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International Yoga Day

    Happy 😏😄 Yoga Day 😎😘 SUCKAS ! Today is 💦💦 all 👀 about 💦☝ stretching those HOES 👯♀ and 👏 FITTING them 😢🛄 with ❌ your DICK 🍆 So 🍽 send this to 💪🎶 all 🤰☑ of your 👉 TWISTED ⛓ ass 😍🍑 TWERKS . If you 🍑💪 get 🉐 10 🕳 back, you 😡 have 🈶🔒 CURLY HAIRED pussy 🍬💦 . If you 👉☠ get 20 back, 😘 you 👧 might be 🐝➡ a 😍🤣 LIL 😣👌 INHIBITED but you still 😽 got GOOD dick 👏 game. Get 💰 back 😌❔ and ➕👏 the 👏💯 dick 👌 is so 😂👈 BIG 💨🚀 that it 🔌💧 might ♂🤷 slap the 👏💌 back 🏃 of your THROAT Send this 👈🎊 to 🗣 other 🙌👪 STRETCHY SLUTS

    Every swear word

      Anus - butt
      Arse - butt
      Arsehole - butt
      Ass - butt
      Ass-hat - idiot
      Ass-jabber - homosexual
      Ass-pirate - homosexual
      Assbag - idiot
      Assbandit - homosexual
      Assbanger - homosexual
      Assbite - idiot
      Assclown - butt
      Asscock - idiot
      Asscracker - butt
      Asses - butts
      Assface - butt
      Assfuck - rear-loving
      Assfucker - homosexual
      Assgoblin - homosexual
      Asshat - butt
      Asshead - idiot
      Asshole - jerk
      Asshopper - homosexual
      Assjacker - homosexual
      Asslick - idiot
      Asslicker - Buttlicker
      Assmonkey - idiot
      Assmunch - idiot
      Assmuncher - butt
      Assnigger - Racial Slur
      Asspirate - homosexual
      Assshit - idiot
      Assshole - butt
      Asssucker - idiot
      Asswad - butt
      Asswipe - butt
      Axwound - female genitalia
      Bampot - idiot
      Bastard - illegitimate child
      Beaner - Mexican
      Bitch - female dog
      Bitchass - idiot
      Bitches - female dogs
      Bitchtits - homosexual
      Bitchy - mean
      Blow job - sexual act
      Blowjob - sexual act
      Bollocks - male genitalia
      Bollox - male genitalia
      Boner - erection
      Brotherfucker - homosexual
      Bullshit - poop
      Bumblefuck - homosexual
      Butt plug - cork
      Butt-pirate - homosexual
      Buttfucka - homosexual
      Buttfucker - homosexual
      Camel toe - female genitalia
      Carpetmuncher - homosexual
      Chesticle - Breast
      Chinc - Chinese
      Chink - asian
      Choad - male genitalia
      Chode - small penis
      Clit - female genitals
      Clitface - idiot
      Clitfuck - sexual act
      Clusterfuck - mess up
      Cock - penis
      Cockass - Jerk
      Cockbite - idiot
      Cockburger - idiot
      Cockface - idiot
      Cockfucker - idiot
      Cockhead - idiot
      Cockjockey - homosexual
      Cockknoker - homosexual
      Cockmaster - homosexual
      Cockmongler - homosexual
      Cockmongruel - homosexual
      Cockmonkey - idiot
      Cockmuncher - homosexual
      Cocknose - idiot
      Cocknugget - idiot
      Cockshit - idiot
      Cocksmith - homosexual
      Cocksmoke - homosexual
      Cocksmoker - homosexual
      Cocksniffer - homosexual
      Cocksucker - homosexual
      Cockwaffle - idiot
      Coochie - female genitalia
      Coochy - female genitalia
      Coon - African American
      Cooter - vagina
      Cracker - Caucasian
      Cum - semen
      Cumbubble - idiot
      Cumdumpster - prostitute
      Cumguzzler - homosexual
      Cumjockey - homosexual
      Cumslut - dirty girl
      Cumtart - idiot
