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Eu amo shit de gringo 🥵🥵😋

    Eu sou o matt of cartoonizando, born em legbuck (pernambuco) cidade 100% americana 🇺🇲 eu love comer shit de gringo when ele poop na privada 🥵🥵 go americano go solta sua shit pra eu comer 😋😋😩🥵 aí delicia que shit gostosa hmmm delicious 😋😋 vai american solta mais one 😋😋 ainnn 🥵🥵😩😩 que shit deliciosa 🥵🥵 i love gringo e eu hate brazilian 🇧🇷🚫

    Todo episódio de carrossel é tipo:

      Todo episódio de Carrossel é tipo:
      Cirilo sofre bullying por ser negro e é torturado psicologicamente pela garota que ele gosta, Jaime e Laura são brutalmente humilhados por serem gordos, Kokimoto é agredido verbalmente por ser asiático, Carmen precisa ajudar sua família humilde a catar papelão
      Professora Helena: Mas crianças... vocês não veem que somos todos iguais?
      violão começa a tocar no fundo
      🎶Avião sem asa Fogueira sem brasa Sou eu assim sem você🎶

      English version

      Every episode of Carousel is like:
      Cirilo is bullied for being black and is psychologically tortured by the girl he likes, Jaime and Laura are brutally humiliated for being fat, Kokimoto is verbally abused for being Asian, Carmen has to help her humble family pick up cardboard
      Teacher Helena: But children... can't you see that we are all the same?
      guitar starts playing in the background
      🎶 Plane without wings Bonfire without ember It's me like this without you 🎶

      Ex-squeeze 💁‍♂️ me 😎

        Ex-squeeze 💁‍♂️ me 😎
        Are you 🫵 trying 😖 to 2️⃣ portray 🖼️ me 🙆‍♂️ as fricking 🤬 stewpid? 🤪🥴 ⁉️
        Well 🤓 I'll have 💨 you 🫵 know 🧠 that you 🫵 succeeded 🏆✅
        But ☝️🤓 unfortunately 😩 for 4️⃣ you 🫵 all 🌍 of the credit 💳 goes 🚶‍♂️ to 2️⃣ me 😎. So you 🫵 only 🌝 get a hecking 🤬 silver medal. 🥈

        Why was 6 afraid of 7?


          Is it because 7 8 9?
          *No. 7 never 8 9. Seven doesn't even know nine.
          The truth is, one day, six and seven decided to go camping together. And seven, one-ted, two bring ,three knives, four sur-five-al, but Six knew that Seven secretly h-eight-ed him, and he didn't have be-nine in-ten-tions.*
          Why was 6 afraid to go camping with 7?
          b/c he 1ted 2 bring 3 knives 4 "sur5al," but 6 knew 7 secretly h8ed him & didn't have be9 in10tions.

          Vsauce Tweet and YT Shorts


          It's a fairly common question, mostly because when people see 6 and 7 next to each other, it doesn't really make sense. 6 is large, muscled, and trained in multiple martial arts, while 7 is fairly average, physically, and short. However, 6's fear of 7 has its roots in childhood. See, 6 and 7 grew up together, and for a few years, they were best friends. But then 6 kissed 3, and they became childhood sweethearts. 7 secretly had feelings for 3, so 7 decided he needed to destroy 6 to win 3's affection. He started subtly, undermining 6 whenever possible with passive aggressive comments and compli-sults. But over time, things got much more insidious. 7 started messing with 6's performance in school, bringing down his grades and turning teachers against him. Even worse, 7 became great friends with 6's parents and slowly turned them against their own offspring. At night, 7 would sneak into 6's bedroom, and whisper depressing and hopeless things into his ears. Every time 3 was around, 7 would pants 6 and make fun of his genitalia, or try to body shame him in other ways. However, 3 was both smart and compassionate, and saw through 7's schemes, sticking with 6, trying to counter 7's psychological tear-down with compliments and friendship. Finally, 7 decided that he would never be able to win 3, so he drugged both 6 and 3, taking them to an abandoned cobbler's hut on the edge of town. There, he proceeded to torture and maim 3, forcing 6 to watch in horror, unable to do anything to save his sweetheart. 7 didn't kill 3, but instead, put her in a semi-vegetative state. 7 cleaned the scene of his prescence, then called the cops, having 6 blamed for 3's condition. 6 was sent to prison, believing 6 was guilty, 6's parents fell into a deep depression, eventually committing suicide over what they believed 6 had done. After serving 17 years of a 30 year sentence, and getting out on good behaviour, 6, now muscled and skilled as a fighter, thought he might get revenge on 7. But when he finally tracked down 7, he found out that 7 had installed a micro-bomb into 3's body, and should he be killed, the bomb would automatically go off and kill 3 as well. And though she was still in a mostly fugue state, 6 couldn't bring himself to hurt her any further, and decided to try and move on with his life. However, being an ex-con, it was difficult for him to get a job. 6 finally found employment at a diner, which 7 then bought, and proceeded to again undermine and toy with 6 at every turn. 6 tried to find employment elsewhere, but 7 contacted any potential employer and soured them against 6. 6 finally realized that no matter what he did, 7 was going to try and ruin his life, and he resigned himself to living as a broken, lonely man, never able to stand up to the depraved, amoral 7.

          They’re not going A or B. They’re going home.

            S1mple became what everyone feared. His eyelids disappeared, his head was swelling and his ears started bleeding. “Are you okay Sasha” asks electronic. I’ve never been better dennis, I see it all now, they’re not going A or B. They’re going home.

            Who is Sacy?? For the blind, is the bald.

              Who is Sacy?? For the blind, is the bald. For the hungry, is the bald. For the sick, is the bald. For the loner, is the bald. For the sad, is the bald. For the reader, is bald. For the prisoner, is bald. For the poor, is bald. For the debtor, is bald.