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My wife had a nickname at college and I don’t know how I feel about it

    We've been married for 10 years and I always knew she was called the fuck rabbit. My best man at my wedding made a quip about it. She always assured me that she only had a small number of one night stands in college(including my best man) and got very upset talking about it and so I believed her.
    Anyway, the other night I was drunk after playing lawn bowls and a bit more forward with my passions. I was thrusting harder than normal and put a finger in her bum. All of a sudden she started to go crazy and yelling and then bit her bottom lip and retracted her top lip up and made a "fafafafafa" sound and then squeezed me really hard and then went to sleep. This has never happened before in 10 years.
    Now I know why she was called the fuck rabbit but feel insecure that its taken me 10 years to find out.