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I saw Oda yeet a garden gnome

    I was walking to McDonalds the other day when suddenly, I saw Oda yeet a garden gnome out of his window. I told him ”Stop! It is disrespectful!”. I carefully picked up the pieces of the gnome and cradled them into my arms, letting tears drop out of my eyes.
    Out of nowhere, Mod Ash entered the room and smiled while he gave me a pat on my back. He immediately banned Oda and gave me a new golden garden gnome and said “You deserve it”.
    Then everyone on the bus clapped. The mayor got up from his seat, said “thank you for your service” and handed me the keys to the city. Then the mail man got out of his truck, shook my hand and said ”Congratulations” while handing me a letter—It was an acceptance offer to Harvard.
    I sat in the armchair, and stared out of the window into the far distance. I vowed that within two years, I would make the runescape community great again.

    Dinh’s bulwark is underpowered

      I was being hunted by a DISGUSTING TOXIC PKER in the wilderness and I was skull tricked by them because they told me to turn off skull prevention options and click on them for the video. I, as a defenseless PVMer, obliged and consequently was risking 1b cash. I dropped to low health (unsurprising, I'm completely defenseless and unable to eat when attacked in pvp), when a VALIANT NOBLE PVPER came to my rescue and killed the rat. I told the PvPer "aren't you going to attack me? I risk 1b!" And they smiled and said to me "no, I won't. There's a difference between PvPers and Pkers", and we made out and rode off into the sunset together. From that interaction I realised that the dinhs bulwark is underpowered, and needs to have its defense bonuses doubled

      Timmy the redditor

        Timmy the redditor, master of woodcutting and supreme slayer master. Nobody can dare match his skill in the medival clicking simulator called RuneScape. Never missing an xp, never missing a tick, not even his bodily functions can tame his sincere desire to gain xp.
        But whats this? A cowardly gang of thieves, hell bent on ruining Timothies Efficient Experience per hour has shown their dastardly faces. One by one, they take their turns with timmy - his squeals and crys howl through all of glienor.
        In a desperate attempt to communicate with his attackers, he lets out a plea to reasoning: "Why?" he says aloud. "I have nothing on me lol". Timmy adjusts his glasses and thinks to himself, "Surely these young men must know that violating me gains them poor experience per hour and doing so leaves them at a net loss of gold pieces."
        To Timmy's dismay, the attack continues. Panic starts to set in and Timmy shifts uncomfortably in his soiled trousers. Gasping for air at the thought of his RuneScape avatar being defiled by these villians, he makes another desperate attempt at appealing to reason, "This is why I vote no to PvP updates! The wilderness is dieing because of you guys!" Timmy sneers and thinks, "Heh, now they have to stop disrupting my efficient experience gains or else they will never get an update to player versus player!"
        But the onslaught does not end, ripping and ravaging Timmy until he is down to his very last lobster. Then Timmy sees HungryJose227 running at him, a warrior clad in full snakeskin armor, wielding only a sharp knife. Timmy tries to get away but is frozen in fear at the sight of fearsome pk man. Finally, HungryJose227 lustfully descends upon Timmy, inserting his dragon dagger. Hopelessness sets in for Timmy, he knows he will never gain back the 15 seconds of experience and his precious clue scroll. As conciousness fades, he reminicses on the safety and warmth of his beloved slayer cave,"I never should have came here! I want to go back to the slayer cave where it's safe, my items won't be stolen in there and I won't be violated by Jose's Draggon Dagger! Mother Nieve is waiting for me back at home in the slayer cave, how can I return to her like this? I hate the wilderness and I hate pk man!"
        Just as Hungry Jose Finishes unloading his special attack onto desecrated Timmy, he kneels down and whispers into Timmies ear, "Siéntate niño".

        Wonder Of U

          Wonder of U, JJL Chapter 100: The Wonder of You (The Miracle of Your Love), Part 17
          Umm... so, personally... this is the first time this has happened, so I'm a bit surprised. Only a centimeter away... I mean, I don't think there's ever been someone who's gotten that close to me... without a, you know... calamity occurring. I'm not really... not really sure what happens at one centimeter away... 'cause it's my first time. I don't really understand it either. Seriously. But in the flow of calamity... there's nobody who can attack me. Not a single person. That, I know for sure. Wonder of U.

          Every Jojo’s copypasta

          Cheese capers should learn to stop back talking infernals or higher

            Cheese capers should learn to stop back talking infernals or higher. If someone with a cheese cape has an opinion that differs from an infernal's, the cheese caper should NOT try to reason with the infernal. He shouldn't ask why either. He should take what the infernal says as fact without talking back. Too many times, I've seen a cheese caper backtalk an infernal, and it's disgusting, because the cheese caper is wrong most of the time. The only time a cheese caper is right is when 2,148,000,000 cheese capers are talking back to a single infernal. There's a reason why you're stuck in your cheese cape. It's because you think different than the infernals. Start thinking like an infernal.

            One time when I was 8 I was at the duel arena

              One time when I was 8 I was at the duel arena and I didnt know what pures were and there was a level 65 pure and i was level 80 something and he offered to duel me for my guthix full helm which was like 150k. thinking he was just a noob i thought it would be easy money til he ice blitzed me in my full granite to death. i cried for about 15 minutes til my mom got on there and started asking him to give it back because i was only 8 and i didnt know what i was doing. the guy replied that he would make me think i won it from him if i staked my granite maul and my mom thought he was nice until he ice blitzed me again for my gmaul and i cried to sleep that night.