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My husband plays WoW and he was upset that our upcoming newborn’s delivery is conflicting with his raid schedule.

    World of Warcraft copypasta
    I’ve never felt so hurt.
    I’ve tolerated his gaming habits for the entirety of the relationship because I don’t want to be the controlling wife and I want him to be happy. It’s only the past 3 years that he’s come to bed extremely late. He talks about the game all the time and I let him indulge in his info umping.
    I’m set to go to the hospital on Monday as I might be close to delivering our first child. He said that his raid with his guild is on Tuesday and Thursday and he’s fighting the final boss of mythic and this might be his only chance to do it. The baby might be delivered next week.
    I don’t know how I feel about this or how to process this. I’m so afraid he will choose the game over us.