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So I think I’m ” straight” but

    So I think I'm " straight" but I've been fucking around with my gay roommate like jerking off together ecc ( not the most straight thing I agree but whatever) but one night after playing truth or dare, I was horny and I dare him to suck me off and it was very good..
    So basically it just keep happening and like I don't know how to really feel cause I'm not attracted to him or guys at all but the pleasure is just insane that I can't stop going back to him and he seems fine with it so don't really know
    Anyone has any advice or something?


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      15番: バーガーキングの足レタス.

        15番: バーガーキングの足レタス. 最後欲しい物はハンバーガーの内に誰の足真菌だぞ。 あのことは可能だけど。。。 匿名で4chanで誰は画像をアップデートした、画像で彼の足はレタス触れてる。。。 確かに靴着た、でももっとやばいね? 投稿したの時間は7月16日午後11:38だった。 20分後にあのバーガーキングの親分は警告された。

        Any mommy gf psych majors wanna use me? 🥺🥺🥺

          seriously, I’d be such a catch for a hot mommy gf psychology major!
          first of all, I’m smol and adorable :3 😍 like who WOULDN’T want me?? 💕 and we all know that girls who major in psych 🧠 are all mommy material 👩‍👧 so I could be like their pet golden retriever 🦮 and their mentally fucked up daughter!!!!!
          but here’s why I specifically 👩‍🦳 am a great candidate for being used 👀
          I have mommy AND daddy issues (and the mommy issues are worse, like wow, isn’t that so quirky and unique? 🤪) so I’m already kinda a unicorn 💅 and also I had selective mutism, social anxiety, a stutter, AND a lisp as a kid (four in one deal 😳 better than McDonald’s frrr 😤).
          but guess what!!! there’s even more! as if I wasn’t amazing enough 🥰 I was also mentally, physically, and sexually abused 😢 for six years from the ages of 8 through 14 😱 by my cousin 🤯 who called herself my mommy, girlfriend, owner, big sister and best friend 🤩 isn’t that unique!!?!!
          but I’m not lazy either 😤 I’ve since followed that up with self harm (both cutting AND hitting 😮‍💨), an eating disorder, hypersexuality, suicidal ideation 🔪, crippling flashbacks 💭, even bigger mommy issues, questioning my sexuality ❓ and feeling predatory if I find another girl attractive because I’m afraid firstly that I only like girls because I was abused by one and also secondly that I’m still defined by the baggage of my past 🙀
          I’ve also been sure ✅ to be wary of telling anyone I’m close to about my past trauma or my unhealthy behaviors 🚫 because I’m afraid of being a burden or scaring them away 👻 or making it impossible for them to leave me when they inevitably get bored of me because I’m fundamentally undeserving of love 🙅🏼‍♀️🙅🏼‍♀️🙅🏼‍♀️
          I would be such a cool case study for a psychology major 📖 and I have a lot of issues for you to write your thesis about 📑 and since you’re the more desirable one in the relationship I’ll let you use me and a treat me like trash because it’ll be an improvement over how my cousin treated me 😍😍😍
          any hot mommy psychology majors who wanna use me, please hmu 📱

          I raped a pigeon

            Pigeon shit copypasta
            I live in an apartment and I’ve been having issues with pigeons shitting on my balcony. It’s a balcony with a real nice view on top of a mountain, so it was really pissing me off that I can’t enjoy it properly. I like to cook, drink my tea there, but I’m afraid of catching diseases from the pigeon shit.
            I read about pigeon deterrents online and tried everything. I put up spikes on the railing and edges, hung up CDs, put up fake scarecrow ravens and even tried playing high-pitched noises. They kept coming back and shitting all over my balcony. Nothing worked. I even bought a water gun to blast them with, and it only scares them away the moment I do it but they come back when I’m not around.
            Today, I saw a pigeon land on my balcony and I absolutely lost my shit. I was struck with a primal urge to assert male dominance and went out, grabbed the pigeon, took it into my bathroom, and assfucked it raw over my toilet bowl. It felt good to show the pigeon who’s boss like how people do it in prison. My cock barely fit inside his small ass, and for a moment I thought my thrusts could kill or severely injure him. He started cooing and moaning, and he came all over my toilet bowl. I finished inside him raw.
            I took him back to the balcony and released him so that he could tell all his friends how I humiliated him and pounded a gaping hole in his ass prison style. I thought this would scare them away for good.
            But instead, he went and told all his friends that I fuck and now I have a bigger problem. The pigeons, both male and female keep coming to my window sill and balcony and harassing me begging me to fuck them. There is 100x more shit on my balcony now. They keep cooing, moaning, and banging against my windows begging for the dick.
            I can’t leave my house anymore because when I do, they recognize me and mob me humping me and moaning. My plan didn’t go as expected at all and I don’t know what to do now. I can’t sleep at night because of all the cooing, moaning and banging against the windows. Is there a way to make myself unattractive to the pigeons? Has anyone dealt with this before?
            Now there is also cum all over my windows and balcony. The wildlife authorities said pigeons are an endangered species now in the area because they stopped mating with each other cause they only want human dick. They are suing me for endangering the pigeons. I don’t have the money for this huge lawsuit please guys help me out here.