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… Ok, so how is Potemkin low tier?

    Potemkin copypasta
    ... Ok, so how is Potemkin low tier?
    - Potemkin Buster is completely non-interactive. Not only do you just watch your health instantly disappear, but you literally can't tech it, meaning the potemkin can just grab you with his big meaty fingers. What are you gonna do, mash on it and die? Also, the buster gives oki, so if you ever go into his reach of his meaty, sweaty hands and get grabbed, you just die. 50% health drain + guard crush oki = Auto death.
    - "He has bad tools" He actively kills you if he ever grabs you. Literally the only character in fighting games who doesn't need to use his tools because busting is just so good. Other characters have to manage meters to access their tools, like Hakumen (who's lame), and Hakumen doesn't just automatically kill you if he gets close to you.
    - "But you can jump command grab to not die!" HPB.
    - His so-called "bad defense" is isn't even a real downside. Other DPs just knock you away. Potemkin's super prc into buster is his wincon. Also, did I mention he actively kills you if he gets his big, meaty, tender hands around you?
    - "All characters do high damage! Look at this 90% combo on Chipp!" You probably think "Every character has high damage. It's Guilty Gear Strive. You can press four buttons and do, like, 60% in this game. That's not special." but Potemkin's combo is some stick twirling and a single button for 170%+ damage.
    - "He has bad buttons!" The're slow as shit, but they have good reach. And 6k lets him do kara buster from fullscreen that cannot be countered at all.
    - Every other character has a double jump or air dash to alter air momentum. This makes anti-airs hard, but he can just Heavenly Potemkin Buster and you cease to exist.
    - "He has bad pressure cuz the lack of mix" Sure, this is literally a game where Happy Chaos just gets to press HS, and Millia can do a 4-way mixup off of a knockdown, but you think that's comparable pressure? He actively kills you with a single, passionate grab.
    - He doesn't have a grounded dash... except for the command dash that armors and can be prc'd into his tender, loving embrace.
    - He doesn't have an aerial dash at all, and his jumps are slow, until he megafists and then follows up with a sweaty, juicy, tender, amazing buster.
    And I bet you're just gonna make the "blame the beasts" joke instead of actually countering any of my points lmao.

    The original pasta was about “Nagoriuki