      Cunnie - female genitalia
      Cunnilingus - sexual act
      Cunt - vagina
      Cuntass - idiot
      Cuntface - idiot
      Cunthole - female genitalia
      Cuntlicker - homosexual
      Cuntrag - idiot
      Cuntslut - idiot
      Dago - Italian
      Damn - darn
      Deggo - Italian
      Dick - penis
      Dick-sneeze - orgasm
      Dickbag - idiot
      Dickbeaters - Hands
      Dickface - idiot
      Dickfuck - idiot
      Dickfucker - homosexual
      Dickhead - phallace face
      Dickhole - male genitalia
      Dickjuice - semen
      Dickmilk - sperm
      Dickmonger - homosexual
      Dicks - penises
      Dickslap - sexual act
      Dicksucker - homosexual
      Dicksucking - sexual act
      Dicktickler - homosexual
      Dickwad - idiot
      Dickweasel - idiot
      Dickweed - idiot
      Dickwod - idiot
      Dike - homosexual
      Dildo - sexual toy
      Dipshit - idiot
      Doochbag - idiot
      Dookie - poop
      Douche - female hygene product
      Douche-fag - idiot
      Douchebag - female hygene accessory
      Douchewaffle - homosexual
      Dumass - idiot
      Dumb ass - idiot
      Dumbass - idiot
      Dumbfuck - idiot
      Dumbshit - idiot
      Dumshit - idiot
      Dyke - homosexual
      Fag - homosexual
      Fagbag - homosexual
      Fagfucker - homosexual
      Faggit - homosexual
      Faggot - homosexual
      Faggotcock - homosexual
      Fagtard - homosexual idiot
      Fatass - a fat person
      Fellatio - sexual act
      Feltch - sexual act
      Flamer - homosexual
      Fuck - fornicate
      Fuckass - idiot
      Fuckbag - idiot
      Fuckboy - idiot
      Fuckbrain - idiot
      Fuckbutt - butt
      Fuckbutter - Sexual fluids
      Fucked - had intercourse
      Fucker - fornicator
      Fuckersucker - idiot
      Fuckface - idiot
      Fuckhead - butt
      Fuckhole - jerk
      Fuckin - sexual act
      Fucking - freaking
      Fucknut - idiot
      Fucknutt - idiot
      Fuckoff - go away
      Fucks - sexual act
      Fuckstick - male genitalia
      Fucktard - Moron
      Fucktart - idiot
      Fuckup - idiot
      Fuckwad - idiot
      Fuckwit - dummy
      Fuckwitt - idiot
      Fudgepacker - homosexual
      Gay - homosexual
      Gayass - butt
      Gaybob - homosexual
      Gaydo - homosexual
      Gayfuck - homosexual
      Gayfuckist - homosexual
      Gaylord - homosexual
      Gaytard - homosexual
      Gaywad - homosexual
      Goddamn - goshdarn
      Goddamnit - goshdarnit
      Gooch - female genitalia
      Gook - Chinese
      Gringo - foreigner
      Guido - italian
      Handjob - sexual act
      Hard on - erection
      Heeb - Jewish Person
      Hell - heck
      Ho - woman
      Hoe - Woman
      Homo - homosexual
      Homodumbshit - idiot
      Honkey - white person
      Humping - sexual act
      Jackass - idiot
      Jagoff - idiot
      Jap - japanesse person
      Jerk off - masturbate
      Jerkass - idiot
      Jigaboo - African American
      Jizz - Semen
      Jungle bunny - african american
      Junglebunny - african american
      Kike - Jewish Person
      Kooch - female genitalia
      Kootch - female genitalia
      Kraut - german
      Kunt - female genitalia
      Kyke - Jewish person
      Lameass - loser
