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My gf screamed “Cornell” instead of my name in bed?

    So my girl is applying ED to Cornell University this year and has been talking about it nonstop for weeks. She’s been wanting this for as long as she’s known the school and mentions it anytime we’re together.
    I’m totally cool with that and have supported her through it all. She definitely has the stats to get in so I’m proud of her, but its an insane obsession now. She’s visited the school about 6 times and says how much she loves everything about the school and I mean EVERYTHING.
    The campus, programs, people, architecture, history, traditions, colors, mascot, shape, smell?
    She literally knows everything about the school and does Cornell trivia with me when we’re bored or asks me to help her write emails to professors she thinks she’ll have next year to tell them how much she “loves” their work.
    Last night we were doing it in bed, and everything was going smoothly. While she talked me through it I thought I heard her mumbling but couldn’t really make out what she was saying. But at the end she screamed “Cornell!” and calling it baby and was saying how much she wanted it so bad and would do anything for it. Instead of my name! She said Cornell!
    I asked her about it after and told me it didn’t mean anything and just kept rambling about how much she really wants the school. It doesn’t even sound like she’s talking about a school anymore.
    I know she’s stressed because of it, but I’m kind of hurt? Is this normal?

    Open other variations

    UC Berkeley

    So my girl is applying to UC Berkeley this year and has been talking about it nonstop for weeks. She’s been wanting this for as long as she’s known the school and mentions it anytime we’re together.
    I’m totally cool with that and have supported her through it all. She definitely has the stats to get in so I’m proud of her, but its an insane obsession now. She’s visited the school about 6 times and says how much she loves everything about the school and I mean EVERYTHING.
    The campus, programs, people, architecture, history, traditions, colors, mascot, shape, smell?
    She literally knows everything about the school and does Berkeley trivia with me when we’re bored or asks me to help her write emails to professors she thinks she’ll have next year to tell them how much she “loves” their work.
    Last night we were doing it in bed, and everything was going smoothly. While she talked me through it I thought I heard her mumbling but couldn’t really make out what she was saying. But at the end she screamed “Berkeley!” and calling it baby and was saying how much she wanted it so bad and would do anything for it. Instead of my name! She said Berkeley!
    I asked her about it after and she told me it didn’t mean anything and just kept rambling about how much she really wants the school. It doesn’t even sound like she’s talking about a school anymore.
    I know she’s stressed because of it, but I’m kind of hurt? Is this normal?

    UC Illinois

    My gf screamed “Illinois” instead of my name in bed?
    So my girl is applying to UIUC this year and has been talking about it nonstop for weeks. She’s been wanting this for as long as she’s known the school and mentions it anytime we’re together.
    I’m totally cool with that and have supported her through it all. She definitely has the stats to get in so I’m proud of her, but its an insane obsession now. She’s visited the school about 6 times and says how much she loves everything about the school and I mean EVERYTHING.
    The campus, programs, people, architecture, history, traditions, colors, mascot, shape, smell?
    She literally knows everything about the school and does Illinois trivia with me when we’re bored or asks me to help her write emails to professors she thinks she’ll have next year to tell them how much she “loves” their work.
    Last night we were doing it in bed, and everything was going smoothly. While she talked me through it I thought I heard her mumbling but couldn’t really make out what she was saying. But at the end she screamed “Illinois!” and calling it baby and was saying how much she wanted it so bad and would do anything for it. Instead of my name! She said Illinois!
    I asked her about it after and she told me it didn’t mean anything and just kept rambling about how much she really wants the school. It doesn’t even sound like she’s talking about a school anymore.
    I know she’s stressed because of it, but I’m kind of hurt? Is this normal?