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Oh ✋👋 hello 👩 CEO 👸👸 of 🈹 feminism

    😚😘 Oh ✋👋 hello 👩 CEO 👸👸 of 🈹 feminism 💦💦💦 I 😎 got 👜 you 👉👑 something. 💪🏻🤴🏻🤜🏻👩🏾 I'm 😢 sorry 😥 if 💯 the 👆🏻 superior 🧠🧠 intellect 👀 and 😂 joking 🤣🤣 ability 😭 of the 🥒 male 🍆 species 🎮🎮🎮 is ⏩ greater ⏩ than ⏮ that of the lowly 🚮 femoid 👱🏼‍♀️🤛🏻 gender 🤢🤢🤮 and 🤭 thusly 🤓👆 you 💋🍆 are 🚫 unable 🚫 to 💔💔 appreciate 🤴 my 🎮 very 💯💯💯 high 📏 level 📏 of 😅😆 humors 😂😂😂 If 🤡 feminism 🤡 is so 👎🏻 great 🙅🏻‍♂️ why 🤷🏻‍♂️ do 🌌 males 👥 exist? 🥏🥏 Checkmate 🥏🥏 you 😡 triggered 🤬🤬🤬 femcucklib 💩