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Runaway now is not OWL level

    Runaway now is not OWL level, as fanboy-triggering as that sounds. People loved them for their underdog streak, and their vibrant brand/personality, but expecting them to get pick up is very unrealistic. They still have to actually win something first. At the same time, I'd honestly advise Flowervin to sell Bumper, Stitch and Haksal and then rebuild. Those buyouts money can help Runaway for a few more season.

    I cannot believe it. I can NOT fucking believe it.

      Rascal Overwatch
      I cannot believe it. I can NOT fucking believe it. I simply REFUSE to believe the absolute imcompetent, negligence, of actually not, for ANY of these categories whatsoever, not voting for FUCKING Rascal. This guy doesn't get props by anyone, on no one's social media radar whatsoever. Everyone's talking about like "oh Smurf, ya know, Smurf he's-- poor Smurf!" think about Rascal! He literally came into the league at the start of the year, was the BEST Mei. He revolutionized the way you play Echo, and set the guidelines for everyone else in the league for MONTHS! Or pretty much like half the season! And then he comes into the Countdown Cup and plays the Genji, that actually turns the SanFranciscoShockaroundandtheywintheseriesagainstthePhiladelphiaFusion! How is NO ONE, on this PLANET talking about Rascal as one of the most underrated players of the year! It's absolutely... HURTING MY SOUL!

      Please bro just one round bro just go goats bro

        Please bro just one round bro just go goats bro one round bro i need my sr bro please bro just one round bro im desperate bro im almost out of top 500 bro please just one round of goats

        The year is 2060. “Sado is one of the better main tanks in the league” says Sideshow

          The year is 2060. "Sado is one of the better main tanks in the league" says Sideshow, as Sado firestrikes a deflecting Genji, killing Boombox and Neptuno for the third time that match. "That wasn't Sado feeding" says Sideshow, as Sado charges off the map as Reinhardt. "Everyone else is just too hard on Sado" says Sideshow, as Sado accidentally swaps to Soldier, resetting his ult charge. "Okay Sideshow" says the nurse, "time for your medication"

          Bumper stared at the burger in his hand

            Bumper face got squatted by Ameng
            Bumper stared at the burger in his hand. Normally, he loved chowing down on his Big Mac like he chowed on these beta tanks like Swon or Muma or Super. But not today. Today, this burger was a sign of his failure. The double patties of meat reminded him not of succulent juicy beef but only the mighty veiny vascular muscles of Ameng. The seeded bread buns? It was Ameng’s cheeks as he squatted on Bumper’s face. The tomato? It was his blood dripping off Ameng’s hammer. The mayo? You know what it is.

            Bumper broke into a cold sweat

              Ameng chuckled
              Bumper broke into a cold sweat. There he was across the hallway, a man whose name that brought chills down his spine. Bumper looked down, hoping to avoid direct eye contact. "A-ameng," Bumper stuttered. "What up, virgin" Ameng boomed. Bumper braced himself but it was too late. Ameng's 5000 tonne shoulder slammed into his, the movement causing air waves across the room. Bumper flew back and the concrete wall chipped around him. His shoulder was definitely broken. "Later, nerd." Ameng chuckled.