So as a joke, I went to my friend's house while wearing Lappland clothes,make-up and etc. I could barely stop my laughter as he went as red as a tomato and looked at me from head to toe with a bit of drool in his mouth. The way he stared made me feel a bit funny too, but I decided to tease him more by taking off my clothes. He asked me, "Are you serious?" and I said, "Yup." He went silent for what seemed like forever, so I asked him, "What's the matter?" He said he's confused, but then his boner got really hard, which made me take off his clothes. I expected him to scream, "Stop!" as I kissed him and stroked his cock, but he instead shouted, "Oh God, LAPPLAND!" which made me get a boner myself. Before I knew it, I was blowing him for the first time till he came. His semen was so thick, it got stuck inside my throat no matter how hard I swallowed. He then said, "I want to fuck you now!" and seeing that we've already gone that far and we were both naked, I obliged. A few hours later, the jerk went all pale and said to me, "Why did we do that? Now I'm totally geh" But he looked so cute all confused like that, so I took pity on him and reassured while wiping his c*m off my face, "Let's just pretend I'm still Lappland, Dokutah"
Mudrock is my everything. She's on a whole different level. When I'm playing Arknights I don't even dare to look at her, it would be a crime for a pathetic loser like me to put my eyes on the pinnacle of evolution. Because yes, Mudrock is more than just a defender operator, she's the result of hundreds of years of evolution and natural selection. A goddess. A being far superior to anything in Terra. She's the true master race, and her childs will be the future masters of Terra, thanks to the genetic heritage. If I were a poor disgraced Reunion soldier facing her I wouldn't even try to fight her, I would lay down and accept my fate, having my skull crushed. I can't even think of a better way to die, killed by Queen of the food chain. Even as the Doctor I wouldn't dare to go agaisnt her will, she doesn't want to work? I'd give a whole dormitory just for her. She doesn't want to fight anymore? Understandable, having to "fight" against worthless worms knowing you are on a whole different genetic level sounds terrible boring. I would sell Kal'tsit to Somali pirates just to fund her oripathy treatment. Mudrock is the water that gives us life. She's progress, future, a deity from Heaven made to rule over Terra.
I am a Mudrockist.
I know my place,
and I'll be always yours, Mudrock.
Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Vulpo breeding, Suzuran is the most compatible Vulpo for humans? Not only vulpos are related to your average foxes, which foxes have an estrous cycle that last for six days, Suzuran is 137cm tall and around 89 pounds, this means she is more than large enough to be able handle human dicks with the average size of 6 inches surprisingly she can also handle Kuranta dicks too with an average of 20 inches, and with her impressive Base Stats for HP and access to her 3rd skill or Fox fire haze which allow her to heal herself, you can be rough with her. She can also learn the moves "I'll do my best", "Childhood FROLIC", and "BINDING Circle" along with having a silky smooth nine furry tails to stroke and endulge yourself, it’d be incredibly easy for you to get yourself and her in the mood. With her supporting/healing abilities, she can easily recover from any wounds that you may inflict to her if you are planning to perform bondage or BDSM play with her. No other Operator not even Shamare comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, she is very closed to folinic, you can probably invite her for some threesome fun. Suzuran is literally built for sex. S2 which allow her two take two cocks in one go S3 that allows her to heal herself for a significant amount of time means she can take cock all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more.
I really want to fuck Mostima. No I don't think you guys heard me right. I like really really want make love to Mostima. Ever since launch this Blue Berry Pie been on my mind. Fucking girl is the most sinful looking piece of divine ass this side of Terra.
I keep thinking about her looking at me with those Saphire eyes and that puuure blue hair. I dream of her winking at me and sticking out that blue tounge.
Ah man that Tounge. I've had many restless nights thinking about the sinful pleasures she can do with her tounge. Just picturing her taking me with her mouth. Aghh. I better not go there, I'm already getting hawt. Fuck I just thought of her eating cereal and having milk splashing on her blue tounge.
If her mouth is blue, I bet for a certainity that her lower mouth is also blue. Shit now I need a new change of pants. See how aroused I get by imagining Mostima naked. I mean c'mon the carpet surely matches the drapes right?
I'm ready for round two. I dream of her using her Arts in bed. Just at how long she can draw out that final climatic moment with a little twist of time. How mind blowing the love making would be and the curious journey of her cute tail. Ya, yall know what I'm talkin about.....butt stuff. She be into butt stuff. I'm just saying once you get into timey whiney blamy butt stuff, nothing is ever going to beat that and Mostima surely is the best at it.
Look at this girl, she's like Kurumi and Dio mixed into one perfect hot goddess of temporal beauty. Not to mention she has the voice of Naruto's wife. Ya know the big tiddy GF on Naruto that everyone know will always be best gurl because Sakura be shallow and got kicked to the curb when she got preggy by some emo that should have died 100 episodes ago.
Woah holy shit guys. I was a good Christian boy and I went to church and prayed. I am gonna get a Blue Berry waifu. I told my parents and they called me a weeb but we'll see who's laughing after I start making love to a blue berry flavored Angel. Be thankful and be blessed everyone! 🤤❤️
Oh ya, I can't wait for the uncensored lewd handholding I'm going to be doing with Mostima. 🤤
Pss: Her banner is soooooon
STEP 1: suck it while soft, when it’s soft you can take the entire penis in your mouth without the need to relax your throat, use your hand to massage and stroke, while you take the head with your mouth be gentle and go slow you can increase pressure and speed as it grows
STEP 2: use your hands and wrap one hand around the base of the penis so that you can stroke in time with the up and down motion of your mouth; u can use all five fingers while letting ur index and thumb (like the 👌🏼) to control the pressure and stroke
STEP 3: roll your tongue, a good blowjob is more than sucking. your tongue should be rolling, twirling, and swirling the entire time! the non-stop, constant motion of ur tongue combined with the movement of your hands will create a symphony of sensation
STEP 4: hollow your cheeks, like ur slurping a lollipop, sucking the air out of your mouth in this way will create suction which will provide more sensation. let ur partner’s response control the amount of suction; u don’t wanna suck too hard
STEP 5: cover your teeth with your lips. relax your jaw and breathe thru your nose. this will give a buffer between your teeth and your partner’s goods! so unless told otherwise, keep your teeth to yourself
STEP 6: penis and testicles are a package deal, so don’t forget the balls! most penis havers love having their balls played with; lick them. gently suck them. cup them in your hands while you service the shaft; most importantly, don’t forget to just have fun and enjoy<3
guys i love my italian gf but theres just one thing thats bothering me. everytime i ask for a blowjob she gets me erect and then pulls out a wedge of parmesan, says "tell me when to stop", and starts grating parmesan on my dick. when i say "stop" she puts away the grater and starts sucking on my parmesan covered meat like nothing happened. it this normal? i love her and we're happy together, but whenever i try to bring this up she just winks and changes the topic.