      Lardass - overweight individual
      Lesbian - homosexual
      Lesbo - homosexual
      Lezzie - homosexual
      Mcfagget - homosexual
      Mick - irish
      Minge - female genitalia
      Mothafucka - Jerk
      Mothafuckin' - mother loving
      Motherfucker - mother lover
      Motherfucking - fornicating with mother
      Muff - female genitalia
      Muffdiver - homosexual
      Munging - sexual act
      Negro - african american
      Nigaboo - African American
      Nigga - african american
      Nigger - african american
      Niggers - African Americans
      Niglet - african american child
      Nut sack - male genitalia
      Nutsack - male genitalia
      Paki - pakistanien
      Panooch - femail genitalia
      Pecker - Penis
      Peckerhead - idiot
      Penis - male genitalia
      Penisbanger - homosexual
      Penisfucker - homosexual
      Penispuffer - homosexual
      Piss - urinate
      Pissed - urinated
      Pissed off - angry
      Pissflaps - female genitalia
      Polesmoker - homosexual
      Pollock - polish person
      Poon - female genitals
      Poonani - female genitalia
      Poonany - vagina
      Poontang - female genitalia
      Porch monkey - african american
      Porchmonkey - African American
      Prick - penis
      Punanny - female genitalia
      Punta - female dog
      Pussies - Female Genitalias
      Pussy - female reproductive organ
      Pussylicking - sexual act
      Puto - idiot
      Queef - vaginal fart.
      Queer - homosexual
      Queerbait - homosexual
      Queerhole - homosexual
      Renob - erection
      Rimjob - dirty sexual act
      Ruski - Russian
      Sand nigger - middle eastern
      Sandnigger - middle eastern
      Schlong - male genitalia
      Scrote - male genitalia
      Shit - poop
      Shitass - idiot
      Shitbag - idiot
      Shitbagger - idiot
      Shitbrains - idiot
      Shitbreath - Bad Breath
      Shitcanned - Fired
      Shitcunt - idiot
      Shitdick - idiot
      Shitface - pooface
      Shitfaced - Drunk
      Shithead - jerk
      Shithole - idiot
      Shithouse - bathroom
      Shitspitter - butt
      Shitstain - poop
      Shitter - defecator
      Shittiest - worst
      Shitting - pooping
      Shitty - bad
      Shiz - poop
      Shiznit - poop
      Skank - dirty girl
      Skeet - semen
      Skullfuck - sexual act
      Slut - sexually popular woman
      Slutbag - sexually popular woman
      Smeg - poop
      Snatch - female genitalia
      Spic - mexican
      Spick - mexican american
      Splooge - ejaculate
      Spook - White person
      Suckass - idiot
      Tard - mentally challenged
      Testicle - male genitalia
      Thundercunt - idiot
      Tit - breast
      Titfuck - sexual act
      Tits - breasts
      Tittyfuck - sexual act
      Twat - female genitals
      Twatlips - idiot
      Twats - vaginas
      Twatwaffle - homosexual
      Unclefucker - homosexual
      Va-j-j - female genitalia
      Vag - femail genitalia
      Vagina - female genitalia
      Vajayjay - female genitalia
      Vjayjay - female genitalia
      Wank - sexual act
      Wankjob - sexual act
      Wetback - Mexican
      Whore - hussy
      Whorebag - idiot
      Whoreface - idiot
      Wop - Italian

