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Overlord Ainz-sama

    Ainz Ooal Gown
    Yesterday I was looking browsing through Walmart on my mobility scooter(a Divine equipment). And I came across a model of a skeleton but something just seemed off about it then I realized what’s wrong. It had a almost uncanny resemblance to Ainz-sama. And something clicked inside of my mind. THAT BITCH, God has stolen the great and wonderful designs of Ainz-sama and made his own inferior copy. And guess what?!? He did not even credit the Great Maruyama at all for coming up with the designs of skeletons. And he thought he was so smart that he even traveled back in time before Overlord was made and made everyone believe that he was the creator of skeletons. But I, with my infinite intellect know far better who the original creator was. So I quickly grabbed some chicken tendies(a powerful regen item), honey mussy( another item that is used with the chicken tendies would boost its effects) and choccy milky( stamina and speed potion). And I casted a 8 th tier magic on my mobility scooter to speed it up. And I quickly drove my way to the nearest Church.
    I confronted the priest asked him to tell God that I know where he got the ideas of skeletons from. And that he better credit Maruyama for his ideas. But he dared had the gall to call me INSaNE?!?? And that God invented it before Maruyama. I then tried to counter by saying God traveled back in time to make it seem like he made it first but that priest just dismissed me. Now thoroughly enraged and knowing priest is also involved in this. I know what I must do, I must defeat all enemies of Ainz-sama even god himself. I let out the Cry of Banshee dealing damage to everyone around me. The priest tried to push me, I laugh as how could a measly level 50 priest best I a level 500 pounds in strength. This where he made his fatal mistake by coming closer the priest entered the range of my Pestilence Aura a passive ability that does poison damage to those around me. When he took a breath he reeled back in horror at my power, saying, “You smell like absolute shit” or “I gonna be sick”. He tried desperately to cast holy magic to purify himself but he was too late. During that gap in time a managed to cast my super tier spell ( Steel Rampage) directly running him over with my mobility scooters Defeating him in a single move. The people around where stunned by my show of force and quickly retreated some calling for help. Satisfied with my victory. I Went on my way to my lair to try to comprehend the greatness of Ainz-sama.
    But that was not be, it seemed that priest had some friends. Two high level beings called ‘police officers’ were trying to capture and punish me. I tried to defend my actions saying God dare to disgrace such a holy work like Overlord and I had to get revenge. But they had none of it, then something that makes by blood boil with rage till this day, one of them said…, “isn’t it that gay shit called anime?”. That is it… I felt nothing then a boiling ocean of rage washed over me. THeY DARE!??!??!? Call me a “fat retard”, “looser”, “pedophile”, “anime fag”, I can take that but I cannot let them show such disrespect to Overlord. I originally wanted to resolve this peacefully as I am someone with a gentle heart but I cannot them say such a thing and get away with it. I let out a war cry again casting ( Cry of Banshee) and expanded my Pestilence Aura by shitting myself. I reached into my pants and grabbed globs of toxic fireballs a 8 th rank spell. And started launching it at them one of them managed to dodge but the other wasn’t so lucky. As I hit him right in the face. He immediately fell to the floor screaming,”Oh god it fucking burns” or “it’s in my mouth”. The other one seeing his ally in such a state immediately called for help. Here I casted my super tier spell (Steel Rampage) but I made a fatal mistake. Some toxic fire balls got into the wheels of my mobility scooter and I slipped and fell out of it. Now without my divine item, my movement speed fell back down to almost zero and I layed on the hard pavement and realized I just lost.
    The cops managed to arrest me but they needed a high level item called a forklift to capture me. And sent me to the world called Prison for a day where I was released because I was “ mentally retarded”. Now here I am in my coom cave sobbing. I have realized something, us Overlord fans are a oppressed group of people. God stole the hard work of Maruyama and when I seeked retribution I was met with a harsh slap. We will be silenced no longer!!!!!!! We need to spread the mistreatment and oppression of Overlord fans. We will no longer be victims of society!!!!

    okay so 18 pounds of cokane, 12 pounds of crake and 7 male stripers.

      This MLP panel is from an old comic called ‘Master Chief and Luna Hanging Out’, it was 99 pages of early 2010’s DeviantArt nonsense that disappeared when the artist, thet7770ify, deleted their account. This is one of the few surviving panels and comic is actually considered as lost media.

      okay so 18 pounds of cokane, 12 pounds of crake and 7 male stripers. but make sure none of them are white, i cant see the coke on them if they are

      I will literally never support Mori, Kronii, Baelz or Ame in any way shape or form ever.

