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My gf’s breast stink

    It was a normal day and me and my gf met up at my house. Sooner or later we began to cuddle. When I went to lay my head on her chest I smelt a devious oder.
    It smelled like a rotten corpse mixed with expired milk.
    I then got up and went to the bathroom. What should I do? How do u tell her?
    UPDATE: I told her and it didn't go well at first. She was very sad that I told her she smelt bad since that's one of her biggest fears, but once she smelt herself she understood what I was saying.
    She said she took an everything shower and didnt know what the problem was. We then checked my house and found nothing so we walked to her house that she just newly moved into and began to smell the oder once again.
    We continued to walk until we got to her bedroom to where the oder was at its peak. We searched but couldn't find the source until my gf found a small crack in the wall from which to oder was pouring out. I took my phone flashlight and looked through the wall to find what looked like an eye ball.
    We jumped back in horror and she called her parents and siblings to come over just incase. Soon me, my gf, her 2 younger brothers, her mother, and her father were there. Her father began to tear through the wall in which dust partials poured from it. Then there it was, a carcass fell out the wall onto the floor.
    Horrified her mother frantically pushed her brothers out the room and called the cops. Rn were waiting for them to arrive but atleast we found the source of it all😅