. La cantidad de poder mental que debes haber puesto en ese chiste tiene el potencial de alimentar todas las casas de la Tierra. Adquiere personalidad y aprende a hacer bromas, lee un libro. No digo que esto sea gracioso, lo digo en serio sobre cómo esto es solo una vergüenza en la comedia. Solo has matado el humor y cada acto cómico del planeta. Estoy tan decepcionado de que la sociedad haya fallado en su conjunto al poder enseñarle cómo ser gracioso. Honestamente, si pongo todo mi poder y tiempo para tratar de hacer que tu broma sea divertida, sería necesario que el propio Einstein construyera un dispositivo para atarme para poder conectarme a la energía de mil millones de estrellas para hacerlo, e incluso entonces todo ese chiste que recibiría la gente es un roce sutil.​

    Open English translated

    It's not funny, I didn't laugh. Your joke is so bad that I would have preferred that the joke had slipped my mind and you stopped telling me the joke. To be honest, this is a horrible attempt at trying to make fun of me. Not a giggle, not a hehe, not even a subtle burst of air out of my esophagus. Science says that before you laugh, your brain prepares the muscles in your face, but I didn't even feel the slightest twitch. 0/10 this joke is so bad I can't believe someone legally allowed you to be creative. The amount of brain power you must have put into that joke has the potential to power every house on Earth. Get personality and learn to make jokes, read a book. I'm not saying this is funny, I'm serious about how this is just an embarrassment in comedy. You've just killed humor and every comedic act on the planet. I am so disappointed that society as a whole has failed to teach you how to be funny. Honestly, if I put all my power and time into trying to make your joke funny, it would take Einstein himself to build a device to tether me so I could tap into the energy of a billion stars to do it, and even then that whole joke that people would receive is a subtle touch.

    I did an shit and piss combo while giving my dad an back massage when I was 9.

      Shit and piss copypasta
      One time when I was 9, I was giving my dad an back massage, i was sitting on his back and wanted to fart but instead I did an shit and piss combo so stinky your nose will turn into dust if you smelt it, he immediately jumped up and my hot diarrhea splattered all over our brand new carpets, he went and showered and I could hear him crying, when he got out he made me clean my shit with my blanket, he made me sleep with my blanket that night, i was crying so much because the smell of my shit was that bad, i vomited and the pressure of my vomit was so harsh i did another shit and piss combo, i was crying as i rolled around in my filth and my dad came in and screamed when he saw it, "how can such an small child have so much shit inside there body?!?" he said, he then said to me to take an bath and i was forced to sleep in the couch because my dad didn't want to risk me sleeping in his bed because I might do another shart and piss combo, we then bought an brand new carpet and an brand new bed set for me.

      There is no such thing as a coincidence

        There is no such thing as a coincidence. The fact that you're watching this video mean you're energetically aligned with me and this message. Your thoughts create your reality. but you already knew that. Yet, you still live a life that you dread. [Oh excuse me- AAAH] That is because when you visualize your dream life, you unconsciously believe that it is unrealistic. Here is a hack: I have created a dream life meditation that uses questions and binaural beats. When presented with the question, your mind must accept it. And your subconscious mind will absorb it. When listening to binaural beats it puts your mind into theta frequency allowing you access to your subconscious mind. Link in the bio.
        There’s no such thing as a coincidence.
        There’s no such thing as a coincidence. The fact that you’re reading this means that we’re energetically alligned.

        The year is 2025.

          Okayu copypasta
          The year is 2025.
          The Mark V catgirl refuses to respond to the name "Okayu" and is thus another failure. I consult my notes as I consider the best method for liquidation when I hear the screech of steel giving way. She's escaped.
          My eyes switch rapidly between my screen and the area around me as I follow the tracker in her tail. The woods grow darker as sunset approaches.
          After some time, I get close enough to notice she's stationary. Alarms ring in my head as my instincts warn me. I scan the trees and see the purple line of what used to be her tail hanging off a branch in front of me.
          She pounces from the top branches of a tree behind me, my reflexes kicking in too late to save my left eye. Claws rake my ribs (why the hell did I give her those anyway?) but I manage to sink a tranquilizer in her arm and shake her off me.
          I fall half a step later. When did she get my Achilles' tendon? She approaches slowly, a mad grin on her face as she mockingly chants "Mogu mogu mogu".

          My husband wants me to pretend to be “a man” while we’re intimate

            I need to get this off my system not just my chest honestly! I have no idea where this is coming from but he basically wants me to roleplay as a "man" the next time we're intimate. The whole pant suit (his suit he wants me to use) and tie and even mustache! I got weirded out and said no because it really felt off to me. I mean yes I'm not trying to kink shame but trying to get me to act as if I'm a man really feels off. He started complaining saying I was blowing this whole thing out of propotion and that he gets turned on by the "idea" of women acting as "men" currently. I refused to do because I'm uncomfortable but he's sulking hard about it saying if he were in my shoes he'd this for me but I doubt it.
            but again, this could be nothing and I'm just overreacting but I can't help but feel uncomfortable.