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Oh my god drop the porn addict shit

    oh my god drop the porn addict shit dude A porn addict would have their dick in their hand on the constant. They would be unable to stop and they would be unable to focus unless they have their hand on their dick or a finger in their puss. Your painting me as someone who watches people fuck like a 4 year old watches cocomelon. And to that I say, I listen to porn not watch it. It's more stimulating. But thats besides the point, right now I wanna focus on the fact that your painting me like someone who wont shut up about it, can't not talk about it, wont talk about anything else other than sex. Which isn't true. Of course your kind of forcing my hand to talk about it, but fun fact! I do talk about other things. When it comes to people I actually, oh Idunno, care about, I do talk about other stuff and throw in a horny joke because its FUCKING FUNNY. I make jokes about current conversation and if I can turn it from T for Teens to M for Mature with one sentence and its tasteful? Hell yeah i'm gonna do it. You've obviously never talked to (woman) with her filter off, or her friends, or my friends, or really anyone at this school. Sex really isn't that taboo of a subject especially when TEACHERS ARE MAKING JOKES ABOUT IT TOO. Is it common? No not at all, but i've been at the forefront of these jokes before. Front and center, best seat in the stadium to (teacher) making a sex joke, or that one time on the VERY FIRST FUCKING DAY someone made a daddy kink joke to (teacher). Directly to him and the entire class, no hesitation. So yeah. it may be my fault, but it sure as hell aint only my fault. I'm surrounded in it and one consistent thing i've seen with ALL THE PEOPLE LIKE THIS, including myself... We all stop if someone speaks up about being uncomfortable.
    So yeah, your gay.
        * guitar riff *