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Drinking Aqua’s pee from Konosuba

    Drinking Aqua's pee from konosuba would be the freshest, most purest way to drink water. as a goddess of water she has natural purification abilities and even been shown to accidently affects cups of tea that she serves. so I imaging the liquids being stored in her bladder can be "purified" and the fact it's always in in direct physical contact with her, her pee would be in a consistent state of purifying in her. i would use her body as my personal water cooler. drinking that pure, crystal clear water straight from the tap, ready to serve at my beckon call. i would make her drink non-stop so she will always be ready for produce fresh water for me to drink. i would drink from it every day, in the moring when she wakes up, at lunch while i enjoy my meal, in the evening when I'm feeling a little parch. i would just rip off her panties and go to town on ger clit until she climaxes her gallons of life giving, pure holy water. sometimes i might not even drink any water and just watch her squirm with her full bladder of the world's freshest water. if she pees herself it would be just fine since it's not even pee but just water at that point. she wouldn't go a whole hour without feeling the need to pee, and i as her master will only allow her to relieve herself in my mouth


      I - AM A VIRGIN, DR. HAAAN!!!
      I am I am... a virgin! I am... a virgin I AM A VIRGIN! I AM- I AM A VIRGIN!!!! I AM A VIRGIN!!!! I AM A VIRGIN!

      Based on the original ‘I AM A SURGEON!

      I want a boyfriend

        I want a boyfriend. I want a boyfriend so baaaad. Not because of the sexual stuff… well maybe a little. But the desire inside me to spoil a man— cook for him, buy him stuff and such because it made me thought of him, watch trashy movies and stuff our faces with foods, dance with him, listen to his endless talks and me constantly ask for a kiss just because I thought it’s cute, send funny memes and tiktoks
        I have so much love inside and it makes me sad knowing that no one is there for me.. that I am destined to be alone :< I’m a nice person… I know I am. It’s nice to have all this peace and calm when you’re alone but admit it or not, it’s nicer and feels better if you know you have the person you can home.
        So please universe, be nice and send me a kind and funny boyfriend 🥹🥹 Dali na kasi huhu

        My boyfriend’s foreplay is tetris

          I (F22) met my boyfriend (M18) on and have been together for 1 year. We are long-distance and communicate primarily via Discord. We are very happy together and have many interests in common, primarily Tetris. We have recently started to move our relationship forward in intimacy which has caused multiple problems.
          First, his rank is higher than mine. But the thing is, I've been playing solo on my own so I'm now only 2 levels behind him. He's getting really passive aggressive about it too. ;( Second, he moans whenever he places a T-spin. It was funny at first, but now it is bothering me. He insists it "gets him in the mood." Which leads me to my next point:
          Third, he cannot begin to be intimate without first winning a TetraLeague game. I am crazy in love with this man, but when we try to move further (via phone), he first must win a game (all while moaning) and makes me sit in listen. Even after he wins, when we are in the midst of foreplay, he will talk about how he "loves my tetris strategy" and refers to his dick as a "line piece entering my middle well". When he comes, he moans "ALL CLEAR".
          Is this relationship worth saving? I envision a future with this man and I really love him, but I need help overcoming this hurdle in our relationship.
          TLDR: my boyfriend refers to tetris in inappropriate moments. How do I make him stop?

          Taco ‘Guys, if you think we are good, let’s prove it now’

            Taco: "actually, I remember one time we were playing against Cloud 9, Inferno, and it was 15-3 to C9, we were playing as CT, C9 as T, and Fallen said:
            'Guys, if you think we are good, let's prove it now'. 15-3"
            Fallen: "did we comeback?"
            Taco: "of course not. 16-3"


            "Actually, I remember one time, we were playing against Denver, Conference Finals, and it was 3-0 to the Nuggets. And LeBron said, 'Guys, if you think we are good, let's prove it now.'"
            "Did you come back?"
            "Of course not. 4-0."

