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Navy Seal copypasta but it’s Felix’s weapon and skills

    What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know that my weapon accelerates my Special cooldown by one to begin with. If I'm above 25% HP at the start of my turn, which I will be after your measly hits, and if my Special cooldown count is at its maximum value, my Special gets charged by 2, and this happens every turn. If I'm above 25% HP after combat, and my Special cooldown count is one less than my maximum count, my Special is charged by 1, so in case you thought you were safe by using that dumb Melancholy staff, think again. Once again, if your puny little hits failed to damage me enough to get me below 25% HP, I get +5 to all my stats, and I reduce your damage by 30%, including your AoE specials in case you thought you were being clever. And then, if you thought you were smart trying to get me alone, think again dipshit, because if I have no allies adjacent to me, I inflict -5 to your Atk, Spd and Def, so you just made it even worse, congrats. My Special is Godlike Reflexes, which deals 15% of my phenomal Spd stat as true fucking damage when my Special is ready, and if my Special is ready when you try to attack me, I'll reduce damage again by 40% if I outspeed your sorry slow ass, and in case you thought you can just use Deadeye on me, think again, because this damage reduction is unpiercable. Along with that, I have Atk/Spd Finish 4, which grants me another +7 to my Atk/Spd if I'm within three spaces of my ally, and if my Special is ready, which it will be because your wimpy face can't stop this unholy retribution, I recover 7 HP on each hit and deal EVEN MORE true damage with +5 on each hit. I have Atk/Spd Bulwark 3, which reduces your pathetic offenses even more by lowering your Atk/Spd by -4, and you can't even move around me, you have to face me like a MAN, unless you're a coward and run that useless Pass skill. Bulwark also recovers my HP by 7 after every combat, so if you thought you lowered my HP enough, guess again fucker. Finally, I have Spd Smoke 4, which, after any combat, even ones where I didn't attack, I gain +6 Spd and inflict -7 Spd on you and the idiots that work with you. That's right, a +13 swing in Spd, in case you thought you were outspeeding me. On top of that, I gain the Dodge status, which reduces damage up to 40% depending on how much I outspeed you, which I will get that full amount, kid. Your IP is being traced while I speak, I can kill you in the enemy phase and the player phase, I will use my entire arsenal of abilities to wipe you off the face of the fucking earth. You're fucking dead, kiddo.