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my life has never been the same since i saw Ryo

    my life has never been the same since i saw ryo, now everyday the only thing that worries me is that i couldnt see her anymore. i feel dread all the time. every hour, every minute, every second. every moment i feel the dread knowing one day i have to let her go. i love her even before i let her go. so why must it come to an end? i know nothing lasts forever but couldnt life just spare me from despair just this once and let me be with her? does it really have to take away the only thing im living for from my embrace? its not really fair is it.... i havent done anything particularly bad to anyone, im pretty harmless. so why must i be punished? why is that one day i can no longer see ryo with my very own two eyes? i want her, i miss her, i need her, i love her....