        I will literally never support Mori, Kronii, Baelz or Ame in any way shape or form ever. I will always think of them as lesser, I will always hate them, and I will always avoid content that includes them in any way shape or form. The reason is simple. They are anathema to HoloLive and the values of cute girls doing cute things. They have shown through their words and actions that they are not the right fit for HoloLive and that they don’t belong there. Moreover they have shown that instead of trying to fit in, they would rather take radical measures to try and change HoloLive. HoloLive should not have to suffer people who are just there to cynically funnel attention to their roommates, lazy ironic weebs or spiteful bitches.
        >Y-you should forgive her! 
        >S-shes changed, she’s better now 
        No she hasn’t and even if she has, I don’t care, she will never be forgiven for her past sins.
        >Y-your information is months/years out of date 
        Possibly, because that’s when I stopped watching them. As I said, I’m not going to forgive them.
        >Don’t you believe in second chances? 
        All these girls had multiple chances and at every opportunity, they fucked it up. They showed they would rather “own the haters” or rather get up on a soapbox and dispense their stupid uninformed opinions to the legions of people who support them. What a lot of people fail to recognize is that HoloLive IS a second chance. These girls failed at being fucking waitresses. They couldn’t even do a basic service job. Just by being in HoloLive, they are being given a wonderful opportunity to make the kind of money 99% of the world will never see and they should be grateful because none of them could hack it in the real world. But instead of being grateful, they got full of themselves, and decided to try the “my way or the highway” approach.
        >Y-youre just a schizo anti! 
        ACTUALLY I’m being hyper rational. I gave all these girls chances and they all chose to make bad decisions. I do not harass them on twitter, I don’t stalk them, I don’t even leave negative comments on their videos. I just simply do not watch them, I do not buy their merch, and I tell everyone on this discussion forum that I do not like them and that others should not watch them either. I inform people who are new, who may not know why they are hated, of the things these girls did in the past and why people have a sour view of them now. Obviously I cannot make other people stop supporting them, everyone is free to do what they want. But I will warn others of the type of shit they’ve pulled in the past and consequently the type of person they’ve shown themselves to be.
        TL;DR These girls are not worth your time or money. There are plenty of other girls who are.

        Why does the WRX exist??

          I have a genuine question. Why does the WRX exist?? It ain't quick, lacks power, has poor fuel economy, has no LSD, and has questionable reliability. There should only be WRX STI. Most people would take an STI. In the Subaru lineup, it's THE car you want. A performance sedan should give you performance. A WRX is like Capri pants. It ain't pants or shorts. An STI is like a nice racing suit. I get you can't have everything but at least give the power. I never understood the point of making a performance sedan and then making a high-performance version of the performance sedan. Give us the real deal bro. You don't see Toyota making a less powerful GR Corolla.

          That’s it? That’s the copypasta? That was just PORN.

            That's it? That's the copypasta? That was just PORN. I swear to fucking god I will fucking FUCK you, you fucking stupid piece of fucking shit, you think you’re so slick trying to slip in your fucking erotica on over here? Well you know what else is fucking slick? I bet your fucking boypussy is slick, all moist after you’ve gooned yourself to your masturbatory, sorry, wad of shit fuck text that you try to pass off as a copypasta. What the fuck is here to copy paste huh? What fucking dumbfuck fuck scenario am I to be in to be copypasting about just straight up fucking sex. Has AskReddit fucking rot your mind so much that the only fucking interesting thing your dehydrated testicle of a brain could come up with is just porn??? What am I suppose to do with this text, there wasnt even anything funny or absurd about it. You just talked about sex, thats it, it’s just fucking sex, it’s just fucking fuck fucking fuck you. HAHAHAHAHA tits HAHAHAHAHA dick HAHAHAHAHA damn, that was so entertaining guys, Im so entertained, god im so entertained right now, im so entertained I might start crying. Hahaha, wouldnt it be funny if I started crying guys? Guys I think that would be real funny, just collapse on the floor and turn into a slobbering mess, just cry it all out, wouldnt that be funny? God I think that would be funny. Yeah that would actually be really funny. You know what, you gave me a real good laugh OP, youre not as bad as I thought. As a thank you for that hearty chuckle, you can impregnate my sister.


            That's it? That's the MEME? That was just PORN. I swear to fucking god I will fucking FUCK you, you fucking stupid piece of fucking shit, you think you’re so slick trying to slip in your fucking erotica on over here? Well you know what else is fucking slick? I bet your fucking boypussy is slick, all moist after you’ve gooned yourself to your masturbatory, sorry, wad of shit fuck text that you try to pass off as a MEME. What the fuck is here to MEMED huh? What fucking dumbfuck fuck scenario am I to be in to be MEMEING about just straight up fucking sex. Has AskReddit fucking rot your mind so much that the only fucking interesting thing your dehydrated testicle of a brain could come up with is just porn??? What am I suppose to do with this MEME, there wasnt even anything funny or absurd about it. You just talked about sex, thats it, it’s just fucking sex, it’s just fucking fuck fucking fuck you. HAHAHAHAHA tits HAHAHAHAHA dick HAHAHAHAHA damn, that was so entertaining guys, Im so entertained, god im so entertained right now, im so entertained I might start crying. Hahaha, wouldnt it be funny if I started crying guys? Guys I think that would be real funny, just collapse on the floor and turn into a slobbering mess, just cry it all out, wouldnt that be funny? God I think that would be funny. Yeah that would actually be really funny. You know what, you gave me a real good laugh OP, youre not as bad as I thought. As a thank you for that hearty chuckle, you can impregnate my sister.

            Drake Leak Analysis

              Drake fake leak dick pic
              yo so drake got the 15 pro or the pro max, so thats either 5.77 inches or 6.30 inches. if you assume that hes holding it from the 1/3rd point of his piece, then he's hitting !bbc range, but if its a 15 pro not max, then he's hitting BBCJR range. Anyone know what phone it is?