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My boyfriend warded off a flasher by engaging him in a literal dick measuring contest (and winning)

    My (F23) boyfriend (M21) and I went away this past weekend to the coast.
    Overall, we had a lovely few days. However, yesterday morning we were going on a walk though a quiet little wooded area when an older pervy looking fella tried “flirting” with me by whipping his dick out and asking me if I wanted to be with a “real man”.
    I was completely taken aback by this guy’s brazenness. Sure, I’ve been flashed, harassed etc before but never right in front of my boyfriend. How would he react? Were we in danger?
    My boyfriend calmly told him, “She already has a man” and casually whipped his own out. Once he saw the size of it, the creeper soon backed off and left us alone.
    I couldn’t believe what just happened. My boyfriend can be very unorthodox and unpredictable in the way he chooses to handle situations (part of this is what attracted me to him) but this was too surreal. Honestly, I was just relieved that my boyfriend’s actions didn’t end up escalating the situation.
    When we got back to the car, I was like, “I can’t believe you just did that” and half-joked that I wish he was around the other dozen or so times I was harassed. He was surprised to learn that I had been harassed previously, so this little incident opened up a nice little dialogue between us which never existed before (I’m a very private person and try to just brush comments, catcalls etc off as and when they happen).