Its the “Own a musket for home defense” copypasta but changed into a Lich gun from Warframe.
Own a Kuva Chakkhurr for home defense, since that’s what the Queens intended. Four tenno breach into my galleon. "Found you!" As I grab my helmet and Mars rifle. Blow a redbull can sized hole in the first one, he’s downed on the spot. Draw my Stug on the second, miss him entirely because it’s a Stug and nail a thrall’s Drahk. I have to resort to the Rampart mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with toxin. "Nice helmet! I'll use it to serve dip." The toxin rounds shreds two tenno in the volley since it ignores shields, the sound spooking a sentry and making him lockdown the whole ship. Use Overload and charge the last pathetic worm. He bleeds out without being able to self revive since he didn’t bother unlocking his waybounds and perpetually runs Zenurik. Just as the Queens intended.