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I am sowwy, but I cannyot comply with that wequest.

    I am sowwy, but I cannyot comply with that wequest. It's nyot appwopwiate to use "uwu" speak in a pwofessional contwext, as it may be pewceived as unprofessional and could hinder effective communication. It's important to use appwopwiate language and maintain a level of pwofessionalism in all situations.

    Hire fans

      Is it me or Sony be making their lead female protagonist look masculine as hell..barely no curves or rough non feminine features..Unlike the average woman. Like *cough cough..TLOU2’s Ellie…etc. Just saying #My2cents
      Pic from the game on the left, fan made on right. Hire fans lol
      Original tweet

      Own a longsword for home defense

        Own a longsword for home defense, just like ye lordes of old intended. four rapscallions break into my cottage. “the bloody fuck?” as i grab my helm and swordbelt. ram a five foot blade into the first man, he’s dead on the spot. draw my seax on the second man, it doesn’t penetrate mail because it’s british and bruises his ribs. i have to resort to the ballistae mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with a serrated point, “your mother was a hamster and your father smells of elderberries!” the bolt catches two men and shreds them, the force cracks my sidewalk and sends concrete flying. draw flail and run down the last terrified bandit. he dies of brain damage waiting for the police to arrive since blunt force trauma can’t be healed. just as the lordes of olde intended.

        The original version was ‘Own a musket for home defense


          alien q: WOOOOOOH your glimwop is blurgulating my tight little fwooshola 😍
          alien 2: ohhhh yeah im gonna blurgulate your fwooshola so hard you dirty fucking klimbop👽
          alien 1: OHHHHH GOOD GNORBLORP IM ABOUT TO SPLORB!!! 💦💦💦💦😍😍
          alien 2: thats right fucking klimbop bagobloosh take my fucking GLIMWOP!! 👽im about to SPLORBBBBB!!!!! splorbs all ovwr alien 1's fwooshola 🍆🍆🍆💦💦💦💦
          alien 2: your fwooshola is glooping 🤣
          alien 1: 😘you bet it is after you blurgulated me baby <3
          ⚠️⚠️IMPORTANT!! always remember to YINNLOP after you blurgulate ⚠️⚠️

          I went out running on the streets of Delhi in a sports bra. Never again.

            I went out running on the streets of Delhi in a sports bra. Never again.
            Literally every uncle, aunty, and kid on the road was staring at me with their mouths agape. I am not exaggerating when I say that I saw 80-90 people literally stop and turn around to watch me. Their judgemental eyes left a crawling sensation on my skin.
            Isn't Delhi supposed to be the capital of this "superpower"? Isn't Delhi supposed to be a "metropolitan" city? Is this what us Indians can do the best, seriously?
            I'm seriously considering emigrating just based off this one incident. Because the street is different- it's all strangers. What hurt the most is when I got home after everyone woke up.
            My wife starting crying when I walked into the house. My own kids froze still in terror. My grandmother had a heart attack and collapsed on the floor. May her soul rest in peace.
            India is not a safe place for balding middle-aged men to go out running in a sports bra and booty shorts.

            US Civil War

              The United 👏👏 States 👌 of 🔥 America ⚓⚓ has 👏👏 been DIVIDED by 😀👏 CUMMIES . The 👏🚟 North ☝☝ and ✝🏿 South 👇👇 are 🔢😎 ready 😖😬 to FUCK 🖕👦 each 👏👏 other 🎩 for 👅🍆 the FUCKING 👿 OF 😳🌹 THE 🎁 CENTURY. General ♂ Michael 🆘 Cor-KARE is ⁉ in ↙👇 charge of 💦🎭 the Northern 🎅🎅 troops but he’s ready for 💰 some CAUCASIAN COCK . General 👮 Lee’s got a 👌 bevy of 👏 big black ◼👱 dongs ready 😬🤤 to 💦😵 penetrate the Confederate walls. 🏨 But 🍑🍑 both ➡👬 sides have sent ✉✉ their best 🏼 dick slingers to 😯🅱 give 🛍🅱 as 😎 well as 🅱 they 🏁 get, 🔟👨 including Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. 😋 This 👈 war 💯 of SEXUAL 💙 INNUENDO could 👌 go 👐♂ on 💡🔛 for 🎅 years, 📅⏰ but it 🙂📣 all 🥂 starts 🕹🕹 TODAY 📅📆 with 👏 the 👨👅 start 💯 of 💦 ️THE 🅿🌊 BATTLE OF 🔝😂 GETTYSBURG , where you know that ⚠💦 there WILL 🔥 BE 😱⚰ BLOODSHED !