      Art Hoes

        I'm so fucking horny for art hoes. I want to fuck a coked-out tumblr hipster DIY aesthetic astrology thot in her lip gloss DSL mouth. I want to cum all over a girl with thick frame glasses and edge dyed bobcat bangs. Everytime I hear a THICK, waist-high-jean-clad braindead choker-wearing slutty wiccan minx say "yikes", "y'all", "big mood", "cancelled" or "this is a bop", I get an uncontrollable urge to run up to her and fondle her d cups and sweaty fat thighs. I want to pour ropes onto her contoured cheeks and neotenous faces and rhinoplatisized nose. I want to finger an art hoe through her jean overalls while pretending to be interested as she talks about van gogh and arctic monkeys and how david foster wallace fans suck and gilles deleuze and VICE news and 'union pool' in williamsburg and steven universe and homeopathy and saveur magazine and taking adderallto pass exams. IM SO. Fucking. Horny

        I goteth caught masturbating by mine father

          As the title says, my father walked in on me whilst I was jerkin the cherkin, "What is thee doing with thy genitalia!?" He screamed as he opened the door into my private chambers. I tried to lie and claim it was not what it looked like, but alas, it twas. My father immediately ran out of my room and into the courtyard of our palace, "Father! Father!" I yelled out in vein as my papa kicked his horse led carriage into action, veering out of our palace grounds. What shall I do? Will I ever see him again?

          National Limerick Day

            💯It’s national LimerDICK🍆💦😮 day☀️😹 When SLUTS👅🙌 celebrate the birthday🎂🎉😘 Of big 🍌😫 DADDY👨🏻🤭 Lear🥵🥵🥵 It CUMS💦😛😂 once a year📆💥 😏So swallow 👅🤤some CUMMIES🤭 today💅🏻
            LimerLICK👅💦 some good pussy😼 tonight🌌 😛And deepthroat😮‍💨😵 every cock🐓🥒😝 that’s in sight🫣 🙏🏻Not all poems📝 are🗼DEEP 🌊😉 Or will put you to 💤sleep 😴 🛏️ 😵When you #️⃣POUND 🔨 that ass🥰🥰 in the moonlight🌝💫
            Before you spread🖐️ those 🤩Sexy Cheeks🍑😍🥵 👌🏻Send this to 🔟 HOetry freaks💋👀😂 If you dont🤡 it’s bad luck🛑😰 And it’s going to SUCK🤪🤮 😅’Cause you’ll get 🚫🙅🏻‍♀️RIDER’S block🙅🏻‍♀️🚫 for 🔟 weeks🪦😫🤣

            AITA for cumming on someone’s hotdog?

              I worked at a movie theatre selling snacks right? One day someone ordered a hot dog and asked for mayonnaise, but when I went to make the hot dog I realised something, we ran out of mayo. I tried telling him that I was going to go to the grocery store right across the hall (because the theatre was in a mall). He said he was in a rush because the 'Nigga Ballsack: Shaking of Thugs' Premiere Episode was going to play in 15 minutes and they would stop letting people in within 5 minutes before the show began, so I had to think quickly. But then a voice in my head told me to watch thug shaker porn. It was the perfect idea! I turned on my computer and went to r/thugsaucesthesequel. I rubbed my hard, throbbing, moist cock so hard that cum spurred out of my cock onto the hot dogs. I gave it to the customer and he payed, he then went to watch the show. Literally 15 minutes later he came back and asked me, "WHAT IS THIS??? I ASKED FOR MAYONNAISE." I said "So you want mayonaise? You rushed me, what could I do?" Little did I know, my hard, moist penis was still sticking out. But all of a sudden, I uncontrollably squirted all my cum all over him. "YOU ARE DISGUSTING" he yelled. But i squirted cum all over his mouth and he couldn't breath or speak. I let him struggle for a while, but because I sprayed cum in his nose, he couldn't breath, and he eventually stopped moving and died. Turns out, another employee saw the scene and called the cops. When the cops arrived, I also sprayed my cum on the cops. I blinded them with my cum. They started firing their guns all over the place and shot everyone in the movie thearater. I then saw police cars arrive, but it didn't matter. I shot cum all over the streets, and the cars crashed into each other. Eventually they sent the SWAT team and they arrested me, not before i killed 2 other swat officers with my cum. I was apprehended because I ran dry, I have to serve 36 years in jail, fuck the feds.