            HBO Max is now Max

              📺🔥 Yo, 🤰 💦🎤 brace yourselves ⁉️❓❓🤔🤔 ⁉️❓❓🤔🤔 for 💦 🙌 some 🍌 🤣 mind-bending news! 📰 🇳🇿🌚 HBO Max? Nah, ❌ 😬 that's 🍆 🎊 old 📅 👅 news 📰 🇳🇿🌚 now, 🍑 ❓❗❓❗❓❗❓❗ my 👅 🧚 peeps. Say 💬 👑 hello 😍👋🏽 👋🤔 to MAX, the unhinged, wild 😂💯💯 🐅 child 👶 👼🤱🏼 of the streaming 😭 😭 world! 🌎 🌍 🤯🔥🚀 Prepare 🙍🏾 🤞🏽 for 🈺 🍆 a trip 🛄 📷 down 🔻 👇🔽 the rabbit 🐇 🐇 hole 🕳 🦫 because 🤷 ❌👮 MAX is here 😔 💅🎉 to blow 🌬 🌬️ your 👉 ⚠️ mind! 🧠 🤯 They've 👥 👥 shed their 🧏 👥 HBO skin 🤔 🤷‍♀️ and emerged 📳 📳 as a fearless, no-holds-barred streaming 😭 😭😭 beast! 💪 💪 😱💥💥 It's like 💖👍 ⁉️ the streaming 😭 😭😭 universe ✨🌹🥺 🎇🎆🌌 just 🤡 👏👍 got 🎮 💰 a shot 🔫 🥃 of adrenaline straight ❌ 📏 to the heart! ❤️ 👩‍❤‍👩 MAX is breaking 📦 😩 free 💬 🏇🆓 from 😬 💫 the norms, shedding 🌳 🌳 all 💯 🌎 inhibitions and going 🏃 🏃😧 full-throttle into 😫😩🍑 💦 uncharted territories! 🇰🇼 🇰🇼 Hold 🛂 👫 on 🏽😎 👄 tight! 🍥 👊 🌪️🔥🤪 MAX is turning 💃 💃 streaming 😭😭 ⛵ upside 🙃 🙃 down, 👇👩 ⤵️🔻🙃👇🔻👇⬇️👇 inside 💠 💠 out, 😛🚪 🐜 and sideways! Forget 💭🤔💡 🧠 about 🎓🧎 💦😏 the old 🧓 🔘 rules—this is the wild 😂💯💯 🐅 west ⬅ ⬅ of content! 🌎 🌎 Buckle up, 📷 🗣️🚫 my 👈 😯 friends, 👫👬👭 🐷 because 🧏‍♀️ 🤔 things 🕑 🤭 are about 🌈 💦 to get 🤲🏻 👆🏻 absolutely 💯🙅 🙀 bananas! 🐒🍌🔥 Explosions of madness, jaw-dropping plot twists, and mind-altering entertainment 🎣 🎣 await you 🙆🏿😀◻️ 👈 on 🔛🔛 😰 MAX. They've 👥 👥 unleashed their 💴 💴 untamed spirit 👻 👻 and it's a rollercoaster 🎢 🎢 ride 🏇 🏃 you'll 💙 💙 never 😤🙅‍♀️ ❌ forget! 👋🏾 👋🏾 🎢🤪🌟 So get 🉐 🎓 ready 😏 😏😛🍆 to have 👏👌 🤲🏽 your 👩‍🌾 👉 reality 😍 😍 shattered and your 🌈 👈 imagination set 📺 👌 free! 🥰💖🤩⚡ 💜 MAX is the embodiment 😍 😍 of chaos, 🌋 🌋 ready 😀 🤗😎 to whisk you 👈 👇 away 😞 👋 on 👌🏼 💂 a journey 🛄 🛄 where 🐕🌵 👬 anything 💦 🌍🚫 and everything 🙌 🌐 is possible! 🤔 🔝 🌌🔮💥 It's a streaming ⛵ 😭 revolution 😍🍆 😍🍆 like 🥰 🐌 no 😱 🚫 other. 😪 👪👪 HBO Max has 🈶 👍 shed its old 👵 📺 identity 🆔 🆔 and transformed into 😫😩🍑 🚪 MAX, the ultimate 💯 💯 expression of untamed streaming 😭 😭 energy! 💥💥 💥💥 Brace yourself, 👈👏 👌 folks—MAX is here ⛄👇 🈁 to blow 🍃 💥☝️ your 🏼🏾 👉 freaking 🤬 🤬 mind! 🧠 🧠 🤯🔥